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Chapter Two


Josie’s head hurt but not as badly as her ankle. She opened her eyes. The sudden light caused her to blink, but she ignored the brightness and glanced around the stark-white room. Where was she? she wondered.

Oh, God, what happened? Her thoughts flashed back to Travis’s soothing words promising her that she was going to be okay as he had lifted her out of the car. Then in the truck, the sound of his voice drifting in and out as he drove down the road.

Josie tried to sit up, but the pain in her head intensified and she groaned.

Suddenly Travis Randell appeared beside her. “Take it easy there,” he said as he helped her lie back down.

“Where am I?”

“A small hospital just outside San Angelo.”

A hospital. She didn’t have any money for a hospital. “I can’t stay here.”

He leaned over the bed, so close she could see the golden flecks in his eyes. “You haven’t any choice, Josie. You could be seriously injured.”

Panic raced through her as her hand moved to her flat stomach. “Oh, no.”

His gaze was understanding, but he said nothing. Did he know? “Is there anyone you want me to call?”

“No, there isn’t.” Sadness filled her. Since her mother’s death all her family was gone, except for Hank…and the baby.

“What about your baby’s father?”

Heat flooded her face as she glanced away. “What are you talking about?”

“The baby you’re carrying,” he said. “It was your only concern when I reached you after the accident. How far along are you?”

“What are you, a doctor?”

Once again Travis found himself frustrated by the woman. Her stubbornness would drive anyone crazy. But he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of man she loved. What kind of man would let her run off with his child? “I should let the father know where you are.”


Travis felt his frustration build. “He has a right, Josie.”

“No, he doesn’t. He gave up any rights when he told me to get rid of it and then left me.”

Before Travis could say anything, the doctor walked into the room. “So our patient finally decided to wake up. How are you feeling, Ms. Gutierrez?”

“I hurt,” she said. “My head and leg.”

“Well, it seems you have a slight concussion, and your ankle took the brunt of the accident. You have some deep lacerations, but the X rays showed it’s just a bad sprain. Overall you’re a lucky lady.”

“X rays!” Alarm race through her. “But I’m pregnant.”

He smiled. “The baby is fine. We took all the precautions to protect the fetus.”

Josie relaxed against the pillow as the doctor continued to write on her chart. “But Ms. Gutierrez your blood tests show that you are slightly anemic. Prenatal vitamins and proper diet should handle that.”

“Then I can leave?” she asked hopefully.

“Well, we’d like to keep you overnight for observation.”

“But I can’t stay,” she said anxiously. “I don’t have the money to pay for all this.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Travis stated. “The ranch insurance will handle the cost. Besides, it was our fault that the gate was open and the cow got out”

“But I don’t want to stay in the hospital,” she insisted.

The doctor frowned. “Is there someone who’ll take care of you?”

Before she could say anything, Travis spoke up. “She’ll be staying at the Circle B. There are three of us who can make sure she and the baby are cared for.”

Travis could see by the look on Josie’s face that she wanted to turn down his offer, but she wouldn’t for the baby’s sake. For once, he had the upper hand with this woman, but he knew that wouldn’t last long.

Three hours later, Josie was settled in the big bed in the ivory-colored guest room. She felt strange about staying at the Circle B. The last thing she wanted to do was intrude in Hank Barrett’s life. She’d only planned to come and see the man that her mother had loved all these years. Josie’s father.

But her mother, Elissa Romero, had never told Hank about the child she carried twenty-five years ago. Instead, she had married Raul Gutierrez to give her daughter a father. It hadn’t been a happy union. Although when Raul had wanted to marry the pregnant Elissa, and promised that his love would carry over to her baby, it hadn’t. He couldn’t handle a child of mixed blood with hazel eyes. A constant reminder that his wife had loved someone else. Raul had never been physically abusive, but his cutting words had hurt Josie and her mother.

Maybe that was the reason Elissa Gutierrez had given up so easily when she had been diagnosed with cancer. Even all Josie’s prayers had failed to instill in Elissa the will to live. She was too weak to fight the fatal disease, and Josie lost her. But there had been one thing she had given her daughter before her death. She had revealed the name of her father.

The soft-spoken, widowed rancher from San Angelo, Hank Barrett.

