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§ 6


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Well, I have, to the best of my ability, given you some idea of the characters of the dramatis personæ of this play, which was enacted by real people upon this little corner of the stage of Life. I will tell the story—but in my own way, as I have said—of the terrible drama itself.

Where I was an eye-witness of events and knew of things at first hand, I shall speak in the first person, this seeming to be the more natural and satisfactory method.

Where I only know the facts from hear-say, albeit the indisputable evidence of people concerned, who were actual eye-witnesses, I shall adopt the more usual rôle, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, of the practised story-teller or novelist speaking in the third person. I shall begin thus; and at a date some ten years previous to my arrival at Calderton House.

Cardboard Castle

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