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Chapter Three

That evening, Laurel sat at the picnic-style table of her favorite restaurant, Joe’s Barbecue Smokehouse. In front of her was a huge sampler platter of ribs. Untouched. The cause of her distraction and her lack of appetite was Kase Rawlins. Seeing him today had caused a reaction she didn’t need or want. Could her personal life get any more pathetic?

“Laurel, you aren’t eating,” her sister said.

Laurel looked across the table at her twin sister, Brooke Landry. They weren’t identical, with Brooke’s hair a darker blond, and her face a little longer, but close enough.

They’d met for the first time only last fall when their biological mother, suffering from Alzheimer’s, told Brooke she had a twin whom she’d given to their father to raise. Seemed their father, rodeo star Rory Quinn, had been in Las Vegas for the NFR and met singer Coralee Harper. Twin daughters were the result of the brief union, but Rory knew about only one of his children, until Brooke showed up at his door. And Laurel was more than happy to have her here permanently. She got her wish when Brooke had fallen in love and married their neighbor Trent Landry, and now they were expecting a baby soon.

“Sorry, I was just thinking about what happened today with Wind.”

Her father spoke in between bites of his ribs. “I told you that horse would be trouble.”

Rory Quinn was a big man with green eyes the same as hers and Brooke’s. He had thick gray hair and a deep, rich laugh. His face was wrinkled from the sun and years of ranching. He and her mother, Diane, had always been there for her.

“Well, he’s worth it,” Laurel said. “And he’s going to make money.”

Rory shook his head. “You’re lucky you’re not getting sued for what that crazy stallion did today. And now that Kase is home, and with him being a lawyer and all, he could cause you problems.”

Would Kase do that?

Brooke’s eyes brightened. “Yes, tell us about seeing Kase Rawlins.”

Even torture wouldn’t make Laurel admit that the man got her pulse revving once again. “There’s nothing much to tell, really. Of course he wasn’t happy about what happened to his mare. What surprised me was that he owns a horse.”

Brooke picked up her short rib. “No, I mean tell me about seeing Kase again. Does he look as good as you remember?”

Laurel glanced at her father and he didn’t look pleased, and she figured he’d probably remain that way no matter what answer she gave. Why would he be? His daughter’s track record with men had been lousy. “It’s been a long time since Kase left, but yes, he’s still a good-looking man.”

Her father spoke up. “Back then, you both were too young to be so serious. I’m grateful you both went your separate ways. You both needed to concentrate on college.”

That had been another sore subject between them. Her parents weren’t happy when Laurel hadn’t finished college. Instead, she decided to come back to breed and train quarter horses.

“You and Mom fell in love in high school. You didn’t go to college.” Laurel didn’t want to talk about this anymore and raised her hand to stop any further comment from her father. “Let’s go to a safer subject.” She turned to her sister. “Has Trent painted the baby’s room yet?”

Brooke beamed. “Yes, he finished the nursery yesterday. Tonight, he’s putting together the crib.” She took a drink of her water. “You know the one we both liked? The Child Craft? Trent liked the dark wood. He said it was more masculine for a boy.”

Laurel had known their neighbor Trent Landry all her life. He’d been like a brother to her, since their parents, Wade Landry and Rory Quinn, had traveled the rodeo circuit in their younger days. After Wade’s death, Trent came home and took over the Lucky Bar L Ranch. Laurel couldn’t have been any happier when Trent and Brooke fell in love last fall. At least sometimes love worked out.

Suddenly Laurel heard her name, and she turned and searched the crowded room. Then she spotted the familiar little girl running toward her. “Laurel! Laurel!”

“Addy?” Laurel opened her arms just as the tiny child landed there. “What a surprise.” A shock was more like it. “What are you doing here?”

Addy stood back. “I did a good job picking up my toys, so Daddy said we could go out to eat, too. He said he needed a break from cooking. Papa Gus, too.” She glanced around the table and saw Brooke, then turned back to Laurel. “She looks just like you.”

The group laughed. “That’s because she’s my twin sister,” Laurel said. “We look alike, just like your dollies.”

The child looked around the table. “Hi, I’m Addy and I’m four years old.” She looked at Rory. “Are you Laurel’s prince?”

Her father seemed to be flustered by the question. “I think I’m too old to be a prince, but she’s my princess. So is my other daughter, Brooke.”

