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Suggested Reading
Оглавление1 Ehrlich, P.R. and Ehrlich A.H. (1991). The Population Explosion. New York: Simon and Schuster.
2 Kates, C.A. (2004). Reproductive liberty and overpopulation. Environmental Values 13 (1): 51–79.
3 Lambin, E.F., Turner B.L., Geist, H.J. et al. (2001). The causes of land-use and land-cover change: Moving beyond the myths. Global Environmental Change – Human and Policy Dimensions 11 (4): 261–269.
4 Mamdani, M. (1972). The Myth of Population Control: Family, Caste, and Class in an Indian Village. New York: Monthly Review Press.
5 Patel, T. (1994). Fertility Behavior: Population and Society in a Rajasthani Village. Bombay: Oxford University Press.
6 Robbins, P. (2016). After the baby bust: The politics and ecology of zero population growth. The Breakthrough Journal, 6. https://thebreakthrough.org/journal/issue-6/after-the-baby-bust (accessed 10 March 2021).
7 Sayre, N.F. (2008). The genesis, history, and limits of carrying capacity. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 98 (1): 120–134.
8 United Nations. (2011). As world passes 7 billion milestone, UN urges action to meet key challenges, UN News Centre. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=40257#.UNtVYndnhnU (accessed 8 August 2013).
9 Warner, S. (2004). Reproductive liberty and overpopulation: A response. Environmental Values 13 (3): 393–399.