Читать книгу The Sickening Mind: Brain, Behaviour, Immunity and Disease - Paul Martin - Страница 6

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You, dear reader, are going to die. Not for a long time, I hope, and painlessly. But die you undoubtedly will. And unless you die in the near future, and from unnatural causes, you will be ill before you die – probably several times. Some remarkable scientific discoveries have shown that your mind will affect your susceptibility to those illnesses and may have a substantial bearing on the nature and timing of your eventual death.

This book is about these scientific discoveries. It explores the ways in which your psychological and emotional state influence your physical health and how, in turn, your physical state affects your mind. It seeks to explain some of the extraordinary things that scientists have discovered in recent years about the interconnections between the brain, behaviour, immunity and health. By unravelling the biological mechanisms that underlie these phenomena, scientists can at last reconcile many commonplace notions about mental influences on health with a modern understanding of how the brain and behaviour affect the functioning of the body.

This is not intended to be a self-help book and I shall not be setting out detailed prescriptions for instant health or miracle cures for AIDS. The rapidly growing corpus of scientific knowledge about mind – body interactions has numerous potentially valuable applications in medicine, and I shall describe them. But practical action must be built on solid foundations of knowledge and understanding. As Sir Francis Bacon once remarked, ‘Knowledge itself is power.’

Bacon also remarked that ‘all knowledge and wonder (which is the seed of knowledge) is an impression of pleasure in itself.’ I hope you will find the discoveries described here intriguing and worthwhile in their own right, regardless of their utilitarian value. We neglect the sheer wonder of scientific knowledge at our peril. Practical applications matter a great deal, but they are not the only fruits of science.

Let us get down to business by conducting a simple thought experiment. When you have read this paragraph shut your eyes and cast your mind back to the most mortifyingly embarrassing moment in your life, the worst that you can dredge up from the dank recesses of your memory. Think hard and choose the most awful, squirm-inducing calamity. Be brutally honest. Perhaps you committed an appalling social blunder at an august gathering, or said exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time. Close your eyes and re-live the incident in all its ghastliness, focusing on your own humiliation.

Have you blushed? Are your cheeks burning with embarrassment? If so, you have just demonstrated a mundane example of an important biological principle: that mere thoughts and emotions can generate very real physical reactions.

If you would like to demonstrate the empirical truth of this principle again, but in a different and more recreational way, close your eyes and conjure up your most arousing and succulent sexual fantasy. You surely must have one. Sit back and let your mind savour the luscious details of whatever erotic images it has chosen. Let the moist, quivering images run rampant. The physical consequences of what is now going on in your mind should, with any luck, be more fun than a blush.

The mind’s influence on the body is usually more serious than a blush or a sexual frisson, however. It can even determine when we die. As an appetizer we shall consider two examples.

The Sickening Mind: Brain, Behaviour, Immunity and Disease

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