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Chapter 2

Puzzled, Sean furrowed his eyebrows. Her words didn’t make sense, didn’t add up. Robyn was joking, had to be. He hadn’t seen his parents in months, but there was no way in hell his father had fingered him to the police. Not after everything he’d done over the years to make the Belleza Resort a success. Convinced Robyn was pulling his leg, he chuckled agreeably. “Good one,” he said, gesturing at her with his glass. “You almost fooled me.”

Silence descended over the table, filled the air with tension. Robyn dodged his gaze, wouldn’t look at him. The truth hit Sean like a fist to the gut, leaving him dazed and confused. How had his father turned against him? He knew things had been difficult between them, but he’d had no idea they were that bad.

“You have to return to the resort to clear your name,” Robyn said quietly.

No way, no how. I’d rather run naked through a burning building.

“Your family needs you,” she continued, raising her voice to be heard above the boisterous chatter in the dining room. “Kim’s putting up a brave front, but she could really use your love and support right now.”

Sean scoffed and shook his head. “My sister has all the answers, and I highly doubt she needs me, or anyone else, for that matter.”

Robyn flinched as if she’d been slapped and shot him an incredulous look. “How can you be so cold? Your sister’s going through a difficult time. Don’t you care?”

He didn’t, but he held his tongue. There was no use arguing with Robyn. He was mad at his family, disappointed that his kid sister had stolen the resort out from under him, and there was nothing Robyn could say to change the way he felt.

“You and Kim have always been so close and fiercely protective of each other.”

That was then, and this was now. Kim had betrayed him, and he wanted nothing to do with her.

“Do you agree with my parents?” Sean told himself it didn’t matter what Robyn believed, that she was just another smokin’-hot woman he was attracted to, but deep down he cared what she thought. They had a powerful attraction, a mind-blowing chemistry he’d never experienced before, and he wanted Robyn in his corner. “Do you think I’m out to destroy the Belleza?”

“If I did, I wouldn’t have called you. You’re a good guy, Sean, and I know you’d never do anything to hurt the people you love.”

Her words heartened him, lifted his spirits, and for the first time since quitting his job at the Belleza, he didn’t feel so alone. He felt understood, as if Robyn cared about him, and made a mental note to send her flowers after he returned to the SP Grill. Sean wanted to cook for Robyn, but before he could invite her over to his house for dinner, she dropped another bombshell. One so shocking he almost fell off his chair.

“A security guard said he saw you lurking around the premises just hours before the fire at the Ruby Retreat, and after your father questioned the guard, he contacted the police.”

What the hell? This can’t be happening. Sean felt as if he’d been kicked in the teeth by a horse, and needed a moment to catch his breath. He gripped his glass so hard he was surprised it didn’t shatter into a million pieces. His restaurant was due to open in a few weeks, and if the media found out about the security guard’s erroneous story, it could ruin him. “The guard is lying. I haven’t been back to the resort since I quit.”

“I believe you, and I want to help. Sean, put the past behind you, reconcile with your family and help the authorities catch the bastard who’s trying to ruin the Belleza.”

“They should be the ones reaching out to me,” he argued, struggling to keep a lid on his anger. “My parents screwed me over big-time, and I don’t know if I can ever forgive them.”

“You’re upset. You don’t mean that.”

“Yes, I do. And, to be honest, I like being on my own and not having to answer to my father about every decision I make.” He gave full voice to his anger, didn’t censure his thoughts. “I’m tired of living life according to the Parker rules. Look where that got me.”

“That got you training at the best culinary school in Europe and your own restaurant,” Robyn shot back. “The next time you feel like bashing your parents, don’t, because you sound like a spoiled, ungrateful rich kid.”

Sean winced and hung his head. Taking a moment to recover from the bitter tongue lashing, he considered what Robyn had said. She never minced words, always spoke her mind, no matter what. He admired that about her, thought it was one of her greatest character traits.

“Your parents aren’t perfect, but they love you and have always been there for you.”

Her words gave him pause. Sean thought about his parents, remembered all the great times they’d shared and felt a rush of emotion. To the outside world, the Parkers seemed to have it all—money, success and status—but they had their fair share of problems, too. Still, he had to admit Robyn had a point. His parents had worked hard to build a good life for him and his siblings, and he never forgot all the times his mom had given him advice about girls or helped him with his homework. His relationship with his father had always been rocky, but his mother was his biggest supporter.

