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Chapter Four


Cheryl ran a hand through her tangled hair and winced when she hit the bump on her temple. Sam’s mother was Eleanor Hardin—former principal of Herington Junior High—and one person who was sure to recognize Cheryl Steele as Cheryl Thatcher.

“You must have the wrong number.” Cheryl tried to stay calm.

“Really?” came the unamused reply. “It’s rather hard to misdial a number on speed dial, don’t you think?”

“Oh, you mean Sam. I’m sorry. I’m still a bit groggy from the drugs he gave me.”

“Drugs?” His mother’s voice shot up an octave.

“Oh—not those kind of drugs.”

“Exactly where is my son?”

“I’m not sure. He said something about staying in the guestroom.”

“I’m relieved to hear that, at least. Have him call me right away. I don’t believe I caught your name.”

Cheryl relaxed a tiny bit. Thanks to her acquired New York accent or plain good luck, Sam’s mother hadn’t recognized her voice.

“It’s Cheri,” she replied cautiously. It wasn’t actually a lie. Some of her friends called her that.

“Thank you, Cheri. Have Sam call me.”

The line went dead in Cheryl’s hand. She stared at the phone stupidly for a second, then hung up.

Things were rapidly moving from bad to worse. Cheryl had spent too many hours facing Eleanor Hardin across the principal’s desk at school for the woman not to recognize her. Those memories were painful to recall, but not as painful as the memory of Mrs. Hardin’s testimony before the judge at Cheryl’s juvenile hearing. Eleanor had read Cheryl’s own words to the judge. Words from a diary that detailed a troubled girl’s desire to lash out at others and to gloat about the crimes she’d gotten away with. Those words had been enough to send Cheryl to a juvenile detention center for nine months.

If only she hadn’t written those things. If only Angie hadn’t found the diary and taken it to school. If only the book hadn’t ended up in Mrs. Hardin’s hands. For Cheryl, having her private thoughts exposed to others had been bad enough, but knowing her words had helped send her father and brother to prison had been almost more than she could bear. She didn’t want to relive any part of those times.

Snatching up the phone again, she dialed information for the number of the Highway Patrol. She had to find out if the roads were open. She had to get out of here.

Sam entered the front door feeling pleased with himself. He’d fed the stock, the stalls were mucked out and he’d found an old pair of crutches in the toolshed where he kept the snow shovels. He carried them into the house like a trophy. The aroma of fresh coffee greeted him.

New York was in the kitchen. She’d traded in his sweats for her red sweater and black corduroy pants with one leg slit up to the knee. She looked as if she’d slept better than he had.

She was buttering a piece of toast as the coffeemaker sputtered the last drops of coffee into the pot. He glanced around and realized she’d washed the dishes he’d left piled in the sink and put them away. She delayed meeting his gaze when he walked into the kitchen.

He said, “Thanks for cleaning up. You didn’t have to do that.”

She kept her eyes down, staring at her toast. “It was the least I could do.”

Her voice sounded strained, but he couldn’t see her eyes. Was she was all right? “You’ll do dishes in exchange for a place to sleep? Marry me, baby, you’re my kind of woman,” he teased.

She shot him a look of disdain. “They don’t make that kind of woman anymore, cowboy.”

“A guy can hope, can’t he?” All right, she was upset about something, but what? “Is your foot worse?” he tried.

“Looks bad—feels the same.” She set her toast and knife down on the counter. “Your mother called this morning. Early.”

“So?” Now he was confused.

She arched an eyebrow. “Do strange women often answer your phone at 7:00 a.m. and tell your mother they’re still groggy from the drugs you gave them?”

“You didn’t.”

“I did. You have some explaining to do. She wants you to call her.”

“I’m sorry if she embarrassed you. I’ll explain, don’t worry. She always calls to check on Gramps before we go out to do morning chores. Oh, I found these for you. They may be too tall. If they are, I can shorten them.” He handed her the crutches and started for the stairs

When he came up half an hour later, she saw he wasn’t alone. An elderly man with snow-white hair and piercing dark eyes behind thick glasses accompanied him. His slightly stooped frame was clad in blue jeans, a plaid shirt and worn cowboy boots.

