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A book is rarely the work of one individual and this book is no exception. Many people helped me on the long journey to get Bite size advice published. This book, however, owes particular recognition to four women, without whose support it would not exist.

My biggest debt of gratitude goes to my publisher, Katherine Owen. Turning a blog into a book requires a publisher with an open mind who can think outside the square. I hit the jackpot with Katherine. She is a regular reader of my blog and believed it would appeal to a wider audience.

Special thanks must go to Gateway’s Chairman, Catherine Hallinan, who also demonstrated strategic foresight and saw the potential in transforming the repository of blog content into a published book format. She championed my transition from blogger to author and was unwavering in her support.

Not to be forgotten is the assistance of my PA, Marisa Dul, who for the past seven years has proofread each blog post before it has gone live on the Gateway website. She also proofread the manuscript for this book. Marisa is a quiet achiever who effectively manages me as well as my busy diary.

Finally, my deepest appreciation is reserved for my wife, Beverley Thomas. Given the pressures of my working week, I write most blog posts at home on a Saturday afternoon. Beverley has encouraged me to do this even though it takes away from our time together. Her support is invaluable.

This book contains a cross-section of blog posts organised thematically into four chapters. Each chapter contains posts covering a common theme. By arranging the posts into discrete subject areas, the reader is able to find all the content about a specific topic in one chapter, making browsing by interest much easier. Note that the chapters can be read in any order and that each chapter begins with a brief introduction. Please also note that the posts contained in each chapter are not presented in chronological order. Each post ends with a footnote showing the original publishing date to provide a timestamp and historic context.

Bite Size Advice

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