“You’re right,” he conceded, wearing an apologetic smile. “I have a lot to be grateful for, especially you.”

“Me?” she repeated, resting a hand on her chest. “But I haven’t done anything.”

“Thanks for having my back, Robyn. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

“That’s what friends are for, right?”

Friendship? That was the last thing on his mind. At least when it came to Robyn. He wanted her in his bed, and he would pursue her until she belonged to him.

At the thought of making love to Robyn, his temperature soared. An erection stabbed the zipper of his pants. It took every ounce of his self-control not to dive across the table and take her in his arms. Their connection was undeniable, so damn strong he couldn’t think of anything but kissing her passionately on the lips. At the thought, his pulse raced out of control. For years, he’d tried to ignore their attraction, but after their make-out session, he started seeing his kid sister’s best friend in a different light.

Yeah, and now you want Robyn so bad you’re drooling all over your Tom Ford suit.

Sitting back in his chair, sipping his drink, Sean admired her creamy skin, the extra long lashes that framed her hazel eyes and her lush lips. Her diamond-stud earrings and silver-cross necklace gave her dress a touch of glamour. Robyn looked like a woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but nothing could be further from the truth. She’d been raised in the projects in New York City, and was awarded a scholarship to Merriweather Academy boarding school where she’d met his sister. In spite of her humble beginnings, she carried herself with remarkable poise. Though she was five years his junior, she was wise and discerning and he enjoyed spending time with her.

Sean felt an ache in his belly, a thirst only Robyn could quench, and struggled to control his desires. Sean wanted to kiss her again, imagined himself crushing his mouth to hers, but cautioned himself to relax. This wasn’t the time or the place, and he didn’t want to ruin their lunch by putting the moves on her. Instead, they finished their meal, and over coffee, they just talked. Sean was shocked to discover how much they had in common. They both loved action movies, the great outdoors and spending their days off at the beach. As Robyn spoke, he learned some interesting facts about her. She was an avid surfer, the only person in her family to ever graduate from college and a die-hard Bruce Lee fan. Upbeat and bubbly, she made him forget his problems and laugh out loud at her outrageous stories about the resort.

“How are things coming along at the SP Grill?” Robyn asked, tasting the carrot cake they’d ordered to share.

“Great,” he said, bursting with pride. The restaurant was his brainchild, something he’d been contemplating for years, and thanks to the help of several generous investors, his dreams were about to become a reality. “I’ve put my heart and soul into this project, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make the SP Grill a success.”

Sean watched Robyn lick the icing off her fork and groaned inwardly, as if he was being tortured. Sweat drenched his shirt. A spark ignited inside his body when their eyes met, causing lust to course through his veins. The blood drained from his head and shot straight to his groin. Did she have any idea how much he wanted her? How much he needed her right now?

“This cake’s pretty good, but yours is much better,” Robyn said, gesturing with her fork to the plate. “I hope the menu at the SP Grill is filled with your decadent desserts, because they’re to die for, especially your chocolate truffle cheesecake.”

“I’ll be overseeing the day-to-day operation of the restaurant, not slaving away in the kitchen twenty-four seven.”

Robyn frowned and poked out her bottom lip. “Why not?”

“The emphasis at the SP Grill is on luxury foods like caviar, lobster and foie gras, but I’m willing to tweak the menu, just for you.”

“You’d better,” she said, her tone full of sass. “Or I’ll take my business elsewhere.”

The sound of her laughter brought a smile to his mouth, made him feel better than he had in weeks. “The SP Grill opens on Labor Day, and to celebrate, I’m throwing the biggest bash LA has ever seen.”

That’s if you’re not in jail! joked his inner voice.

Sean refused to entertain the thought and refocused his attention on Robyn. “I’d like you to be my date for the grand-opening celebration,” he said, gently stroking her hand with his own. “It’s going to be the biggest night of my life, and I want to share it with you.”

Her eyes dimmed, lost their warmth, and Sean knew instinctively that Robyn was going to turn him down. They’d had great conversations about life, shared the same values and enjoyed each other’s company, so why was she playing hard to get? Or maybe she wasn’t playing, Sean thought, swallowing hard. Maybe Robyn was dating someone else. Was that why she was brushing him off? Why she refused to look him in the eye? Because there was another man in her life?