She watched the older Hardin’s expression intently as Sam introduced them, expecting to be denounced on the spot.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Walter Hardin said as he sank down on the sofa beside her. “Sam tells me you’re from New York City.”

“I am.” Her knees went weak as she sensed a reprieve.

“I took a trip to New York once. It was crowded, but folks were a lot nicer than I’d been led to expect.”

She smiled, almost giddy with relief. She didn’t recognize Walter Hardin and saw little to indicate that he might recognize her. Maybe the trial of her father and brother hadn’t attracted as much attention as she imagined. Or maybe it had simply been so long ago that people had forgotten it.

She said, “I called the Highway Patrol this morning. Everything south of I-70 and east of US 77 is closed.”

“I figured as much,” Walter said. “Hope you don’t mind spending a little time with us.”

“You and your grandson have been very kind, but I really need to get to Kansas City.”

Sam took a seat across from them. “The snow has stopped, but until this wind lets up, the roads will drift shut as fast as the crews can open them. The forecast is calling for warmer temperatures tomorrow. It’ll melt fast once that happens.”

She finally asked the question that had been burning on the tip of her tongue. “Will your mother be bringing your children home soon?” She had to be gone before Eleanor Hardin showed up.

Sam shook his head. “No, they’re snowed in, too. The girls want to stay a few days, and Mom doesn’t mind. I’ll pick them up after we find a way to get you to Kansas City.”

Cheryl relaxed. It seemed a little good luck had finally come her way.

Walter pushed himself up from the sofa. “That coffee smells good. I think I’ll fix myself a cup. You want one, Sammy?”

“Sure, Gramps.”

As the elder Hardin made his way to the kitchen, Sam turned to Cheryl. “Do the crutches fit you?”

“They’re too tall, Sammy. But the autograph is priceless.”


“They’re signed, To Sammy, with all my love, Merci.”

He chuckled and took the crutch from her to read the faded writing along the edge. “I’d forgotten about that. She said she didn’t want to sign my cast, she wanted to sign my crutches because then her name would be closer to my heart.”

“How romantic.”

He shook his head. “We were in high school.”

“That must have been hard. With your mother as a teacher, I mean.”

“Mom taught over in the next school district. Believe me, I think I would have transferred schools before I became one of her pupils. She was strict as they come. I hear they called her Hard-as-Nails Hardin over in Herington.”

Cheryl bit her lip to keep from making a comment. The kids at school had called her that, and worse. “Tell me about your old flame.”

“She’s a friend.”

“‘With all my love?’ That’s more than friendly, Sammy.”

“Okay, we were an item in high school. Now, we’re just—good friends.”

By his hesitation, Cheryl wondered if the fires of this particular high-school flame weren’t entirely dead. “You still see each other?”

“Occasionally. How much shorter do these need to be?”

Cheryl remained curious about the woman who lingered in Sam’s affections, but let the subject drop. After he’d adjusted the crutches, she tried them out again. Swinging herself across the room, she said, “This is much better. Thank you.” Turning around, she headed toward the front door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded.

“To get my purse. I think I left it out in the entryway last night.”

It was still lying on the bench where she had left it, but when she picked it up, she had an unpleasant surprise. It felt too light. A quick check showed her wallet was missing. She was on her knees looking under the bench when Sam came up behind her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“My wallet is gone.”

“Are you sure?”

She rolled her eyes and gave him a don’t-be-stupid look. “Of course, I’m sure. It must have fallen out of my purse during the accident last night.” A sudden thought hit her, and she looked at him sharply. “Unless you have it.”

He helped her to her feet. “Why would I take your wallet?” Clearly, he seemed puzzled by her accusation.

To check up on me? To see if I’m really who I claim to be?

Paranoia seemed to be leaking out her pores. If she wasn’t careful she would give him a reason to do just that. “I meant, maybe you found it and forgot to give it to me,” she finished lamely.

“I haven’t seen it,” he said.

She gave him a bright smile. “Then it’s still in my car.”

“In this weather, it’ll be safe enough.”

“True, but I’d feel better if I had it. My credit cards, checkbook, driver’s license, everything is in it.”

“I have to ride out and check on some cows that are due to calve. I’ll look for it on my way home. Can I bring back anything else from your car?”

She sat down on the bench. “If you think you could manage my suitcase, that would be great. So you really are a cattle rancher, not simply an architect who lives in the country?”