Tears formed in Josie’s eyes. She had wanted to hate her mother for so much, for keeping her father from her…and for dying. All her life, people had abandoned her. First her father and now even her baby’s father.

Frank Hobbs had worked on a ranch outside El Paso. He’d come into the diner one night. Josie had been working double shifts during her mother’s illness. It wasn’t long before his good looks and charm worked on Josie, and they began to date. But Josie’s first concern was her mother and a career in photography. Frank only wanted her in his bed. The night of her mother’s death, Josie had turned to Frank, and they ended up making love. And making a baby.

“I’m just like my mother,” she breathed as she wiped the tears off her face. “No, I’m worse.” She hadn’t even loved the man she had given herself to so easily. And Frank was grateful that she didn’t want to marry him. There was one thing Josie was sure of, she wanted this baby. She already loved her or him. The baby had been the reason she’d come to San Angelo. She needed to see her biological father, to form some connection between him and the child. But by the looks of things, with Chance, Cade and Travis, Hank Barrett had all the family he needed.

A knock sounded on the door, and Travis walked into the room, carrying a tray. “Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” she answered. A warmth traveled through her body as she watched the good-looking man come toward her. He had showered and changed into a pair of new jeans and a starched blue shirt. His sandy-brown hair was damp, falling over his forehead, making his espresso eyes stand out.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he said. “Joy, Chance’s wife, along with Abby and Ella are downstairs cooking up a storm. That’s a good thing because it isn’t safe to leave Ella alone in the kitchen.”

“But isn’t she the cook and housekeeper here at the ranch?”

He actually smiled at her. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when you’re feeling better.”

She was having trouble with his sudden kindness. “I will be gone by then.”

Travis set the tray down on the bed and drew a calming breath. Why did this woman have to be so argumentative? He glanced at her wrapped ankle and the bag of ice resting on top of it. She wasn’t going anywhere—not anytime soon. Besides, she didn’t have a drivable car.

His gaze returned to her face. Although still a little pale, Josie Gutierrez was strikingly beautiful. Her long dark hair was braided and hung down her back, while strands of curls had sprung free and circled a heart-shaped face. Large green-gray eyes revealed a lot, sadness and fatigue. As much as he wanted to deny it, he couldn’t help but feel a kinship with her. She looked as lonely as he felt. And although it would be wiser to send her away, he couldn’t.

Not when he’d been responsible for her accident.

“Let’s wait a few days and see how you feel,” he suggested. “Now, eat. That’s orders from the kitchen.”

She stared at the big bowl of stew, green salad and homemade biscuits. “I can’t possibly eat all this.”

“Just give it a try,” he suggested. “I can guarantee it’s good. Besides, I can’t face the ladies downstairs unless you’ve made a dent in some of that food.”

This woman didn’t give in easily. He watched her finally pick up the spoon and dig into the stew. He held his breath until two large bites disappeared. “Oh, don’t forget your vitamins,” he said as he reached for the bottle on the bedside table. He handed her a pill, then held out a glass of milk.

She took a long drink, then made a face. “I hate milk.”

“Well, you’re going to have to change that, because the baby needs it.”

Josie’s spoon played in the stew. “Does everyone know about the baby?”

He shrugged. “Ella saw the vitamins. If you think they’re going to judge you…”

Her hazel eyes locked with his in a fiery stare. “I’ve been judged all my life,” she said. “I was just concerned about my chances for the brochure job.”

Travis hated to admit he’d been wrong about Josie. She hadn’t been a photographer from a Houston paper. While he’d been waiting at the hospital, he’d looked at her driver’s license, telling himself that he might need to contact family. Josie Gutierrez’s home address was in El Paso.

His mistake made him feel like a heel. He grimaced, remembering the cruel things he’d accused her of. He’d tried to chase her off the ranch out of vengeance. He was damn lucky that she hadn’t been seriously hurt.

“Look, we’ve all been judged at one time or the other.” Hell, he didn’t want to think about how his situation was affecting the family. “If your pictures are good, then Abby and Cade will hire you.”

“If I don’t get that job, I’ll need to find something. What about my car?” she asked.

“Your car is fine,” he lied. “I’ll handle it myself.”

