Читать книгу Black Rage Confronts the Law - Paul Harris - Страница 5


New York University Press New York and London

Copyright © 1997 by New York University

All rights reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Harris, Paul, 1943 Feb. 17–

Black rage confronts the law / Paul Harris.

p. cm. — (Critical America)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 0-8147-3527-4 (cl: acid-free paper)

1. Defense (Criminal procedure)—United States. 2. Afro-

Americans—Psychology. 3. Racism—United States. 4. United

States—Race relations. 5. Afro-Americans—Social conditions.

6. Extenuating circumstances—United States. I. Title.

II. Series.

KF9244.5.H37 1997

345.73′04—dc21 97-2379


New York University Press books are printed on

acid-free paper, and their binding materials are

chosen for strength and durability.

Manufactured in the United States of America

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Black Rage Confronts the Law

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