Читать книгу Race - Paul C. Taylor - Страница 2
1 Cover
4 Preface to the Third Edition Notes
7 Part I Knowing and Being 1 The Language of Race Prologue – Black Power mixup 1.1 Race-talk and the invitation to philosophy 1.2 Setting the context 1.3 Taking race seriously 1.4 Words vs things 1.5 What do you mean, “we”? 1.6 What race-talk does 1.7 Modern racialism 1.8 Politics and method 1.9 Conclusion Notes 2 Unnatural Histories Prologue – When were Mona’s dumplings? 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The pre-modern background 2.3 Early modern racialism 2.4 High modern interpretations of race 2.5 High modern racial structures 2.6 Classical racialism vs critical racialism 2.7 Late-modern racialism 2.8 Post-modern racialism 2.9 Conclusion Notes 3 Three Challenges to Race-Thinking Prologue – Not black black; or, the Wobbly, the Rasta, and the Ex-White man 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Isn’t race-thinking unethical? 3.3 What racism is 3.4 Isn’t racial biology false? 3.5 Isn’t the race concept just in the way? 3.6 Mergers and injunctions 3.7 Conclusion Notes 4 What Races Are: Twenty Questions Prologue – race is, race ain’t 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Subjects and objects, concepts and conceptions 4.3 Patterns and proposals, Cornish and criticism 4.4 Language and reality, irony and asterisks 4.5 Cost and benefit, culture and nature 4.6 Conclusion Notes
8 Part II Ethics and Experience 5 Facing Race: Existence and Experience Prologue – Pure; or, the fourth life of Mona Rogers 5.1 Introduction: Arriving, using, facing 5.2 Ethical eliminativism (the anti-racist challenge, continued) 5.3 Existence, identity, and despair 5.4 Beyond the black–white binary 5.5 Experience, invisibility, and embodiment 5.6 Conclusion Notes 6 The Color Question Prologue – Keanu and the promotion; or, good job, good teeth 6.1 Introduction 6.2 The ethics of endogamy 6.3 Choices in context 6.4 Weighing some arguments for endogamy 6.5 Self-criticism and social criticism 6.6 Culture, privacy, and policy 6.7 Color and culture 6.8 Affirmative action: background and arguments 6.9 Affirmative action: suspect classifications 6.10 Conclusion Notes 7 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Post-Racialism Prologue – What’s what we’ll see; or, nine-inch knives and six-inch stimuli 7.1 La Règle du jeu (The rules of the game) 7.2 On post-racialism2 7.3 What the Obamas meant 7.4 The nexus of immigration and race 7.5 Immigration enforcement as a racial problem 7.6 Immigration politics as a racial project 7.7 Globalization 7.8 Securitization 7.9 Conclusion: Post-post-racialism and the first white president Notes
10 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 The (early) stages of modern racialism, 1492–1923Table 2.2 The stages of modern racialism, continued, 1923–2021
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