“Yes, ma’am. You’re looking at the breeder of some of the finest Charolais cattle in the Midwest. That’s what I was doing out last night. Moving cattle into the barns. Most of the calves have already been born, but I still have a few cows that are due to calve soon. I didn’t want the little critters to be born out in a snowdrift.”

Cheryl burst out laughing at the image.

“What’s so funny?” he demanded.

“That paints such a great picture. You trying to round up white cows and their little white calves in a snowstorm.” Her laughter died away when she saw the speculative look on his face. Suddenly, she knew she’d made a mistake.

“How does a girl from New York City know what color Charolais cattle are?”

She raised a hand to her temple to ease the sudden pain in her head. How could she answer? She couldn’t lie to him, but she didn’t want Sam to know who she really was. Cheryl Steele from New York was talented, self-assured and witty. Cheryl Thatcher had been a sad, pitiful creature. It would be best if she never came back.

The cat chose that moment to leap into her lap. Cheryl jumped, startled by the animal. “Bonkers, you scared me to death. Don’t you get tired of attacking people?”

“Hardly ever,” Walter supplied as he came in with a steaming mug in each hand. He gave one to Sam.

Cheryl avoided looking at Sam or his grandfather. “I have such a headache this morning. I think I’ll go lie down for a while.”

“Is there anything we can do?” Walter asked, his concern evident.

“No, thank you.” She pushed the cat off her lap and left the room moving slowly on her crutches.

Sam watched her go and realized she hadn’t answered his question. And what had caused the dark pain that filled her eyes so briefly? Maybe it had been her headache, but he had the feeling there was more to it than that. She presented an interesting puzzle. One minute she was smiling and laughing, the next minute she looked like a scared, lost waif.

She’s not your puzzle to solve, Sam reminded himself. Don’t forget that fact.

After discussing his plans for the day with Gramps, Sam headed downstairs to his office, but he couldn’t get his mind off his houseguest. He admitted he was attracted to Cheryl, intrigued by her even, but he wasn’t a fool. For his own peace of mind, it would be best to remember she’d be gone soon.

He busied himself in his office for the remainder of the morning and worked on his latest project. He loved designing homes almost as much as he loved ranching, and he’d missed it since he came back to take over the homestead. In spite of his father’s and grandfather’s experience, years of poor cattle markets, dry weather and bad investments had left the ranch on the verge of ruin.

It’d taken every scrap of Sam’s time and most of his money to get the place back on its feet. This year, with the income from his breeding program, he stood to make a real profit for the first time in years. Enough to let the ranch survive.

That time might have come sooner if he hadn’t spent so much money building this house. He had used the construction to try to keep Natalie happy. And she had used it to dupe him.

Every trip she’d taken to Kansas City for the best glass, the right tile, the most unique rugs, had only been a cover to meet her lover, and Sam had never suspected anything until it was too late. It had been a bitter lesson to learn.

He turned his attention back to his design. Thanks to his former partner in Kansas City, he now had the chance to work for the firm again. The added income would provide a much-needed cushion for the ranch. A lot hinged on the home he was designing here. If all went well, construction would begin on the massive stone house on a hillside outside of Kansas City within the month. The only drawback was that it meant he’d need to travel to Kansas City frequently over the next few weeks.

A little after one o’clock, he put his plans away and headed upstairs. There was no sign of Cheryl, so he fixed a tray of toasted cheese sandwiches and a salad, then knocked on her door.

“Come in,” her groggy voice called.

He opened the door and carried the tray inside. “I thought you might like some lunch.”

“Um, sounds great.” She raised up on one elbow and pushed her hair out of her face. “What time is it?”

“One-thirty. The wind’s died down, and I’m going to ride over and check the cattle. I wanted to let you know I was leaving.”

“Be careful out there.” Worry tinged her voice and put a small frown between her beautiful blue eyes.

“I will. Besides, Dusty always comes straight home after work.”

“Make sure you’re on him.”

She looked adorable with her hair mussed and her eyes still cloudy with sleep. He deposited the tray and quickly turned to leave. Bonkers made a dash inside as Sam started to close the door. The cat jumped on the bed and began to butt his head against her side for attention.

She ran a hand down his back and he purred loudly. “I think your cat is beginning to like me.”