Brooke waved. “Hi, Addy.”

Those big blue eyes rounded as she cupped her tiny hands around her mouth and whispered loudly to Laurel. “She has a baby in her tummy.”

Laurel bit back a smile. “Yes, she does.”

The little girl walked around to the other side of the table, totally entranced with Brooke’s expanded belly.

“I’m having a little boy,” Brooke said. “We’re going to name him Christopher.”

“Oh, I like that name. I have a baby doll named Bobby, and I let Laurel hold him when she came in my room.”

Brooke’s gaze landed on Laurel’s. “Really? I didn’t know that.”

Suddenly Laurel began to search the area for Kase. She finally saw him, helping a slower-moving Gus across the restaurant. He didn’t look happy to see where his daughter had gone.

When they arrived at the table, Laurel couldn’t seem to take her eyes off the man. He had on a pair of dark jeans and a blue oxford dress shirt. His sandy-blond hair was neatly combed, only making her want to mess it up. Whoa. Where did that come from?

“We seem to keep running into each other.” Kase stated the obvious.

“This time it isn’t my fault,” she told him, knowing everyone’s eyes were on them. Darn, did the man have to look so good? “My horse is home in the barn.”

Kase raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”

Rory was on his feet shaking Gus’s hand. Then he turned to Kase. “Good to see you again, Kase.” He reached out a hand.

Kase shook his hand. “It’s good to see you, too.”

Rory glared at his daughter. “I also heard about what happened today.”

Kase nodded. “Dad assures me that it’ll be fine, no matter what the outcome.” His attention went across the table to Brooke. “Well, so the rumors are true, there is another one. You must be Brooke.”

Brooke smiled. “Yes, I am. Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Rawlins.”

“Call me Kase, please. This is my father, Gus.”

Kase’s father smiled. “You’re a lucky man, Quinn, to have two beautiful daughters.”

Rory beamed. “That I am. And you have a budding beauty in your granddaughter.”

Brooke spoke up. “She is precious.”

Kase’s attention went to the child. “She may be, but I need to work on her running off.”

“Good luck with that,” Rory said. “Would you like to join us?”

“Oh, we couldn’t intrude,” Kase said. “We’ve already interrupted your supper.”

“But, Daddy, I want to stay with Laurel. She’s my friend.”

Laurel felt tension coming from Kase. This was awkward for all of them. “Addy, I’m having a date with my prince. So why don’t you have a date with your prince, your daddy?”

The little girl’s eyes twinkled with excitement. “Oh, can we, Daddy?”

Kase’s gaze went to Laurel. Immediately she felt heat flood through her body. Then too quickly he turned back to his daughter and said, “I would love to be with my princess.” He did a slight bow and held out his hand. “Please allow me to escort you to our table, Princess Addison?”

Addy giggled, then took her father’s hand and strolled off. That picture of the two caused an ache that circled her heart.

Laurel turned back to her family. Both her father and her sister were watching her. “What?”

“Seems you left out a few details about today,” her father said.

“What, my stallion impregnating a neighbor’s mare wasn’t enough?” Laurel pretended to be interested in her food. Too bad her taste buds weren’t cooperating.

“You didn’t say anything about that adorable little girl being with him,” Brooke said.

Laurel was confused. “Where else would she be?”

“According to Gus, she’d been living with her grandparents, the Chappells, in Denver since her mother’s death. There’s a big custody fight for the child.”

Laurel didn’t know that. Okay, she needed to get out more and talk to people instead of horses. “What? How can that be? Kase is the father and he has the right to raise his daughter.”

Rory shrugged. “You would think so, but the grandparents are accusing Kase of causing his wife’s death.”

* * *

LATER THAT EVENING, Laurel walked around her apartment unable to sleep. The space wasn’t large, but she didn’t need much except a bed, a bath and a small kitchen. Not that she cooked much, but she could make sandwiches and fry eggs. That was all she had the energy for after working all day. She didn’t have anyone to come home to, to hold her and love her.

She thought about Jack, and her anger began to stir. How could she have been such a fool? Maybe she hadn’t loved him as she should have, but her loneliness and wanting a family of her own drove her into their arrangement.

