Читать книгу The Last Straw - Paul Gitsham - Страница 6



They say that writing is a lonely job — but that doesn’t mean you do it on your own. I will be eternally grateful for the many, many friends and colleagues who have read drafts of this book, giving invaluable feedback and encouragement in equal measure. To list all of those who had some hand in shaping the story that you hold in your hand would take up pages and I’d only embarrass myself by leaving somebody out. But keep your eyes peeled, guys, at least a few of the names in this and later books may sound familiar.

Nevertheless there are a few people I absolutely have to mention. First my parents, who are always full of encouragement for everything I do; my father proof-reads all of my novels, saving my blushes and making useful suggestions. My good friend Lawrence, whose mastery of the commenting functions in MS Word and enthusiastic use of the semi-colon is evident throughout the final manuscript. And of course my oldest friend Mark. It’s always helpful for a writer to have a tame English teacher on call who can wield a red-pen…

I must also mention my favourite lawyers Dan and Caroline. Their expert knowledge forced me to rewrite several key sections of the novel, not only ensuring accuracy, but also making those scenes far more dramatic. It goes without saying that any dubious points of law or dodgy renderings of custody procedure are down to me alone.

All writers need encouragement and support and I want to say a big thank you to my creative writing tutor Danielle Jawando and all the members, past and present, who’ve attended her wonderful writing courses, critically feeding back on the writing I have brought to class each week. Similarly I must mention the Hertford Writers’ Circle, whose monthly meetings are always a pleasure and whose encouragement and advice has been invaluable.

And last, but not least, the editorial team and staff at Carina UK and Harlequin, in particular Helen, Lucy and Victoria, for giving me this exciting opportunity.

The Last Straw

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