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Chapter One


Chance Randell had waited a long time for his dream. He just had to be patient a while longer. But patience had never been easy for him, he thought, as he rode his buckskin horse, Ace, along the fence that bordered the Circle B Ranch to the deserted Kirby place.

He looked out over the rolling hills of West Texas. Last week’s rain had only added to the rich, emerald hue of the lush spring grass. Ancient oak trees spotted the landscape, their large branches capable of shading herds of mama cows even on the hottest June and July days.

Chance pushed the Stetson back from his forehead as he shifted in the saddle. “Sure is some prime grazing land,” he said into the warm April breeze. “And soon, it’s gonna be mine.”

Just months ago, Chance had learned from Lillian Kirby’s lawyer that her only nephew had died, but the search was on for other relatives to stake claim to the place.

If there were any, Chance bet they’d be city folk who didn’t want any part of running a cattle ranch. And he was going to make damn sure when—or if—anyone showed up, he’d be first in line to make an offer on the ranch. One way or the other, he was going to get this place. Yeah, that was his plan all right.

For as long as he could remember, Chance had wanted his own ranch. Most of his life he’d lived on the Circle B. Ever since Hank Barrett had seen fit to drag him and his incorrigible brothers from a life in the foster-care system.

A slow smile creased Chance’s mouth as he thought about the man who had believed in those wild Randell brothers. Their mother had died several years ago, and they hadn’t had any options until Hank had opened his home to all of them. It had been the last chance for the trio everyone else had given up on.

Back then Chance had had more attitude than brains. Some people thought he still did. For the most part, Chance never cared what other people thought. They were going to think the worst just because he had the last name Randell. It didn’t matter that he’d been the Circle B’s foreman for the past ten years, or that he’d trained some of the finest quarter horses in the area. There were people who’d never forgotten that their father, Jack Randell, had been sent to prison. Chance and his brothers had spent most of their lives trying to pay for their father’s sins.

“To hell with them all,” he cursed, and Ace danced sideways sensing his rider’s mood swing.

Wait until he had his own place. He’d show everyone. Determined to have his dream, Chance had managed to save nearly everything he’d made over the years.

Even though Hank had always wanted the brothers to think of the ranch as their home, Chance wanted something of his own. At nearly thirty-four, he wanted a home. Not that he had anyone to share it with. His thoughts drifted back to a time when he’d thought that love was possible. But Belinda Reed had had other ideas. Her only interest had been to have a good time with one of the wild Randell boys.

Chance tightened his grip on the saddle horn as he thought about the fateful summer he’d been made a fool of. It had taken him years, but he’d learned all kinds of tricks to keep his emotions under control. And his practiced stony gaze could shield his hurt from just about everyone. He wasn’t going to let anyone get close enough to hurt him again.

He pushed away the memories and gave Ace a slight nudge. He rode through the gate and stopped at the barn about a hundred yards from the old house. Might as well check on the winter feed. A few years back he’d arranged a deal with Lillian Kirby to use her barn to store feed. It had also been an excuse for Hank or Chance to check up on the old woman who’d lived here alone until her death about twelve months ago.

Chance swung his leg off his horse and tied the reins to the rusted metal fence. He glanced toward the house and saw that the paint was faded and starting to peel. He could easily take care of the problem in a few days. Some scraping and prepping, and the house could be ready to paint. White. He’d always wanted a white ranch house. The big wraparound porch sagged a little, but that could be taken care of, too.

He walked around to the barn door and discovered it open. Great, had kids been in here again? Inside, he examined the bags of feed and found them untouched. That was when he heard the noise.

It was more of a cry. Like an animal in pain. He moved down the aisle between the empty stalls toward the tack room, where the noise got louder. Carefully and slowly, not wanting an injured animal to attack him, he opened the door. What he saw was a shock. A woman. A very pregnant woman doubled over in pain.

Joy Spencer’s timing couldn’t have been worse. She’d thought she had everything figured out. But her plans hadn’t included her baby deciding to come two weeks early. She’d had back pain most of the morning, but thought it had been caused by the long drive here, not labor. She had to get some help. Once the pain subsided she stood up and tried to walk, but before she could make it to the door another pain hit her, making her cry out again.

“Oh, no,” she groaned, when she felt a gush of warm water running down her legs. She was in big trouble now. Sinking down onto the wooden bench, she managed to ride out the contraction.

“God, please help me,” she whispered as she tried to catch her breath.

“Guess you’re stuck with me instead.”

She jerked around to find a tall man with shoulders so wide they blocked the doorway. His long legs were encased in jeans and brown leather chaps. A black cowboy hat sat low on his head, nearly covering a pair of piercing gray eyes.

“Who are you?” she gasped.

He came further into the room. “Name’s Chance Randell. A neighbor. By the looks of things, you could use some help.” He knelt down beside her.

She nodded. “It’s my baby. It’s early. Please, can you get me to the hospital?”

“Only if you have a car,” he said. “I rode over here on a horse.”

“My keys are in my purse—” she groaned as another pain raced through her. Joy gripped the man’s shirt and cried out. This was all happening too fast.

