Читать книгу Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion: 2011 Edition - Pamela J.D. Dewey - Страница 37

The Allure


We live in a world full of turmoil. Especially since the events of 9/11/01, many people have much less of a sense of basic security than they have ever experienced before. More and more are fearful, not just of specific problems such as terrorist acts or wars, but of “the unknown” in general. The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon made it clear that there are forces in the world that could conspire to unleash the “totally unexpected” in a way never before experienced in the U.S..

Into this swirling uncertainty step teachers who claim to have The Keys to unlocking a future that is certain. They claim to be able to unveil the future so that their followers can have the assurance of knowing what’s next in the unfolding of history. Even though not one of them agrees totally with any other one of them regarding the details of these keys or the process of this unveiling, that makes little difference to those who are attracted to each one. For few people ever bother to compare the teachings of a wide variety of these teachers and groups. It is typical for an individual Bible student to be attracted to just one source of prophetic teaching, and to invest all of his/her energy into absorbing every bit of minutia put out by that one source.

They are usually not disappointed. Most End Times Prophecy ministries put out an endless stream of “amazing information”—at least once a month in a newsletter, perhaps once a week if they have a regular television show, and even more frequently if they have a website. This adds to their allure for those who wish to be constantly reassured with new evidence that their chosen prophecy guru is able to open the secrets of the Bible in regard to the times in which we live. In addition, the fact that they are kept in the know by their guru may give them a sense that they are among an elite group that has the special favor of God. Many such teachers feed this sense by affirming that their ministry is so important to the “Plan of God” for the world that supporters of that ministry are, indeed, part of what might be termed a Spiritual Special Forces brigade.

Field Guide to the Wild World of Religion: 2011 Edition

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