Читать книгу Her Lone Cowboy - Patricia Forsythe - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Sweetsilver, Arizona, is the home of Delaney Reynolds and her son, Sam, an adventurous four-year-old who is crazy about all things cowboy. Laney is a high school teacher and, in summer, a wildland firefighter. She and Sam have recently moved into their new home, which is right next to reclusive rancher, Caleb Ransom. Laney’s biggest challenge is keeping her son off Caleb’s property.

Caleb chose this ranch in the Sonoran Desert to raise cattle and horses and to heal from the physical and emotional wounds he’d received while deployed as a soldier. He simply wants to be left alone.

Sam has other ideas. The curious boy is unable to resist visiting Caleb and his animals, especially his dog, Bertie, who becomes Sam’s instant best friend. Whenever Sam shows up, his attractive mother is never far behind, making it impossible for Caleb to have the solitary existence he desires.

Like most Americans, I love the cowboy mystique. There’s something so appealing about a rugged outdoorsman who spends much of his time alone, or with his animals, honing skills such as roping, which most of us will never master. I thought about that continually as I was writing Her Lone Cowboy and I tried to do justice to the cattlemen who helped shape our country.

I hope you enjoy Caleb and Laney’s story, my first Mills & Boon Heartwarming book, and will visit my website, patriciaforsythebooks.com, to see what else I’ve written. Also, drop by heartwarmingauthors.blogspot.com to meet other Mills & Boon Heartwarming authors.

Happy reading,


Her Lone Cowboy

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