“Are you inviting your family to your grand opening?”

Hell no, he thought, but didn’t say. He missed his family—especially Kim—but he couldn’t bring himself to call them. “I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “Why does it matter?”

“Because they’re my employers and you’re their estranged son.”

Sean raised an eyebrow, gave her a skeptical look. “I don’t work at the resort anymore, and furthermore, you’re a grown woman who’s free to date whoever she wants.”

And, by date whoever you want, I mean me!

“I can’t attend your grand opening.”

His shoulders fell. Sean was disappointed that Robyn wouldn’t be at his side on the most important night of his life and wondered if there was anything he could do to change her mind. “Are you seeing someone?” he asked, driven by curiosity.

“No, but under the current circumstances, it wouldn’t be right. I don’t want to upset your parents, or cause a rift between me and Kim. She’s my boss and, more importantly, my best friend, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

Sean nodded, as if he understood, but inside he was doing a slow burn. He loved his sister dearly—even though she’d stolen the resort right from under his nose—but there was no way in hell he was letting her control his love life. He’d have to find a way to see Robyn again, away from the resort, and prove to her his feelings were real. In the meantime, he’d earn her trust and romance her, Parker-style.

“I should use the ladies’ room before I head back to the resort.” Robyn put down her fork, wiped her mouth with a napkin and picked up her handbag. “I’ll be right back.”

“You can’t leave. We just got here.”

“No,” she corrected. “We got here two hours ago.”

Sean checked his Rolex watch, saw the time, and his eyes widened. He couldn’t believe it was so late; more surprising still, despite all the work he had to do at the SP Grill, he didn’t want to leave. It was true what they said. Time did fly when you’re having fun. He’d like nothing more than to spend the rest of the day with Robyn. Talking, joking, kissing—

“I’d better hurry. I have a three o’clock appointment.”

“Don’t go. I’m having a great time with you, and I want to hear more about your plans for the weekend.” Sean cringed when he heard the words leave his mouth and wished he could stuff them back inside. So much for playing it cool. He felt like an ass for sounding desperate and hoped he hadn’t blown his chance with her.

“I can’t,” Robyn said, shaking her head wildly from side to side, a smirk playing on her lips. “If I’m late to meet Kim, she’ll beat me up, and I happen to like this face.”

He did, too.

Sean stood, pulled out Robyn’s chair and watched as she breezed through the dining room, dazzling everyone she passed with her radiant smile. The event planner was sexy from head to toe, and Sean noticed he wasn’t the only one admiring her figure. He felt a rush of pride when he saw the other male patrons checking her out. On several occasions, he’d seen celebrity guests at the Belleza proposition her, and to his surprise and relief, she’d spurned their advances. Unlike his ex-girlfriend, Trina Erickson. For Trina, the richer and the more famous the better. In fact, she’d been more interested in rubbing elbows with luminaries than improving their relationship, and her thirst for the good life ultimately had led to their breakup. Sean had learned at a very early age that people didn’t care about him, only what his last name could do for them, but Robyn, unlike the women he’d hooked up with in the past, didn’t give a damn about his last name or his family connections.

Sean heard someone whistle behind him and glanced over his shoulder. A full-figured woman with frizzy hair blew him a kiss, but he ignored her. He was with Robyn—a titillating beauty who excited him, and he’d never do anything to disrespect her.

Returning to his seat, Sean took his cell phone out of his pocket and listened to his messages. His eyes narrowed, and a scowl twisted his lips. A detective from the Belleza Police Department wanted to meet with him. Sean wanted to prove his innocence and show his parents and everyone else at the Belleza they were dead wrong about him being the arsonist, but he didn’t have the time. The SP Grill was opening in a few short weeks and he had his hands full with work. And if he played his cards right, he’d be spending all of his free time with Robyn.

“Would your wife like another mocha cappuccino?” the waitress asked.