Okay, so that wasn’t the perfect scenario for marriage, but they both knew that going into it. And they did have chemistry. What she didn’t expect from her husband-to-be was for him to rob her parents and Trent of their money. And for that she could never forgive him.

Now she had a bigger problem. Kase Rawlins was back in her life. She would most likely see the man when she stopped by the ranch. She wasn’t going to break a promise to a little girl, especially when that child was still getting over her mother’s death.

What about Kase? Was he still having trouble with his wife’s passing? Of course he was. And after her father’s declaration about Kase causing his wife’s death, she was definitely curious to find out more.

Laurel went to the table and opened her laptop and quickly Googled Kase’s name. The first reference showed he was a junior partner with the prestigious Denver law firm of Chappell, Hannett and Caruthers. It showed Kase’s picture as a rising star of criminal defense. It named a famous case involving a son of an oil corporation’s CEO. She moved on to his bio and his five-year marriage to Johanna Chappell Rawlins. She paused to examine the picture of the handsome Kase and his young bride, a beautiful brunette with large brown eyes.

Laurel sighed. “And to think he left a girl who wore jeans and smelled of horses for that life.” Okay, she was more the Calamity Jane type than a runway model.

She quickly did a search for Johanna Chappell Rawlins. Several pictures of the Denver socialite came up on the screen. Seemed Mrs. Rawlins, Jonnie, as her friends called her, liked to be out on the town, whether it was at parties or at fund-raisers. She was also the granddaughter of oil tycoon Henry William Cash. So Johanna Rawlins was wealthy in her own right and her family had connections. Everything Kase had been searching for when he left here ten years ago.

Laurel sank back into her chair. Kase had been right to leave her behind. She would never fit into that life, any more than Kase would fit in back here. He’d proved that when he left and never came back, not even for a visit.

She scrolled down on the computer and continued to read more. She stopped at the headline “Heiress Johanna Chappell Rawlins found dead in drug overdose. Denver Police question the husband as to his whereabouts.”

She continued to read that Kase had cooperated with the police and was never charged with anything. The Chappell family felt differently.

Laurel sighed. No wonder he brought Addy back here. With the Chappells’ accusation and being followed by the media, that couldn’t be good for a child.

She closed her laptop. Did he really mean he was going to stay here? Could he build a new life here, or after Gus’s surgery and recovery would he get bored and take off again? She couldn’t afford to dream about anything happening with Kase, and definitely not act on impulse. No matter how cute his little girl was, and good-looking the man was, he was off-limits.

Her focus had to be her parents and Trent and the money she had to pay them back. There was nothing more important than that.

* * *

THE NEXT DAY, Laurel had been up early as usual. She fed the stock, exercised the horses and even got in some training. After Wind’s adventure yesterday, she wanted to make sure he didn’t get out again while she was in town.

Right before 9:00 a.m., she pulled her truck into the parking lot in downtown Hidden Springs, next to the professional building. She glanced up at the name Allen and Jacobs Accounting painted on the brick facade.

A few months ago, she’d applied for a part-time job to work during their busy tax season. As much as she wanted to train horses full-time, she was in debt over $30,000. That was the amount Jack had stolen from her parents and Trent when he had been their general contractor on fishing cabin projects. And if it hadn’t been for her carelessness, that money might still be in the account.

She climbed out of the truck, brushed off her black pencil skirt, then reached back inside and grabbed her matching jacket off the seat. After slipping it on over her silk blouse, she headed to the door. Okay, so she enjoyed the chance to work with numbers all day, at least until tax season was over, and she was paid well.

She greeted the receptionist. “Hi, Melody.”

“Good morning, Laurel.”

Melody Hayes was happily married with two kids. A picture of her son, Parker, and daughter, Claire, sat on her desk like a shrine.

With a smile, Laurel continued through the double doors to the main room, where several cubbies were divided by glass partitions. She went to hers and began to sort through the new files on her desk.

Two hours later, she looked up from her computer. She raised her hands over her head and worked to stretch out the kinks from her back. That was when she heard the voices. She looked from her cubby to see Mr. Allen talking with a client outside his office. Not just any client, it was Kase. Oh, no, what was he doing here?

She moved back inside her space, hoping that he wouldn’t see her, but then she heard her name called.


Suddenly Addy Rawlins stood in her doorway.

“Oh, Addy. Hi.”

