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Miss Clara Barton, President of the National Red Cross, and her staff, left for Galveston, accompanied by Mary Agnes Coombs, the Secretary of the Executive Committee in New York during the Spanish war.

It was the intention of the Salvation Army to equip a hospital car for Galveston. There were to be physicians and nurses on board and a large supply of hospital necessities. This car will be kept at Galveston as long as needed.

A meeting of Americans, resident and transient, in Paris was held at the Chamber of Commerce on September 13th for the purpose of devising a method for raising funds to assist the sufferers at Galveston. The United States Ambassador, General Horace Porter, was elected President; George Monroe, the banker, was made Treasurer, and Francis Kimball was appointed Secretary. Resolutions of sympathy with the people of Galveston were adopted, and a subscription list was opened, with the result that inside of fifteen minutes 50,000 francs were donated.

A committee of seven was appointed to carry out the plans of the meeting, which included canvassing the American colony in Paris. The French papers also opened subscription lists, many Frenchmen having expressed a desire to subscribe.

R. P. W. Houston, member of Parliament and head of the Houston Line of Steamers, cabled $5000 to Galveston for the relief of the sufferers.

The Great Galveston Disaster

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