My wife? To Sean’s surprise, he liked the idea of Robyn being Mrs. Sean Parker, of them living happily ever after in his new five-bedroom dream house. At thirty-three, he’d dated his fair share of women, but Robyn was in a class all her own. And not just because of her killer curves. She was a free thinker, with a can-do attitude and, most important, loyal. Robyn had proved, time and time again, that she could be trusted, and he appreciated having her in his life.

“No, thanks,” he said, retrieving his wallet from his suit pocket. Sean opened the leather sleeve, slid a couple hundred-dollar bills inside and stood, just in time to see Robyn approach their table. Taking her hand, he led her out of the restaurant and through the glass doors.

The sun was hot, the air humid and the breeze light. It was the perfect day to go swimming, and if Robyn wasn’t in a rush to meet Kim, he would have invited her back to his place. Though he was swamped at work—hiring staff, finalizing menus and meeting with vendors—he was never too busy for Robyn, and he liked the idea of her hanging out at his house. “When can I see you again?”

“Next time you’re at the resort, call me, and we’ll have lunch.”

Sean wore a blank face, didn’t let his frustration show. Why would Robyn suggest meeting up at the Parker resort? A place he wanted nothing to do with? He thought hard for several seconds as he tried to remember her weekly schedule. “Since you’re off on Thursday, I thought we could spend the day together. We’ll hang out at Manhattan Beach, have lunch at the SP Grill, then check out Posh Lounge in the evening—”

“Sean, I’m not off on Thursdays. I work from home. There’s a big difference.”

“Then, play hooky.” He put a finger to his lips. “It’ll be our little secret.”

“I can’t do that. You know summer is the busiest time of year at the resort, and if I don’t keep on top of my paperwork, I’ll make enemies in the HR department.”

“You’re beginning to sound like a broken record,” he said, leaning against her car door to prevent her from leaving. “Every time I ask you out, you turn me down. That hurts.”

Robyn raised an eyebrow as if she was surprised by his confession and playfully poked him in the shoulder. “Sure it does,” she said with a sarcastic tone. “You have tons of girlfriends. You don’t need me.”

But I do. More than you know. You’re the only person I can confide in. “Of course I do,” he said, his gaze glued to her lips. “You’re my number-one girl, and that will never change.”

“Sean, you’re a great guy, and I value our friendship too much to—”

Driven by need, he captured Robyn around the waist and pulled her to him, right up to his chest. Sean lowered his mouth to hers and stole a kiss. A slow, sensuous kiss that awakened every nerve in his body. It was magic, the best thing to ever happen to his mouth. She tasted sweet, and he was instantly addicted. He felt her shoulders stiffen, sensed her trepidation and, for a split second, regretted his impulsiveness. But then he heard Robyn moan, and he deepened the kiss. The longer they stood there, teasing and arousing each other, the more he wanted her, desired her, ached to have her in his bed.

Electricity crackled in the air, exploded around them like fireworks. He felt it, knew she did, too, when she draped her arms possessively around his neck. On the surface, Sean was calm, collected, in complete control of the situation, but his heart was pounding so loud he couldn’t think straight. He loved the way she felt, her body pressed hard against his, her flesh warm and soft in his hands. He stroked her neck, caressed her shoulders and hips. They were in a restaurant parking lot, in broad daylight, not in the privacy of his home, but Sean didn’t give a damn. He wanted Robyn to know that he desired her, that he wanted more than friendship, and what better way to prove his feelings than a little public display of affection? Kissing her wasn’t enough; he wanted more, needed more. He wouldn’t be satisfied until she was in his bed.

Sean heard Robyn’s cell phone ring and tightened his hold around her waist. She broke off the kiss and turned away from him. “Sean, you shouldn’t have done that,” she said, her eyes darting nervously around the parking lot. “Someone from the resort could have seen us.”

“I want you, Robyn, and I don’t care who knows.”

“That was Kim calling. I could tell by the ringtone. I’d better go or I’ll be late for our hair consultation.” Robyn threw open her car door, slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “Thanks for lunch.”

Before Sean could answer, Robyn was gone, speeding through the parking lot as if her life depended on it. He stood there, stroking the length of his jaw, reliving every moment of that kiss. He needed Robyn in his life and wouldn’t let anyone—not even his family—keep them apart. She was one in a million, the kind of woman he’d be proud to have on his arm, and Sean decided, right then and there, that he wasn’t going down without a fight.

Heat of Passion

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