The little girl grinned as she strolled in and up to the desk. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, this is where I work. What are you doing here?”

“I got to come with Daddy. He said he needs help with his money now that we live with Papa Gus.”

Wonderful. Would Kase somehow blame her for this, too? “Well, Mr. Allen and Mr. Jacobs are good at that.”

Then she heard that familiar voice. “Addy, where are you?”

“Oh, no. Daddy’s mad.”

“No, he isn’t. He’s just worried because he doesn’t know where you are.” Laurel stood up and waved. “She’s with me, Kase.”

Kase frowned as he came around the corner to the office. Inside, he found Laurel and Addy. Great, Laurel worked here. “Addison Rawlins, what have I told you about wandering off?”

Addy looked down at the floor. “Not to leave you.” She raised her head and blinked her eyes. “I’m sorry, Daddy, but I saw Laurel and I wanted to say hi.”

His anger dissolved as his heart rate slowed. He knelt down. “I know you did, but I didn’t know where you went.”

“I won’t do it again, I promise.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t be mad at me, Daddy,” she whispered against his ear.

His heart squeezed tightly. “Oh, sweetheart. I’m not mad at you. I was afraid that you were lost and scared.”

Addy clasped her hands together. “And you were going to save me?”

He couldn’t help but smile. He kissed Addy’s cheek. “I’ll always save you.” Holding his daughter’s hand, he stood up and looked at Laurel. “Seems we keep meeting.”

She nodded. “I work here a few days a week.”

He couldn’t help but stare at the woman whom he’d never seen dressed like this. Hair pulled into a bun, wearing a blouse and skirt. He actually saw her legs. A tingle of awareness hit him low in his belly. It had been a long time since he’d seen those legs. He shook away the memory. “So you got your accounting degree?”

“I might be a few classes short, but close enough.”

Cleve Allen walked up. “Mr. Rawlins,” the older man began, “is everything okay?”

“Yes, my daughter just found a friend.”

Allen smiled at Laurel. “Good. Would you like to go into my office and we can have our meeting?”

Kase looked down at Addy. He wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. “Maybe we should reschedule. My daughter is upset and...”

“No, don’t do that,” Laurel jumped in. “Addy can stay with me while you two have your meeting.” Laurel looked at her boss. “Is that okay with you, Mr. Allen? I’m due for my break and I could take her into the lunch room.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea, Laurel. If it’s okay with Mr. Rawlins?”

Kase didn’t want to feel anything, but Laurel Quinn had nixed that idea. She’d stormed back into his life and he couldn’t seem to stop her.

“Of course,” he said and looked down at his daughter. “Addy, you be good and stay with Laurel.”

Addy took hold of Laurel’s hand. “I will, Daddy, ’cause she’s my best friend.”

Great, just another complication added to his life. With a nod, Kase turned and followed Allen down the hall.

After Kase took a seat in a barrel chair across from the man’s desk, Allen walked around the desk and sat down. “First of all, thank you for trusting our firm to handle your finances, Mr. Rawlins.”

Kase leaned back in his chair. “The main reason I came to you was for my father’s business. He’s a quarter horse trainer, but I’m not sure if he’ll be able to continue his work. I want to make sure he has an income to live on.” Kase had done well for himself in Denver. And although he hadn’t made partner at the firm, his income was quite impressive. “I’ve already invested in the business with a brood mare, and I plan to do some improvements.” After all, his father was just sixty-five, and he could continue to do his training if only in hiring personnel. “Also I have my daughter’s trust from her deceased mother. That’s handled by a bank in Denver. As of now, the trustee is her grandfather. I’m hoping to change that in the future.”

Allen took notes. “We’ll see if we can assist you in that trust transfer.” He arched an eyebrow. “Will you be strictly working with your father, or opening your own law practice?”

“I’m not ready to make that decision.” The type of law he’d practiced for Chappell had left a bad taste in his mouth. He’d sold his soul for money. Now that Johanna was gone, he had to worry about what damage her lifestyle had done to Addy. Even though the four-year-old was worth millions, she needed a lot more than money. She needed stability and love. He’d hoped by coming back here he could do more for her. His thoughts turned to Laurel Quinn. It seemed that she was doing a much better job with his daughter than he was.

Second Chance Rancher

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