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Chapter 3

Ashton wondered what Haley was thinking, wished he could read her mind and dissect her thoughts. Desire simmered below the surface, filling the air with its intoxicating fragrance. Stunning, with impeccable manners and a wicked sense of humor, Haley was hard to resist. All Ashton could think about was kissing her, ravishing her mouth with his. He found her delightful, genuine and sweet, and he didn’t want her to leave. To prolong their time together, Ashton walked slowly along the winding pathway, stopping to point out the exotic fish in the man-made lake, the guest cottage and the outdoor basketball court.

“Next time you come over bring your workout gear. We’ll play a game of one-on-one.”

“Just say when.” Haley grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ll take it easy on you.”

“I’ve been playing basketball since I was in diapers. You don’t stand a chance.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” she quipped, her tone full of sarcasm. “You’re hilarious! We’ll see who gets the last laugh when I cream you on your own court!”

Ashton cracked up. Haley looked pleased with herself, as if she’d hit a three-point shot from half-court, and the jovial expression on her face made her eyes twinkle.

“I don’t care how good you think your game is, Haley. You’re going down.”

“Your mama!”

Tossing his head back, Ashton erupted in laughter. He’d dated women from all walks of life, who always said and did the right thing, but he found her personality refreshing. Haley told it like it was, and their verbal sparring was a turn-on, putting him in a playful mood.

“This is a huge house for one person.” Haley stared up at him, shielding her eyes from the setting sun with her hands. Hands he wished were on his body, stroking his—

“Do you live with your parents?”

“Hell no!” Ashton said, shivering at the thought. “They live next door.”

As they strolled around the property, every other word out of Haley’s mouth was “Wow,” “Incredible,” or “Awesome.” She listened as he talked about the mansion and asked him numerous questions. How many years did it take to build the estate? Did he have live-in staff? Did he entertain regularly? It amused him to see her reaction to his house, to hear her shriek when something shocked her—like the size of his home gym—and Ashton wondered if Haley was vocal in the bedroom, too.

“This room is bigger than my entire condo,” she said, glancing around the space, her eyes wide with wonder. “I’d kill to have a home gym like this.”

The air-conditioned room was filled with state-of-the-art exercise equipment. Autographed posters of famous athletes hung on the vibrant blue walls, and the walk-in fridge at the rear of the room was stocked with healthy snacks and cold drinks. It was Ashton’s favorite room in the house, and whenever he had a bad day or argued with his dad, he’d head straight to the gym and exercise until he was in a better frame of mind.

“I feel like I’m in a museum. I’m going to need a map to find my way out of here!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll escort you to your car when you’re ready to go.”

Frowning, Haley pointed at the red floor mat in front of the window. “You do yoga?”

“Of course.” Ashton grinned. “I’m more than just a pretty face, you know.”

“No offense, but I don’t know any guys who do yoga. How did you start?”

His former fiancée had begged him to attend her drop-in class and he hadn’t wanted to disappoint her. But he didn’t share that information with Haley. Not yet. It was too soon. Talking about Mia’s death would upset him, and Ashton didn’t want to ruin his date by getting emotional.

“I took a class my sophomore year of college,” he said instead, “and I’ve been hooked ever since.”

“No way! I never would have guessed it. You strike me as the type who likes to do extreme sports, not the downward dog. Do your friends give you a hard time for doing yoga?”

“Yeah, but once I told them Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, David Beckham and LeBron James swear by it, they quit teasing me. Yoga helps me focus and improves my mental toughness, and I wouldn’t be the man I am without it.”

“I’ve never tried it, but it looks hard, and I don’t want to hurt myself.”

“You won’t,” he assured her, hoping to put her fears at ease. “If you’d like, I can schedule a private session with my trainer next week so you can see the physical and mental benefits for yourself. You know what they say, a couple who does yoga together stays together.”

Shaking her head, Haley waved her hands in front of her face. “I better not. My best friend and I tried a Pilates class last month, and I was so sore the next day I couldn’t move.”

“And you think you can beat me in basketball? Keep dreaming.”

“Just watch me,” she quipped, all smiles. “I have skills you can’t even imagine.”

Were they still talking about basketball? Ashton wondered, wetting his lips with his tongue. Her soft, sultry tone tickled his eardrums, and her mischievous grin stole his breath. What the hell? Ashton thought, plucking at his shirt to cool down his suddenly overheated body. I’m supposed to be in control, not her!

Ashton couldn’t stop staring at her. Haley looked prim and proper in her cardigan, like a preschool teacher on picture day, but she had an edge, a side to her he wanted to get to know better. And he would. Tonight. After they toured his estate.

Exiting the room, his hand placed firmly on her lower back, Ashton led her down the hallway to the den. They discussed the décor, the African-themed paintings and the souvenirs he’d purchased during his overseas travels, which were prominently displayed on the glass shelves.

