Читать книгу The Burning House - Paul Lisicky - Страница 8



Portions of this novel appeared in The East Hampton Star, Ecotone, Hunger Mountain, fwriction: review, The Literary Review, NANO Fiction, and in the anthology A Book for Daniel Stern (Sheep Meadow Press). An earlier version of the opening paragraph appeared as the poem “The Night in Question” in Verse Daily. Outtakes from the novel appeared in Prairie Schooner (as “Bess Helen’s Dog”) and Le Petit Journal (as “Lumina Avenue”). The excerpt from “My Autopsy” by Michael Dickman is used by permission of Copper Canyon Press, www.coppercanyonpress.org.

With thanks and love to Denise Gess, Deborah Anne Lott, Elizabeth McCracken, Victoria Redel, and Carol Houck Smith for reading multiple drafts of this book. Thank you to Philip Brady, Robert Mooney, Starr Troup, Marissa Phillips, and everyone at Etruscan Press for their kindness and enthusiasm. Thanks to Jim Cihlar for his precise eye, to Kapo Ng for his fantastic cover.

And to Mark Doty: light, climbing up the aerial—Everything.

The Burning House

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