Читать книгу Writing Screenplays - Paul Peditto - Страница 22

Worksheet 1: Your Story: Approach 1


The first approach is to make your story a goal-oriented tale, in which the main character pursues some type of goal. An example would be a story about a person in search of a romantic partner. The middle of the story would focus on obstacles and problems throughout his or her journey, and the story would end when the main character accomplishes his or her goal (or not).

If you decide to take this approach, try to answer the following questions for the story you have in mind:

1. When does the event take place?



2. Who is/are the main character(s)?



3. Does/do the main character(s) have a goal to pursue?



4. Is the goal accomplished in the end?



5. Can you list the obstacles that the main character overcame on his or her journey?



6. Does/do your character(s) learn a lesson in the end, or does a change occur along the way? How?



7. Who is/are the secondary character(s)?



8. How are the secondary characters related to the main character(s)?



9. Do any of these secondary characters have goals of their own? If yes, what are they?



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Writing Screenplays

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