Читать книгу Scientific Healing Affirmations - Парамаханса Йогананда - Страница 2

Table of Contents


Spiritual Power of Man's Word

The God-Given Power of Man

Mental Responsibility for Chronic Diseases

What Cures? The Life Energy

Cure by Imagination, Reason, Faith or Will, According to Temperament

Explanation and Necessity of Faith

Classification of Healing

How to Prevent Physical Disease

How to Prevent Mental Disease

How to Prevent Spiritual Disease

Evaluation of Curative Methods

Consciousness and Vibration

Difference Between Matter and Spirit

Body and Consciousness Created by Man in the Dream State

Individual Illusion and World Illusion (Maya)

Underlying Unity of Medical and Mental Cures

Danger of Blind Denial of Matter

The Body As Materialized Vibration

The Different States of Chanting

Super-Consciousness, Not Unconsciousness

Physiological Centers of Will, Energy and Feeling

Value of Different Methods of Cure

Individual and Group Directions

Affirmations for Wisdom, Thought, Will, Intelligence

Affirmations for Material, Psychological and Spiritual Success

Success Affirmations (For Healing of Unsuccess Consciousness)

Material Success Affirmation

Spiritual Success Affirmation (For Healing the Soul's Ignorance)

Affirmations for Eyes, Sex-Control, Good Habits

Affirmation for the Eyes

Psychological Success Affirmations

For Regulating Sex Force

For Curing Bad Habits

Exercises for Stomach and Teeth

Physical Exercise

Exercise For the Teeth

Scientific Healing Affirmations

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