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Visit the Highlands of Scotland and you will discover remnants of the ancient Scots Pine forests that once cloaked the region; these areas are often referred to as Caledonian Pine forests. In contrast to the relative paucity of wildlife found in most regimented conifer plantations, there is plenty of wildlife to find here. In Britain, Crested Tits are found only in these forests and the Scottish Crossbill occurs nowhere else in the world. Pine Martens and Red Squirrels also occur in good numbers.

Native Caledonian Pine forests are typically rather open, comprising trees of varying ages, including many dead and dying individuals of course. Typically there is a lush ground cover of Bilberry and mosses, with botanical highlights that include several wintergreen species, Twinflower and Creeping Lady’s-tresses, the latter a charming if diminutive orchid.

Native Scots Pine forests are typically light and airy, with an understorey of Juniper and Bilberry.

Twinflower is a scarce but enchanting botanical highlight of a few Scottish forests.

Collins Complete Guide to British Trees: A Photographic Guide to every common species

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