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Chapter Two


JARRETT stared at his sister-in-law. “Okay, it’s been a few years since Biology 101, but I would remember something like this.”

“Mia is a surrogate,” she explained. “Or maybe I should say she was.”

“There’s definitely still a baby,” he added, recalling the generous curve of her stomach.

“But no parents.”

“So what’s the story?”

Kira gave her husband a quick glance. “It wasn’t exactly public knowledge, but Mia is carrying her brother and sister-in-law’s baby.”

“The hell you say!”

Suddenly Jenna came running into the kitchen. “Unca Jay, you said a bad word.”

Jarrett ignored Trace’s disapproving stare. “I’m sorry, sweetie,” he told her. “I’ll try to be better.”

“You got to give me a nickel for the jar.” The child held out her tiny hand and smiled. “Pay me.”

The little thief. With a smile he dug into his pocket. “Here’s a quarter.”

“Jenna, go wash up for supper,” her mother said.

“Okay, Mommy.” She smiled and went and hugged Trace. “Hi, Daddy.”

While father and daughter exchanged pleasantries Jarrett tried to wrap his head around this news.

Once the child left, Jarrett turned back to Kira. “Was Mia Saunders going to give the reverend and his wife her baby?”

Kira shook her head. “No, she’s been carrying Brad and Karen’s baby all along. Surely you’ve heard of a fertilized embryo being implanted in another woman and she carries the baby when the biological mother can’t. In this case, Mia was doing this for her brother and his wife.”

Kira got up from the table, went to the oven and checked the roast, then she returned to the table. “But now everything has changed with Brad and Karen’s death. Mia will not only be giving birth to her niece or nephew in about six weeks, but now she’ll be raising the baby, too.”

In the past, Jarrett had always run as far as possible from romantic entanglements. He didn’t do relationships beyond a few months, no matter how beautiful or intriguing the woman. It would mean he’d have to put his feelings on the line, to be vulnerable—something he’d avoided since he’d been a kid when his mother had died. Still grieving, he’d soon learned that his father’s new wife didn’t want to deal with someone else’s kid.

He’d concluded a long time ago he wasn’t cut out to be a family man.

Yet, this woman caused him to pause. Why was he even giving her a second thought?

A woman with a baby?

He recalled the scene from earlier that day in the community room filled with all those elderly tenants and how Mia Saunders had led the pack. Those amazing blue eyes had dared him to challenge her demands. She’d tried to act tough, but he could see her nervousness.

“Does she have any other family?”

Kira shook her head. “From what I heard there was only her brother. Since her brother was a pastor, Brad and Karen didn’t exactly have a fat bank account. Mia had been going to law school, but she had to drop out after the accident. I know she does Web design because she works from home, which is important now with the baby coming. The church is helping as much as possible.”

And he was about to throw her out of her home. “When is the kid due?”

“Would you believe Christmas day?” Kira smiled. “I feel that’s a good omen. I believe there’s a miracle out there for her.”

Jarrett hoped it happened before the New Year.

“They have the best food around,” Jarrett told Neil Fulton the next afternoon at lunch. “Prime Cut’s Barbecue is outstanding. It’s all local beef, too. Some of it comes from my brother’s ranch.”

The fifty-five-year-old business executive looked as if he’d spent a lot of time behind a desk. His skin was pale and his hair thinning. “You own part of that, too?”

“No, I got out of ranching a long time ago.” Jarrett hadn’t liked all the hard work or a father who drove him to do more than a kid should have to do. For what? To wait out another drought, low cattle prices or a freezing winter without going bankrupt. And you’re still poor. He liked the finer things in life, and he’d found a way to get them.

“But my brother is good at what he does. I guarantee you’ll love the beef.”

“Maybe another time, I usually eat a lighter lunch.” Neil looked over his half-glasses at Jarrett. “My wife insists on it.”

Jarrett would do everything he could to move this deal along. With the slow economy, he needed to make sure this sale didn’t fall through. If only he could find a place for the Mountain View tenants, life would be perfect.

