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Miss Clara Barton issued the following appeal in behalf of the Texas sufferers:

“The American National Red Cross, at Washington, D. C., is appealed to on all sides for help and for the privilege to help in the terrible disaster which has befallen Southern and Central Texas. It remembers the floods of the Ohio and Mississippi, of Johnstown, and of Port Royal, with their thousands of dead and months of suffering and needed relief, and turns confidently to the people of the United States, whose sympathy has never failed to help provide the relief that is asked of it now. Nineteen years of experience on nearly as many fields renders the obligations of the Red Cross all the greater. The people have long learned its work, and it must again open its accustomed avenues for their charities. It does not beseech them to give, for their sympathies are as deep and their humanity as great as its own, but it pledges to them faithful old-time Red Cross relief work among the stricken victims of these terrible fields of suffering and death.

“He gives twice who gives quickly.

“Contributions may be wired or sent by mail to our Treasurer, William J. Flather, Assistant Cashier Riggs National Bank, Washington, D. C.; also to the local Red Cross committees of the Red Cross India Famine Fund, at 156 Fifth avenue, New York City, and the Louisiana Red Cross of New Orleans, both of whom will report all donations for immediate acknowledgment by us.

“Clara Barton,

“President National American Red Cross.”

Miss Barton telegraphed Governor Sayers, at Austin, Tex., as follows:

“Do you need the Red Cross in Texas? We are ready.”

The Great Galveston Disaster

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