“I have insurance, but the deductible…”

He raised a hand. “I said, I’d handle it.” He headed for the door, then paused. “Now finish that dinner and get some sleep. If you need anything just holler. My room is right next door.” Before she could protest, he walked out. But he knew he hadn’t heard the last from Josie Gutierrez. To his surprise, he was looking forward to the next time.

After dinner, Travis went out to the backyard patio. The evening was still warm as he took a seat at the table to enjoy some peace and quiet—something that had escaped him since he’d been home. But maybe Ms. Gutierrez’s crashing into their lives would draw attention away from him. Ella sure was crazy about having another person to care for. But how long was their house guest going to be around? The doctor wanted to recheck her ankle in five days. She couldn’t leave before then. Not without her car. He’d had it towed to a body shop, praying that the battered vehicle wasn’t going to be totaled. He knew that Josie was traveling with limited funds. She’d hadn’t minced words when she told him she needed a job.

Earlier, he realized that Josie wasn’t as tough as she tried to make people think. He could see the fear in her eyes. She was pregnant. And alone. He shook his head. How could a man not want his own child?

Travis tensed. He knew firsthand not all people were cut out to be parents. His mother, Dana Barnes-Randell, was great, as much as he could remember of her. But not his daddy, that was for sure. Hell, Jack Randell couldn’t stay out of trouble long enough to take care of his boys. The man hadn’t thought twice about what was going to happen to three sons when he got sent to prison. Chance, Cade and Travis had been lucky, though. Hank Barrett had come along and taken them in. For twenty years the widowed rancher had been the only father that they’d known, or claimed.

Travis leaned forward in the chair and rubbed his hand over his face. He hated like hell that his trouble had brought scandal to the Randell name once again. Over the years, he and his brothers had worked hard to erase the stigma attached to it. His father had brought shame to the Randell name and now so had Travis.

Chance had become one of the top quarter horse breeders and trainers in Texas. Cade had gone to Chicago and made his name in the financial world, before coming home to marry his college sweetheart and to claim his son.

And the youngest brother of the family, Travis had gone to college and worked in the computer field. Then a few years ago he’d started his own business. Last year Private Access was on its way to being one of the premiere computer companies in the country. Once Travis had his software patented, there wasn’t going to be any stopping him. He was going to the top. He had even found the woman of his dreams and planned to be married.

Life couldn’t have been any sweeter, until one day a month ago when it all came crashing down. It had been bad enough that his fiancée, Lisa Kyles, had been carrying on with his partner, Byron Neeley. But more was going on. Suddenly his clients were beginning to complain about security leaks. It had taken Travis a few weeks of searching, but he’d finally found the problem. For a price, Byron had allowed a competitor access to highly confidential files. It had to be his partner, because he was the only other person with the ability to break into the system.

By then Travis had to involve the police, and his files were confiscated. Even worse and more humiliating, the press got ahold of the story. Travis had been hounded for weeks. He was ruined, and Byron and Lisa were nowhere to be found. Knowing he couldn’t handle things on his own, he’d turned to his family. But was it such a good idea to drag his problems home?

Hearing voices, Travis looked up to find Hank and his brothers coming to join him.

“That was a great dinner Joy cooked,” Hank stated.

“Beef stew is one of my favorites,” Chance agreed and rubbed his flat stomach. “I think I’ve put on weight since we’ve been married.”

“I wasn’t going to mention it….” Cade teased and Chance playfully punched him in the arm. “Hey, I’m only telling the truth.”

“Like you aren’t as happy as a dog with a bone.”

The two brothers shared a smile.

“Well, as far as I’m concerned,” Hank began, “I’m grateful to Joy and Abby for sweetening your dispositions. You weren’t fit to live with before.”

“Well, the right woman will do that,” Cade said.

Travis glanced away. Both his brothers had gotten married this past summer. Although he was happy that Chance found Joy and Cade found Abby, it was difficult to be around all their wedded bliss.

“You didn’t eat much, Trav,” Chance observed.

“I guess I just wasn’t hungry. But tell Joy I liked her stew.”

Chance smiled. “I’ll be sure to do that. What’s on your mind, bro? Anything we can help with?”