“I think you’re beginning to like my cat.”

“He’s persistent. I admire that.” She picked Bonkers up and rubbed a knuckle under his chin. A look of bliss crossed the big cat’s face.

Sam turned and stomped out of the room feeling ridiculous. He couldn’t be jealous of a cat. What he needed was a long, cold ride in the snow to take his mind off his very charming visitor.

Hours later, Cheryl sat in Sam’s living room waiting with his grandfather. Both of them anxiously watched the clock. Sam had been gone far longer than he should have been. It was almost dark. At the sound of the door opening, she and Walter hurried out to the entryway. Sam paused inside the doorway and set her suitcase down. He looked cold, tired and worried.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“I’ve got some bad news, New York.”

“Did we lose some calves?” Walter asked.

She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered in the cold draft. She knew the loss of even a few head could spell financial disaster for some ranchers. How many ranchers had been put in financial jeopardy by her family? She hated to think about it.

“The cattle are all okay, but your wallet wasn’t in the car, Cheryl.”

“What? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Walter said, “You look terrible, Son. Cheryl made hot cocoa earlier. Would you like some? I could make coffee if you’d rather.”

“Cocoa sounds great.”

Cheryl hobbled to the kitchen with them. Sam shed his coat with a weary sigh. Walter filled a thick, white mug with the steaming drink and held it out to Sam. He took the cup and sipped it. “Man, this hits the spot.”

He sank into a chair at the table. “I searched all through your car. There weren’t any tracks in the snow, so no one else had been in it since the snow stopped. Is it possible it fell out on the ride back?”

“I guess it’s possible—my purse was unzipped. Did you look around the outside of the car?”

“I tried, but there’s too much snow yet. Hey, we know we only rode along the highway and down my lane, so it’s out there somewhere. We’ll find it when the snow melts.”

“When the snow melts! When might that be?” Cheryl snapped. She couldn’t wait for the snow to melt. The longer she stayed, the more likely it was that Sam would find out who she really was. The daughter of a felon, one of those “thieving Thatchers,” as people in the community had labeled her family. Someone who had spent time in reform school instead of prison only because of her age.

It wasn’t fair. She wasn’t that person anymore. She was the “Steel Ballerina,” the darling of New York’s young ballet set. How would her fans or the press react when they heard she had been convicted of cattle rustling and assaulting a sheriff’s deputy? At best, she’d become a laughingstock. At worst, her career would suffer. All because she’d taken this stupid side trip.

“I can’t believe my rotten luck!” She shuffled to the far side of the room, narrowly missing the cat’s tail with her crutches when she swung around. Bonkers scrambled out of her way.

“Take it easy,” Sam cautioned. “You’re making me feel like I should take cover with the cat.”

“This is serious, Sam!”

“I know, but don’t worry. We’ll find it. Have a little faith.”

“Don’t worry? I need my driver’s license, my money and my credit cards. I need to catch up with my company before they leave Kansas City. If I’m not dancing by then, I’m out of a job for the entire spring. Don’t worry? I can’t even go back to New York. I sublet my apartment until the end of June because I was going to be on this tour.”

She was tired, her foot ached like a bad tooth and all he could say was, “Don’t worry.”

“What about your sister? Can you stay with her?”

“Yesterday was my sister’s wedding, remember? She’s on her honeymoon in Hawaii. I doubt the happy couple booked an extra room for me.”

“Okay, calm down. Things will work out, you’ll see. The snow can’t last more than a few days.”

“Oh, that’s just like a man. Calm down and wait till the snow melts! I can’t believe this! Nothing has gone right since I set foot in this stupid state!” She hobbled out of the room slamming the bedroom door behind her.

Walter stared after her. “There’s something about that gal that seems familiar.”

“She has a temper like Natalie’s. That’s what makes her seem familiar. Women like her don’t have any understanding or patience for the forces of nature. They want the world to jump for them when they snap their fingers.”

“You’re wrong to judge all women using Natalie as a yardstick, Sam.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. Once burned—twice shy.” What he didn’t admit was how attracted he was to Cheryl and how it scared him. He couldn’t explain it or reason it away. In his head he knew she was a woman every bit as wrong for him as his ex-wife had been. Lord, help me to remember that.

Love Thine Enemy

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