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Dear Reader,

Ideas knock on my door all the time. This time, however, the idea growled at me.

Years ago I was at Wildlife Zoo in Glendale, Arizona. I was near the big cats, and one big cat was actually right over my head. See, they had this netting that allowed the cats to jump up and rest right over where people walked. It seemed the black panther was looking down and saying something to me.

My writer’s imagination took over. Was he saying “This is boring”? Or “I’m hot”? Or even “You people really paid to come see me?” None of those were good enough. Not for this magnificent creature. Finally, I came up with “Where were you? I’ve been waiting for you.” And that’s how Katie’s Rescue was born. I looked at an exotic cat and wondered about his history, who he’d come into contact with, and who he had loved. And of course, in romance, who he had loved is a very important element, wouldn’t you say?

Quite a few people helped me with this novel. First, my critique group, who said, “Pam, this reads like a memoir! Put more romance in.” Then, there were the wonderful keepers at the Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium, the Phoenix Zoo and Out of Africa who deserve special thanks. Finally, it was Victoria Curran and Adrienne Macintosh who helped fine-tune it and bring the characters, animals and especially the romance to life.

I hope you enjoy reading Katie’s Rescue as much as I enjoyed writing it. When you’re done, visit a zoo and watch the black panthers. They’re amazing.

Ideas knock on my door all the time. Lately, there’s been a black bear pawing at it. Hmm, I think I’ll open the door wide and let my next idea growl... Er, I mean grow.

Have a great day!

Pamela Tracy

Katie's Rescue

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