Читать книгу The Outlaws of Cave-in-Rock - Otto A. Rothert - Страница 3



Table of Contents

From an original oil painting by J. Bernhard Alberts, made in 1916
Interior of Cave-in-Rock 21
From a drawing by J. Bernhard Alberts made in 1916
Interior of Cave-in-Rock about 1825 33
From the original drawing by Charles Alexander Leseuer
Facsimile of News Item regarding Capture of Micajah Harpe 123
Dated, Lexington, Kentucky, September 10, 1799, and published in the Carolina Gazette, Charleston, S.C., October 24, 1799
Map showing Cave-in-Rock and the Natchez Trace, 1814 193
Facsimile of Passport issued to Samuel Mason 213
Written in French and issued by the Spanish Commandant of the District of New Madrid, March 29, 1800
Gallows Field, Jefferson County, Mississippi 259
From a drawing by J. Bernhard Alberts, made in 1917
Implements and Weapons used by the Outlaws 269
Entrance to the Cave and Lower End of Cave-in-Rock Bluff 299
From an original photograph made in 1917
View of Cave-in-Rock and Vicinity, 1833 323
Reproduced from Charles Bodmer’s drawing

The Outlaws of Cave-in-Rock

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