Читать книгу A Mother For The Tycoon's Child - Patricia Thayer - Страница 6



LOSING daylight and with the wind against them, it wasn’t easy to get to their destination. Justin was shielding her as much as he could from the bone-chilling cold. Finally they reached the familiar ledge and he gave her a boost onto the rock, handed her the basket, then he braced his arms and jumped up.

Gathering their things, Justin shone the flashlight onto the ground as they continued to search for the elusive cave opening…and warmth.

“It’s around here somewhere,” Morgan called out as Justin illuminated the side of the mountain. He stayed close to her as they walked among the rocks.

“Here,” she called. “It’s here.” She picked up the pace and headed to the opening.

She allowed him to go first. He had to duck his head at the entrance, but once inside there was room to stand up in the dark cave.

“Stay here.” He set down the basket, and began walking around, shining the flashlight along the walls.

Morgan could see that other humans had taken shelter here. There was a rough log, and next to it a pit that once held a fire. “Good, it seems to have enough ventilation to warm up the place.” He turned to her. “Best part we don’t seem to have to share it with any animals.”

Shivering, Morgan hugged herself. “So we’ll be safe here?”

“A lot better than out there. But I better get some firewood before it gets too dark.” He walked to the opening.

She started to follow him.

“You stay here where it’s warmer.”

“Why? I can gather wood,” she said.

“Okay, but stay close.” His expression was clouded in the dim light as he pulled out the cell phone and called Holt. The reception kept breaking up, but he was able to tell him that they’d made it safely to the cave.

“At least Leah won’t worry,” Morgan said.

“Holt can’t risk coming out tonight. I’m glad your mother is staying with Lauren.”

“I am grateful for that.”

They didn’t have to go far because there was a downed tree about twenty feet from the cave. Morgan gathered twigs while Justin broke off the bigger branches. Finally loaded down, they lugged their bounty back to the cave. All the time, she couldn’t stop blaming herself for this mess, especially for him having to spend the night away from his daughter…

Plus, she would be spending it with a man who was practically a stranger.

With the aid of the flashlight, Justin placed the twigs and some pine needles in the fire ring and pulled a lighter from his pocket.

“Remind me to thank Holt for keeping this in the Jeep.” He flicked the lighter and touched the flame to the combustible material. After a few seconds, it took off. He quickly added more twigs, until the fire was blazing, illumining their temporary quarters.

He sat down on the log. “Not bad for a city guy, huh?”

“It’s nice and warm.” She spread her hands closer to the flames. “A lot better than being out there.” The wind whistled past the entrance. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am that this happened.”

He shrugged. “You can’t take the blame for the weather.” He turned to her with his silver-gray gaze.

She looked away. “How am I going to tell Holt that I tore out the underside of his Jeep?”

“I don’t think that matters to him as much as your safety.”

“He warned us about the storm.”

“And if I hadn’t delayed us by stopping by the Realtor’s office, we would have gotten an earlier start. But let’s stop with the what-if’s. I’m just grateful that we’re both safe.”

Morgan looked away, but she couldn’t help being drawn to his seductive voice, or his mesmerizing gaze. It had been a long time since a man had made her feel this way.

A Mother For The Tycoon's Child

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