“Why not have the best of both worlds?” he said. “If you lived around here, you could enjoy hearty meals, because there’s plenty of hiking and skiing around to keep you in shape. And there’s a great gym where you can work out.”

Neil smiled. “You’ve kept in shape well enough since you left football. How do you do it?”

Jarrett couldn’t believe people still remembered his college career. But he’d use it if it helped seal the deal with Fulton Industries.

“I have a home gym,” he explained. You and your wife will have to come by and I’ll show you. It’s Robin, isn’t it?”

Fulton nodded, then returned to scanning the menu.

“I also want to show you both some houses in the area. There are several estates with horse property. Riding is another great way to keep in shape.”

Neil raised a hand. “First, I need to put all my energy into building this plant. Robin will stay in Chicago until we can get things moving along. From past experience, once my wife gets going on a new house, she’ll throw herself into decorating it.”

“Well, when that happens I’ll have one of my top agents help her find the perfect house.”

Neil frowned. “You don’t know Robin. She’s hard to please.”

Jarrett bet he could handle her. “Then I’ll work with her personally.”

Neil laughed. “You may live to regret that offer.”

Before Jarrett could respond, a young man approached the table. “Excuse me, sir, are you Jarrett McKane?”

“Yes, I am.”

The guy pulled out a manila envelope from inside his jacket. “This is for you.” He smiled. “You’ve been served.”

Jarrett felt his face heat with anger. Then he glanced across the restaurant as the man stopped at a table. He sat down beside a dark-haired woman. Mia Saunders.

“Is there a problem, Jarrett?” Neil asked.

“No. Just a minor disagreement with a client.”

Mia raised a hand and waved.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with our project, does it?”

Jarrett nodded at Mia. “Like I said it’s a minor problem. Nothing I can’t handle.”

The following morning, Mia drove to her doctor’s appointment in Grand Junction, about forty miles away. The roads were clear so far, and she only hoped that northwest Colorado’s winter weather would hold off for another month.

Since she was in her last trimester, she had to travel there regularly. Not a problem; she liked her doctor, Lauren Drake. In her forties, the attractive fertility specialist had been there for her from the beginning of the surrogacy. She’d also supported Mia through Brad and Karen’s horrible accident and death.

“How have you been feeling?”

“Great,” Mia said. “Except the baby is pretty active. He or she is kicking all the time.”

The attractive blonde was tall and slender and happily married to her college sweetheart. Mia should hate her for her perfect life, but Lauren was too nice to hate. She had become a good friend. And Mia needed as many friends as she could get.

“I know the pregnancy is going well, but I’m worried about you, Mia. Your life has been turned upside down in the past few months. And now, you aren’t even sure about a place to live.”

“So what else is new?” Sadness crept in. She missed her brother desperately. He’d been her rock for most of her life. Even with Brad’s help, it had taken her years to get her act together. Now, she felt on the verge of falling apart. What kind of mother would that make her? Not a good one.

“I know you’ve had to deal with a lot,” the doctor said. “You only planned to be the aunt to this baby. Now, you’re going to be the mother, unless you’ve changed your mind on that.”

Mia shook her head. Well before Brad and Karen had moved ahead with the surrogacy, everyone had agreed that if something ever happened to them, Mia would raise the child. Yet, no one had ever imagined the loss of both parents even before the baby arrived.

“It’s a big responsibility, Mia. Even when there’s a father in the picture.”

Mia added, “A single mother with no money and no apparent means of income isn’t the best candidate.”

“Don’t say that.”

Mia hadn’t hidden anything from the doctor before the procedure began. Dr. Drake knew about everything in her past.

“There are agencies around to help, too.”

Mia shook her head. She had some money set aside. And Brad and Karen had some left-over insurance money. “I just want a job.”

“I’d prefer you didn’t take any more on your plate right now.”

Mia fought her panic. “Is there something wrong?”

Lauren shook her head. “Just watching your blood pressure. It’s a little high, but no worries right now.” She quickly changed the subject. “Have you picked out any names?”

“No, I haven’t thought about it.” She had some personal things of Karen’s, a baby book that might give her a clue and a letter from her sister-in-law that Mia wasn’t supposed to open until the birth of the baby.

