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Physical Characteristics of thePortuguese Water Dog

(from the American Kennel Club

breed standard)

Head: Distinctively large, well proportioned and with exceptional breadth of topskull.

Stop: Well defined.

Eyes: Medium in size; set well apart.

Ears: Set well above the line of the eye. Leather is heart shaped and thin.

Neck: Straight, short, round and held high.

Muzzle: Substantial; wider at the base than at the nose.

Nose: Broad, well flared nostrils. Fully pigmented.

Jaws: Strong and neither over nor undershot.

Chest: Broad and deep, reaching down to the elbow.

Ribs: Long and well-sprung to provide optimum lung capacity.

Forequarters: Shoulders are well inclined and very strongly muscled. Upper arms are strong. Forelegs are strong and straight. Pasterns are long and strong.

Feet: Are round and rather flat. Webbing between the toes.

Height: At the withers—Males, 20 to 23 inches. Females, 17 to 21 inches.

Weight: For males, 42 to 60 pounds; for females, 35 to 50 pounds.

Topline: Level and firm.

Back: Broad and well muscled.

Loin: Short and meets the croup smoothly.

Croup: Well formed and only slightly inclined.

Abdomen: Well held up in a graceful line.

Tail: Not docked; thick at the base and tapering.

Coat: There are two varieties of coat: Curly—Compact, cylindrical curls, somewhat lusterless. The hair on the ears is sometimes wavy. Wavy—Falling gently in waves, not curls, and with a slight sheen.

Hindquarters: Powerful; well balanced with the front assembly. Legs…straight and very strongly muscled in upper and lower thighs. Buttocks are well developed. Tendons and hocks are strong.

Color: Black, white, and various tones of brown; also combinations of black or brown with white.

Portuguese Water Dog

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