“Do you travel a lot for work?”

Ashton nodded. “Yes. As a matter of fact, I returned from Frankfurt this morning.”

“I’m so jealous. I wish I could travel more, but the foundation keeps me very busy.”

“I know how you feel. As COO, it’s my job to build and promote Rollins Aeronautics, and this month alone, I’ll be in Seattle, Orlando and Venezuela.”

A concerned expression touched her delicate features. “Aren’t you worried about your safety? Yesterday I read about the food shortages and increased crime in Maracaibo, and even locals are scared to venture out at night.”

“All the more reason I should attend the conference,” he said in a confident tone of voice. “The Venezuelan economy could use a boost, and in spite of the media reports it remains one of my favorite countries in the world. It has spectacular landscapes, some of the kindest, friendliest people you’ll ever meet and the best food you’ve ever tasted.”

“And it doesn’t hurt that Venezuelan women are stunning,” she pointed out.

“I never noticed.”

“Right. Next you’re going to tell me you’ve never been to a strip club!”

“I haven’t. It’s not my speed. I’d rather do yoga or play chess.”

Haley studied the framed pictures along the walls. “Is there anywhere you haven’t been yet that you’re dying to travel to?”

“Ibiza.” A grin overwhelmed Ashton’s mouth. “We’ll go there for our honeymoon.”

Nodding, she returned his smile. “Deal. Give me the wedding of my dreams, and I’ll travel the world with you!”

I love the sound of that, he thought, gazing down at her pretty face.

Continuing the tour, they walked through the main house and into the great room. They talked about growing up in Miami, their university days and their respective jobs. Haley was passionate about The Aunt Penny Foundation and giving back to her community, and Ashton enjoyed learning more about her hobbies and interests. Talking and cracking jokes, they moved from one topic to the next without missing a beat.

“What’s your most prized possession?” Haley asked, admiring the glass sculptures on the end tables.

“That’s easy. My car collection.”

Ashton heard his cell phone ring inside his back pocket, knew from the ringtone it was his mother and decided to let the call go to voice mail. If he answered and mentioned he was on a date, she’d race over, and Ashton wasn’t ready to introduce Haley to Joan. Not after one date. For now, he wanted to keep their relationship under wraps.

“Do you collect antique cars and motorcycles?”

“Why tell you when I can show you?”

Taking her hand, he led her down the corridor and into the garage, and flipped on the lights. It was a car aficionado’s paradise, filled with several luxury vehicles.

“Wow, what a beauty.” Haley peered inside the window of the Porsche and Ashton envisioned himself making love to her, right then and there, on the hood of his beloved sports car. But he wouldn’t. Not tonight. Even though his body had other ideas, he was going to be on his best behavior and prove to her—and himself—that he could be a perfect gentleman.

“I’ve always wanted a Porsche, but it’s way out of my tax bracket.”

Ashton studied her closely. He saw the envy in her eyes, the interest and curiosity. To impress her, he grabbed the key fob off the silver wall hook and dropped it in her palm. “Hop in,” he said, opening the driver’s side door. “Let’s take it for a spin.”

“I—I—I can’t drive your car.” Haley pushed the keys back into his hands.

Confused by her reaction, Ashton frowned. “Why not?”

“Because it costs more than I make in a year. I’d feel funny driving it.”

“Don’t worry,” he said, giving her a one-arm hug. Ashton liked touching her,, and didn’t want to let her go. She smelled of summer fruit, causing his mouth to water, and she fit perfectly in his arms. “Nothing’s going to happen. There’s not much traffic on Fisher Island. Most residents use golf carts to get around, not cars.”

Haley backed away from the Porsche, and Ashton grabbed her hand. Surprise flashed in her eyes, but he didn’t release his hold. His first thought was to kiss her, but since he didn’t want to push his luck he escorted her to the passenger-side door and opened it.

“No problem. I’ll drive.” To lighten the mood and make her feel at ease, he said, “We can stop at Pastries and More for a snack. It’s the most popular dessert shop on the island, and their cotton candy ice cream is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

Haley put on her seat belt. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

Deciding to give her a tour of the island first, Ashton pulled out of the garage and drove cautiously down the driveway. In his rearview mirror, he spotted his mother standing on his doorstep and floored the gas. If he stopped, Joan would question Haley about everything under the sun—her education background, her career aspirations, her ten-year goals—and Ashton didn’t want his mom to scare her off. Mindful of the neighbor’s children playing hockey on the street, he slowed as he exited the security gate and waved at them.

“Do you have plans on Saturday?” he asked, glancing at her.

“No, not yet. I was thinking of going to Pensacola, to surprise my mom, but she has to work, so I’ll be home this weekend. Why? What are you up to?”

“I’m going to the Firebirds game, and I want you to come.”

Seconds passed and Ashton feared Haley was going to turn him down, but she surprised him by cracking a joke.