He released a sigh. “Yeah, turn my life back about six months. And make me a whole lot smarter about choosing a business partner…and a woman.”

Cade pulled his chair closer. “I would if I could, but we can’t, Trav. But maybe we can help fix it.”

Travis raised an eyebrow. “How?”

“I know a private investigator who might be able to dig up some answers,” Cade continued.

Travis shook his head. “No, the two people with the answers are long gone. Byron and Lisa are probably out of the country by now, along with a lot of money.”

“Doesn’t hurt to try,” Chance said. “Not if you want to clear your name. Not to mention fight those lawsuits.”

Travis shot out of the chair. This was a nightmare. Private Access had been his life. It had taken off. With his know-how, and Byron’s marketing skills, they were going to take the computer world by storm. Now everything was gone. He could never recover that momentum.

“I have nothing left, Cade,” Travis said. “They took all the assets, ruined my credibility. You can’t run a security business without people’s trust.”

“But it wasn’t you that sold out,” Hank said. “It was Neeley, and he has to be held responsible. Go after him, son. This guy Cade knows is the best. If anyone can find them, Alex Rucker can. He specializes in computer technology fraud.”

Travis hated not being in control. It was just like when he was a kid, and his older brother got him out of messes. Well, he wasn’t a kid anymore. And he did still have a little pride left.

“Look, I appreciate y’all wanting to help. But if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to do it myself.”

Both his brothers nodded as if they understood. “You think I could have this Rucker’s number?”

Chance pulled out his card from his pocket and gave it to Travis. “Had a feeling you’d want to handle it yourself.” He got a smile. “Don’t worry about the cost, this guy works for a percentage of the recovery.”

Travis studied the card. That gave him some encouragement. But he had little hope of getting back what he really wanted, his reputation. “Thanks, I’ll let you know what happens.”

Hank spoke up. “We’re here for you, Travis. Just don’t lose the sense of who you are and what you’ve worked to become. Your name is important. All you boys struggled hard to overcome what your daddy did. I know you don’t take this lightly, Travis, and we’re just glad you’ve come home to let your family help you out. We will stand by you no matter what.”

Travis swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked around the table to see his brothers nod in agreement. God, he’d missed this. “Thank you.”

“You’re doing the right thing, Trav,” Cade said.

He nodded. “Yeah, I know. It’s just that I feel lost. I’ve worked twelve-hour days for so long…and now nothing. I feel so useless.”

“Oh, are you going to be sorry you said that,” Chance said. “We’ve been letting you take it easy these past weeks. We have plenty to keep you busy, especially since we’re trying to open Mustang Valley Guest Ranch by spring.”

“Hey, I’m not a rancher.”

“You used to be,” Cade said. “And believe me, it will all come back to you when you’re in the saddle for a few hours.” When Travis tried to speak, Cade raised his hand. “I think I remember a kid brother who could ride us both into the ground. So don’t give us any sob stories.” Cade grew serious. “Really Trav, we need you. And the Circle B is one-third yours now, and not just the ranching part. If we’re going to be ready for the retreat opening by April, we need someone to computerize the entire operation and design a Web page to help promote business.”

Travis felt his mood lifting. Maybe this could be a new beginning. At least it was a start. His thoughts went to the woman asleep upstairs in the guest room. Someone else needed a start, too. What was Josie going to do if she didn’t get this job? How was she going to take care of her child?

“Before I build a Web page, I’ll need some pictures of the valley. Have you had any other offers to do the brochure?”

By the half-hidden smiles on his brothers’ faces, he knew they weren’t buying his innocent question. Cade spoke up. “Abby likes Josie’s photos. But I was hoping to get a look at the pictures she took of the valley.”

“Why don’t I take the roll in tomorrow and have it developed, then you can decide?”

“Sure. We’re going to have to move quickly on this. Abby wants to send the brochures out to some travel agents.”

“I’ll talk to Josie.”

“How is she feeling?” Hank asked, unable to hide his concern.

“Her ankle hurts, but she’s too stubborn to admit it. She doesn’t like having to stay here.”

Hank frowned. “Are you giving her the impression that we don’t want her to stay?”

Travis shook his head. “No. I know now I was wrong to treat her like I did.”