“Well, do it. And stop trying to take on everyone’s problems. Think about yourself for a change. You won’t get the chance after the baby comes.”

Mia knew she couldn’t walk away from her neighbors. Not now. They’d been so good to her. “We’re just trying to stay in our homes for a little while longer. We’re going to court next week, and we’re hoping the judge will rule in our favor.”

Having a place to live was her main concern right now. She couldn’t be homeless again. Not with a baby.

A week later, Jarrett walked into the courtroom. What he didn’t expect to see were several of the tenants there, too. Of course, leading the pack was Mia Saunders.

She looked professional in her dark skirt and a long wine-colored sweater draped over her rounded stomach. Her rich brown hair was pulled back from her oval face and clipped at the base of her neck. She didn’t wear makeup. She didn’t try to highlight her already striking blue eyes or her rosy-hued lips. She did nothing to enhance her good looks. She didn’t need to.

He wasn’t interested in her anyway. She had issues he didn’t want to deal with. Yet it seemed he would be dealing with her whether he liked it or not. He hoped today would end any and all future meetings.

That was why he’d brought his lawyer. Matthew Holliston wasn’t only his attorney but a longtime friend from high school. And he was damn good at his job.

Although, when Matt had heard that Judge Barbara Gillard was going to hear the case, he’d been worried. She had a reputation as a tough judge, and something else went against Jarrett. Years ago, he had dated Judge Gillard’s sister, Amy, in high school. It hadn’t ended well, so Matt had suggested that he make a generous offer to the building tenants. They had written up something to appease the judge and, they hoped, the tenants.

“Good morning, Ms. Saunders,” Jarrett said.

She nodded. “Mr. McKane.”

He was quickly drawn into her sparkling gaze and lost the ability to say more. That was when Matt stepped in and guided him to his seat.

The court deputy soon called their case. “The Mountain View tenants versus Jarrett McKane Properties.”

“Here, your honor,” Matt acknowledged. He and Jarrett went to the front of the courtroom.

“We’re also here, your honor.” Mia Saunders walked up with two elderly people.

Everyone waited in silence as Judge Gillard glanced over the case papers in front of her. There were also pictures and estimates for several repairs. The judge’s gaze turned to Jarrett. “How can you expect your tenants to live like this?”

Jarrett started to speak, but Matt stepped in. “Your honor, as you read in our deposition, my client only purchased the property three months ago.”

The judge just looked at him, then said, “I assume, Mr. McKane, you did a walk-through of the property before purchasing it so you had to know the conditions. And if that wasn’t enough, Ms. Saunders contacted you several times. So you should have, at least, begun to make some of the repairs.”

“Your honor,” Matt tried again. “It would be a waste of time and money. Mr. McKane will be demolishing the building so a factory can be built there—a computer-chip plant that will bring several new jobs into the area.”

“Your honor,” Mia Saunders interrupted. “The tenants had to sign a lease agreement when they moved in. It states that if the property is ever sold they have six months to relocate.” She flashed a cold stare at Jarrett, then went on. “Even with the change of ownership, until each tenant is contacted about their eviction, they still have five months and three weeks to stay in their apartments.”

Matt fought back. “Your honor, isn’t six months a little excessive? A thirty-day notice is a standard agreement now.”

The judge looked at the lease in her hand. “Well, this agreement is from 1968.” She glanced over her glasses. “But no one thought to change it.” She held up the photos. “I’m more concerned that many of these apartments aren’t suitable to live in.”

Nola stepped forward and introduced herself. “Your honor, I’m Nola Madison, one of the longtime tenants. May I speak?”

The judge nodded. “Yes, Mrs. Madison, you may.”

The tiny woman made her way to the front. “Many of us have lived at Mountain View Apartments for a long time. It’s our home, and like all of us, it’s getting old. With a little work and some minor repairs, we can live comfortably for the winter. Please don’t ask us to leave yet.”

“You know that in six months you will have to move anyway,” the judge told her.