“Only if you buy me lunch first,” she said with a teasing smile.

“Deal, and I’ll even throw in dessert.”

“How can I turn down such a generous offer?”

Haley laughed, and Ashton knew he was making progress with her. He felt a connection to her, feelings he’d never experienced before, and he wanted to explore them further. Haley crossed her legs, and Ashton had to remind himself to drive, not lust. It was a challenge to keep his eyes on the road and off Haley’s curves, but he forced himself to focus.

“This car drives like a dream,” she said, running a hand along the side paneling.

Images of Mia flashed in Ashton’s head. I’m having déjà vu, he thought, swallowing hard, willing the moment to pass. It didn’t. His memories were clear, gripping, powerful. He remembered helping Mia into the passenger seat of his Maserati, and sliding in behind the wheel. Like he had moments earlier with Haley.

Sweat trickled down the back of his shirt. The images haunted him, flashing in his head, leaving Ashton dazed and confused. Feeling light-headed, he slammed on the brakes. He gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breath to slow his erratic heartbeat.

“Ashton, what’s wrong? You’re shaking.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. Talk to me. I want to help.” Haley inclined her body toward his and rested a hand on his forearm. “What is it?”

Sadness and regret flooded Ashton’s heart. He could tell by Haley’s furrowed brow that she was confused by his odd behavior, but he wasn’t ready to open up to her about his past. What could he say? “Sorry, I just remembered driving with my dead girlfriend?” Haley would run for the hills, and Ashton didn’t want her to think he was crazy. Part of him felt stupid for inviting her to his estate in the first place, but another part of him was glad he’d made the first move.

“Let’s go back to the house. We can talk there.”

“What about the ice cream? You had your heart set on having the cotton candy flavor.”

“I’ll survive. Besides, I’m still full from dinner.”

Haley stared at him with trusting, understanding eyes, as if to say everything would be okay, and although he’d promised himself he wouldn’t make a move on her tonight, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. If Haley was surprised she didn’t show it.

“Are you okay to drive,” she asked him, “or do you want me to?”

“I’m good. Don’t worry. I’ll get you back to the estate in one piece.”

Ashton merged into traffic, made a U-turn at Fisher Island Drive and cruised down the tree-lined street. He kept his eyes on the road, but sensing Haley was watching him, hummed with the song on the radio to prove everything was okay. Despite his reassurances, he could see she was worried about him and he felt like an ass for scaring her.

“We’re back.” Hoping to avoid a run-in with his mom, Ashton sped through the security gates and parked the Porsche in the garage. “Home sweet home.”

“How are you feeling now?” Haley asked, her voice a whisper. “Any better?”

Projecting confidence, Ashton smiled and winked. “I’m great. I’m having a good time with you and I’m looking forward to our date tomorrow night.”

“Ashton, it’s not a date. We’re volunteering at the Miami Soup Kitchen together.”

“Yeah, but after we finish up we’re going to have drinks at the Rooftop Bar. They have a live reggae band on Friday nights, and they’re one of the hottest acts in Miami.”

Pop music played from inside Haley’s handbag, and she scooped it up off the floor. “Ashton, do you mind if I take this call?”

“Not at all. Go ahead.”

Putting the phone to her ear, Haley turned toward the passenger window and spoke in a soft, soothing voice. “Hello, Sienna, is everything okay?”

Watching her, Ashton could tell that something was wrong. The person on the line sounded hysterical, but he couldn’t make out what the female caller was saying.

“Sweetie, stop crying. Everything’s going to be fine. I promise.” Haley took off her seat belt and threw open the passenger-side door. “Sienna, wait for me in front of your apartment building. I’m on my way. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Ashton jumped out of the Porsche and joined Haley on the driveway. Keys in hand, she marched toward her car, a frown on her lips, obviously deep in thought.

“You’re leaving? Already? But it’s only nine o’clock.”

Haley dropped her cell inside her purse. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. It’s an emergency.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Shaking her head, she slid behind the wheel. “Thank you for a wonderful evening,” Haley said politely. “And for listening to my pitch about The Aunt Penny Foundation. The backing of the Millionaire Moguls means the world to me, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support.”

Before Ashton could respond, Haley put the car in Drive and sped down the drive.

Ashton wondered what his parents would think of her. She was a smart, educated woman, but she wasn’t from a moneyed family. Questions loomed in his mind. Would his parents like her? Would they welcome her into the family with open arms? Or would his father give him a hard time for dating someone from humble beginnings?

Returning to the house, Ashton broke free of his thoughts. He was too old to cater to his mother and father. He wasn’t a college student anymore. He was older now, wiser, capable of making his own decisions, and he didn’t need anyone’s approval to spend time with Haley Adams. He wanted to date her—planned to romance her every chance he got—and Ashton didn’t give a damn what his bougie, uptight parents thought.

Secret Miami Nights

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