“Okay, ma’am, try to take a slow easy breath,” he coaxed.

Joy did as he directed, and finally the pain faded. He helped her to the cot in the corner of the room where she collapsed and closed her eyes.

“I’ll be right back.” The stranger started to get up and she grabbed him again.

“No, don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere, ma’am. Just need to get my cellular phone from the saddle bags. I’ll call an ambulance.”

Joy was too exhausted to do anything but nod and whisper, “Just hurry.”

Chance ran outside and tore his saddle bags off Ace. His hands were trembling as he took out his phone and punched in the emergency numbers. When someone answered, he nearly yelled in the dispatcher’s ear. “I need an ambulance at the Kirby place out off Highway 56. A woman is about to have a baby.”

Several moments later, they had patched him into the hospital. A doctor came on the line. “Hello, I’m Dr. Hager. Are you the husband?”

“No, I’m a neighbor, Chance Randell. I just found the woman…” Damn. Wasn’t this his lucky day?

“Well, it looks like you’re all she has for the moment. How far apart are her pains?”

“Not far. A few minutes at the most.”

“Okay, Chance, I’ll stay on the line with you until help arrives.”

“Thanks. My only experience with birthing is with the four-legged variety.” Chance hurried into the tack room just as another pain gripped the tiny blond woman. He went to her and let her grasp his hand until the pain finally subsided.

She looked at him, fear etched on her face. “They’re not going to get here in time, are they?”

Chance forced a smile. “Hey, I’ve got it under control, blue eyes. I’ve got Dr. Hager right here on the line.” He handed the phone to her. She talked with the doctor and answered his questions.

She gave Chance back the phone. “He wants to talk to you.”

“Look, Chance,” the doctor began. “I want you to make sure she stays calm. Just in case things speed up and she gives birth before the paramedics get there, you’ve got to help her breathe through the pains.”

And just how was he supposed to do that? Cows didn’t need this kind of help. “Sure, Doc,” he said, more confidently than he really felt.

The woman grabbed his arm again and groaned as another contraction began.

“Breathe, breathe.” He puffed out his cheeks and started panting rapidly. Finally she got the picture and followed his lead as the pain faded out.

Three minutes later another pain struck. They repeated the same breathing technique until she collapsed exhausted on the cot.

Chance took out his bandanna and wiped the moisture from her face. “You’re doing just great,” he said.

She looked at him skeptically, clearly not convinced. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The baby’s early.”

“That happens. Is there anyone else I can call? Your mother, husband…?”

She shook her head. “No, my husband is dead. It’s just me…and the baby.” He didn’t question her when she closed her eyes. But not for long, he thought as another pain began.

“Oohh, I need to push.”

“Breathe,” he pleaded with her.

Chance hung in there, coaxing her, wondering why the hell a pregnant woman was out here all alone. If he hadn’t come by she’d have really been in trouble.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Ssh. Save your strength,” he said and got her some water from a bottle in his bag. While she rested, he raised the phone to his ear. “Look, doc, where the hell is the ambulance?”

“It’s en route. Chance, just concentrate on your patient. I have to know if she’s crowning.”

Chance swallowed. He knew there was only one way to find that out.

He put down the phone and turned around. “Look, ma’am, the doctor says I need to examine you. I’m sorry. I’ll try and make it quick.”

Her eyes got big and wide, then she nodded. “Go ahead.” She looked so tiny, so fragile with her oversized shirt and long skirt, her belly rounded. After pulling off her panties, she bent her knees and draped her skirt over her legs. Another contraction hit her. “I’ve got to push again,” she cried.

“Don’t. Not yet. Breathe,” Chance ordered, then he gave a quick glance under her skirt and saw the baby’s head. He grabbed the phone. “Okay, doc. We have a head showing.”

“All right. You’ll need a clean knife and something to wrap the baby in.”

“Hold on.” Chance searched through his bag and found a towel and washcloth. In the small first aid kit there was some disinfectant and small bandages. Then he dug into his jeans pocket to find his knife.

“Yeah, I have a small towel and some disinfectant.” He glanced around the room. “But nothing to wrap the baby in.”

“Then take off your shirt and use that. Wash your hands in the disinfectant and hurry, because on the next contraction, she’s going to have to push again. And you need to help guide the baby’s head….”

Chance dropped the phone and did as the doctor directed. He finished just as she cried out again. “All right, blue eyes, let’s get this baby born. Push.”

The blonde bore down hard with a groan, her face red from the exertion.

“Hey, you’re doing just fine,” a surprised Chance said as he cradled the baby’s tiny head in his hands. “Give one more big push. Come on, your baby needs you,” he coaxed.

Tears rolled from her eyes as she panted. “I can’t.”

“Yes, you can,” he argued. “Your baby needs you.”

That did it. With the next pain, she gave it all she had. And Chance could only gasp as the tiny infant slid out into his shaking hands. Already the baby girl was crying. “Hey, you got yourself a daughter,” he whispered.