Nola glanced around to her group of friends and neighbors. “Next week is Thanksgiving, your honor. For years a lot of us have spent it together. Christmas, too. If this is our last year, I really would like to be with my friends. My family. And we need the time to find affordable places to live and to save the extra money to move. So staying until March would be helpful.”

Seeing the judge blink several times, Jarrett knew he was in big trouble.

“Your honor,” Matt tried again. “This is not a good situation, but there is an important business deal pending here. A factory is to be built on this site. A factory that will bring jobs into our community.”

The judge straightened. “From which your client will benefit nicely, I’m sure. While these people will lose their homes.” She glared daggers toward Jarrett. “Mr. McKane, you knew the conditions of the lease, and you also knew the deplorable condition of the building when you made the purchase.”

He didn’t agree or disagree. “What I had planned was to help the tenants relocate,” he replied.

The judge wasn’t buying it. “Seems to me if you’d been sincere you would have answered their letters three months ago,” she observed. “Now you’re throwing them out of their homes as though nothing matters as long as you make a profit. Well, it’s not always about profit, Mr. McKane. My ruling is that you make the necessary repairs to bring the building up to code. I’ll waive the fine as long as you begin immediately.”

Jarrett bit the inside of his mouth. “Yes, your honor.”

“Don’t think that’s all there is, Mr. McKane. You’re to make all repairs so the place is livable.” Judge Gillard paused and looked at Mia Saunders. “Is there a vacant apartment?”

Mia nodded. “Yes, your honor, but the apartment is unlivable.”

The judge nodded. “Good. What’s the number?”


“Jarrett McKane, I order you to move into apartment 203B at Mountain View complex until all repairs are completed. No eviction until March first. Although, I do want to see you back here after the holidays to learn about your progress.” She hit the gavel on the block. The sound echoed around the courtroom. “Court adjourned.”

“Judge, this is highly irregular,” Matt called, but she had already exited the courtroom.

That left Jarrett thinking about everything he was about to lose. No, he couldn’t lose this. He’d fix this, like he’d fixed everything all his life. He’d figure out a way to get what he wanted. He always did.

The next day, Jarrett and Matt parked in front of the Mountain View Apartments. “You can’t bend any of the rules, Jarrett,” Matt told him. “You have to sleep here every night, eat here and even work here. You can only go to your home to get more clothes and food, that’s all, or the judge could toss you in jail. You know she means business when she instructed me to escort you here personally.”

“Dammit, Matt, you’d better get me out of this mess. If Fulton finds out, he’ll walk away from the deal.”

“Well, unless he’ll wait until April, you’re in big trouble. The only alternative you have is talking them into moving out.”

Jarrett was frustrated. Thanks to Mia Saunders, he had to figure out something. But honestly there weren’t many options since housing was limited in Winchester Ridge.

He looked toward the yellow-and-brown structure with the peeling paint and sagging rain gutters. It seemed even worse with winter-bare trees, but the grass was cut and the hedges trimmed.

“In its day, the place was probably a showcase,” Matt observed.

“Well, it’s not 1960,” he told his friend. “And I’m only going to do the minimum that needs to be done. It’s a waste of time and money.”

Jarrett looked out the Mercedes’ windshield to see someone coming toward them. It was the older woman, Mrs. Madison. He pressed the button so the window went down.

“Hello, Mr. McKane.” She slowly made her way to the car. “I’m not sure if you remember me, I’m Nola Madison.”

He got out of the car. “Were you checking up to see if I was coming?”

She smiled despite his rudeness. “As a matter of fact, we were watching for you, but only to warn you about what to expect in your apartment.” She shook her head. “It was once the manager’s, but he didn’t take very good care of it. We tried the best we could to clean it up.” She held out a key dangling from a heart keychain. “But I’m afraid it needs more work than any of our places.”

Feeling like a heel, Jarrett took the key from her, and pulled his jacket together against the cold. “You shouldn’t be out in this weather, Mrs. Madison.”

“Please, call me Nola. Let’s go inside, but it isn’t much warmer.”

Jarrett grabbed his duffel bag from the back of the car, asked Matt to have his car brought over from the office, and followed the woman up the walk. They went into a bare lobby. He’d seen this area before and knew how bad it looked, but it hadn’t mattered to him, since it was tagged for demolition. He headed for the elevators to find signs that read, Out of Order.