“It takes a big man to admit his mistakes.”

“And to see that the woman is a real looker,” Chance added.

Travis felt the heat rise to his face. “I bet Joy would love to hear how you feel.”

Chance scooted his large frame lower in the chair. “My wife doesn’t have to worry, she knows exactly how I feel. But a man can’t help but admire beauty.”

“Is that so, Mr. Randell?” Joy asked as she came through the door, carrying her sleeping six-month-old daughter.

“I’m in big trouble,” Chance joked as he stood and went to his wife. He kissed her, then took the baby.

His wife smiled up at him. “You can be saved if you take me home and convince me I’m the only woman in the world for you.”

“My pleasure,” he said.

Everyone wandered into the house, and saying their goodbyes, Cade gathered Abby, and their seven-year-old son, Brandon, and they all walked to the trucks. Hank, Ella and Travis waved them all off and returned to the house. Ella retired to her living quarters next to the kitchen while Hank and Travis headed for the stairs.

“I’m glad you changed your attitude about Josie,” Hank said. “She seems nice. And with a baby on the way, she’s going to need friends.”

Travis agreed, but just her presence here was going to be distracting for him. “She was worried what we’d think about her being pregnant.”

Hank shook his head. “Assure her that she’s welcome to stay here as long as she needs to recover. After all, she was hurt on the property.”

Travis nodded but didn’t know if it was a good idea that Josie stay here. Not when even he felt obligated to help her. He knew all too well about women in need. That had been how he’d met Lisa. She’d come to Private Access to answer an ad for a secretarial job about a year ago, and although she wasn’t qualified, he’d hired the pretty blonde. Now, looking back, he wondered if she’d planned to use him from the beginning. Travis had learned the hard way not to trust so easily…again.

He stopped at Josie’s room and listened, then opened the door and stepped into darkness. With only the moonlight to light his way, he walked to the bed, telling himself he was there to check on her condition.

He studied the pretty woman asleep on the pillow. She looked so peaceful he hated to wake her, but he leaned over and touched her shoulder. “Josie…” he whispered.

She made a moaning sound, then opened her eyes and gasped. “Travis?”

Her husky voice sent warm shivers through him. “I need to check your eyes.”

“I’m fine.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Do you have to argue about everything?”

“No,” she said as she sat up, then grimaced.

“Your ankle still hurt?”

“A little.”

“Do you need something for the pain?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t want to take anything because of the baby.”

“Of course,” he said and glanced down at her flat stomach. She didn’t look pregnant. Of course, she was only a few months along, but he couldn’t help but wonder how long before she started showing. What would she look like with a rounded belly?

He quickly shook away the thought and picked up the penlight on the bedside table, leaned forward, and shone it in her eyes, and caught a whiff of her. A fragrance he couldn’t describe other than it was Josie. Somehow he managed to check to see if her pupils were dilated—they weren’t.

“You’re fine. Do you need anything?” he asked.

“I’m okay. Really,” she said as she rotated her neck.

“Your neck sore?”

“A little,” she admitted.

Without thinking about the consequences, he placed his hands on her neck. A warmth shot through him as he silently worked the tight muscles in her neck. He didn’t want to think about the silky texture of her skin, or how close he was to her. But when she released a quiet whimper, he couldn’t take any more.

“That should help,” he said and stood. “I’m close by if you need me, and I’ll be back in a few hours to check your eyes again.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but this time he placed a finger over her lips. Another mistake. They were so soft, so warm. “I can be more stubborn than you, Josie. So accept the fact that we’re here to help you.”

She sighed in resignation.

He started to turn away. “I forgot. I was wondering if I could take your film in to be developed. Abby would like to see the pictures you took of the valley.”

“Sure,” she said, and pointed to the dresser. “My camera is over there.”

Travis retrieved the top-of-the-line 35mm camera and handed it to her. Josie hit the rewind button, then popped open the case, pulled out the roll of film and gave it to him.

“I’ll take good care of it for you,” he promised.

“Thank you.”

“As Hank would say, ‘just being neighborly.’” He walked out of the room, his pulse still racing like a sprinter. Damn. He refused to let another woman get under his skin.

Travis Comes Home

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