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This book has been written by a team of experts at Garden Organic, the UK’s charity for organic gardening. The organization, founded as the Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA) by Lawrence D. Hills, has been promoting organic gardening in homes, communities and schools since the 1950s.

Compost-making is at the heart of organic gardening, where the aim is to minimize the need to use outside resources and materials, and reduce the risk of polluting the wider environment. Developing biodiversity in the garden is also a key feature of organic gardening. Treating the soil with compost helps to increase biodiversity in the soil, which helps to maintain soil health. It has even been shown to help plants resist some pests and diseases. No surprise then that Garden Organic has been promoting composting for over 60 years. The charity works with individuals, communities, schools and care providers, helping them with practical advice on how to develop gardening projects and grow organically. We also house the Heritage Seed Library. This collection conserves rare vegetable varieties that are no longer commercially available. To support the charity or become a member visit www.gardenorganic.org.uk.

Garden Organic has been a major player in the modernization of home composting. Its work – giving advice and training advisors – has helped thousands of people make compost successfully. Garden Organic also established the Composting Association for large and industrial-scale composting. Now an independent organization, the Organics Recycling Group works with the huge industry that composting has become.

The biodynamic garden at Ryton Gardens.

The Cook’s Garden at Ryton Gardens grows an amazing array of decorative and edible plants.

An overview of Ryton Gardens – demonstration organic gardens in Warwickshire.

Organic Book of Compost

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