All at once the woman began to cry in earnest. Chance was busy cutting and tying the cord with his disinfected pocketknife. Once done, he wrapped the baby in his chambray shirt. “Wish it could be pink, little one.” He held her for a moment, watching as the tiny bundle looked up at him, her eyes open and trusting, just like her mother’s. Something tightened in his chest.

“Is she all right?”

The woman’s voice brought him back to reality. “Oh, yeah, I’d say she’s perfect.” He carefully handed her to her mother.

“Oh, she’s beautiful,” she cried.

“She’s a keeper all right,” Chance agreed as his gaze locked with the mother’s bright blue eyes, then turned his attention to the newborn. Unable to resist, he touched his finger to her soft cheek in wonder over this miracle he’d helped bring into world.

Just then the sound of the ambulance pierced the silence. “Looks like help has arrived.”

“I think my daughter and I had all the help we needed. Thank you.”

Chance realized that the doctor was still on the phone. “Hey, it’s a girl,” he said. “She looks fine. The ambulance just pulled up.”

“Chance, you did a good job. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, doc, for all your help.”

“You’re the one who did all the work. Tell the mother that I’ll be waiting for the two of them at the hospital.”

Chance hung up and smiled. Then the paramedics rushed in, and he stepped aside.

Realizing mother and child didn’t need him anymore, disappointment rushed through him. Well, what did he expect? What decent woman would have anything to do with a Randell? He stiffened and turned and walked out. Besides he didn’t need any strays. The last thing he needed was to get involved with a widowed woman and her kid.

Joy was exhausted, but so happy as she looked down at her new baby daughter, Kathryn Rose.

“Oh, Blake, she’s beautiful,” she whispered. Tears clogged her throat at the thought of her husband. It had been only seven months since his sudden death, and although the shock of his passing had lessened with time, she would always miss him. Blake had been her friend, her family, as she was his. Joy glanced down at Katie Rose again. But she wasn’t alone anymore. Never again was she going to be without family. Mother and daughter had each other now and nothing was going to separate them.

The young, dark-haired paramedic approached the ambulance. “We’ll be transporting you shortly, ma’am,” he said.

“Thank you,” Joy answered.

“I’m not the one you should thank,” the man said. “I’d say the cowboy had everything under control by the time we got here.”

Joy glanced out the open doors of the ambulance, and spotted the big man standing back from the attendants. His hands rested on his lean hips, and she could see the evidence of the ordeal of the birth on his damp T-shirt and jeans. Her gaze rose to the hard planes of his face and his steel-gray eyes, now hidden by a dusty cowboy hat.

She motioned for him to come to the ambulance and watched his slow, deliberate gait as he made his way toward her. Joy smiled to herself, as something told her this cowboy did things his way. A tingle erupted deep in her stomach and a blush spread across her cheeks, as she remembered that just moments ago they’d shared the intimacy of her baby’s birth. She recalled his encouraging words as he helped her through her labor, and the tenderness of his touch as he brought her daughter into the world. She didn’t want to think about what would have happened if he hadn’t shown up.

The cowboy stopped next to the door and removed his hat, revealing the brown-streaked hair Joy had focused on during her pains.

“Looks like you’re all fixed up,” he said, his expression cool. The change in his mood surprised her.

“I’m fine. And my daughter is perfect. I’m sorry that I had to put you through this.”

“No problem, ma’am. Glad I could help.”

“I’m very happy you were here, too. I’ll always be grateful.”

Chance couldn’t stop looking at the pretty woman on the gurney. Her long blond hair was still damp, and little ringlets curled around her face. Her large blue eyes were the color of the bluebonnets that grew wild along the Texas hillsides. Realizing where his thoughts were headed, he quickly glanced away. “Like I said, just being neighborly.”

“So you’re my neighbor?” she asked.

“Out here, we all watch out for one another. It’s a good thing you found the Kirby place. It’s just too bad it was deserted.”

“I was purposely looking for Lillian Kirby’s place.”

An uneasy feeling suddenly washed over Chance. He remembered that the lawyer handling Miss Kirby’s will had said that her nephew was deceased, and they hadn’t been able to locate any other relatives. Surely this couldn’t be another…? He shook away the thought. “I don’t see why, no one has lived here for nearly a year.”

The woman smiled and looked at her baby. “That’s going to change soon.”

Chance froze. What did she mean by that? All of a sudden the paramedic started to close the door. “Wait!” Chance stopped him and glared at the woman. “What do you mean?”

“That just as soon as Katie Rose and I get released from the hospital we’ll be moving in.”

She was going to live here? “Look Mrs.—” He stopped, realizing he didn’t even know her name. “I guess we never got to introductions. I’m Chance Randell from the Circle B.”

She smiled sweetly. “Nice to meet you Mr. Randell. I’m Lil’s great-niece, Joy Kirby Spencer.”

Chance couldn’t say a word as he let go of the doors, and the attendant pulled them shut. He stared after the ambulance as it drove off down the gravel road, watching until the vehicle finally disappeared, along with his dreams.

Chance's Joy

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