On the walk-through of the property he hadn’t noticed that. “There is no elevator?”

She shook her head. “Not in the last year.”

Jarrett recalled that day in the community room—two of the tenants were in wheelchairs. “How do the handicapped get upstairs?”

She led him to the wrought-iron staircase and they started the climb. “Oh, we found two tenants who were willing to move upstairs, and Joe and Sylvia’s son, Ryan, built ramps for both Margie and Harold. Now they can get in and out or their apartments. It’s important to be independent.”

“Who exchanged apartments?”

“Well, Mia was one who moved upstairs, and when her brother, Reverend Brad, was alive he used to help us with a lot of repairs. Many of his congregation did, too.”

“Where was the owner? Some of these repairs are required by law.”

She shook her head. “He threatened to double our rent if we kept complaining. So we started fixing things ourselves.” They made it to the second floor. “But some things we can’t fix. We need an expert.”

Once again he was confronted with dingy walls and worn carpet. They passed a few doors, then she stopped in front of his apartment. He paused. Hell, he was afraid to go inside.

Suddenly the door across the hall opened and Mia Saunders stepped out. She actually smiled at him and he felt a strange tightness in his chest. “Moving in, Mr. McKane?”

She was dressed in a long blue sweater that went to midthigh, with a pair of black leggings covering those long legs. He looked back at her face. “Seems I am. Looks like we’re going to be neighbors.”

“Isn’t that nice,” Nola said, then glanced at her watch. “Oh, my, I just remembered I have a doctor’s appointment. I don’t know where my head is today. Mia, could you show Mr. McKane around?”

Mia frowned. “Do you need a ride, Nola?”

“No, thank you, dear, my daughter is coming by.” With a wave, the older woman walked off.

Mia didn’t like Nola’s not-so-subtle disappearing act. Why did anyone need to show Jarrett McKane around?

She walked to the apartment entrance. “Brace yourself.” She swung open the door, reached in and flicked on the lights, then motioned for him to go inside first. He frowned and stepped into the main room. She heard his curse and couldn’t help but smile as she followed him in.

The apartment walls needed paint, but not before numerous holes in the plaster were patched. Under the slipcovers that Nola and her welcoming committee had recently put on, the furniture was thrift-store rejects.

“Joe cleaned the carpet, or what’s left of it. It’s probably the original. At least the place doesn’t smell as if someone died in here anymore.”

Without comment, he continued down the hall and peered into the bath. Again another curse.

She called after him. “It might not look very good, but I can guarantee you Nola and Sylvia cleaned it within an inch of its life. And there are fresh towels. And they made up the bed for you, too.” Then she murmured to herself, “Why they’re being so nice to you, I have no idea.”

The good-looking Jarrett McKane came out and stood in front of her. His dark hair had been cut and styled recently. His clothes were top-of-the-line, too. Everything about him rang out success and power. So why was she even noticing him?

Hormones, she concluded. It was just late-pregnancy hormones. She’d learned a long time ago to stay away from men like him.

“Why did they do all this?” he finally asked.

Jarrett McKane was standing too close, but she refused to step back. She refused to let him intimidate her.

“It’s their way of being neighborly,” she told him. “It’s the same with everyone here. Over the years, they’ve all become a family. Some are alone. Some have family that didn’t have time for them so they take care of each other.”

“Or it’s their way to get me to not tear the place down.”

She smiled, not wanting him to see her anger. “It’s just some towels and linens and a few home-cooked meals. But yes, they feel it’s worth a try. Enjoy your stay.” She turned and started to leave when he called her name.

When she turned around, he gave her a sexy grin. “Did you do anything to sway me, Ms. Saunders?”

Her heart began to pound in her chest. “There might be a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies on the kitchen counter.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing how far you’ll go to persuade me.”

Mia arched her aching back, causing her stomach to be front and center. “I’m afraid cookies are as far as I’m willing to go.”

Daddy by Christmas / Christmas Magic on the Mountain

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