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Chapter Two…Lost in My Mind Explaining What I Do Not Remember


Veronica smiles when she sees the funny picture of the President and the previous President. She knows neither man are this way; however the Canadian spy has made a reflective valid point that raises a valid question in her mind; and the minds of others in the Pentagon. Were the agents set up by China in the scandal surrounding the Presidents security team?

His global reputation covertly crafted to make him appear as a clown; and could this challenge him and naturally stimulate his desire to lead with even a harder hand pushing the covert Chinese democracy totalitarianism swap. The Chinese use many hidden triggers in the environment to achieve their big picture engineered planning economic warfare battlefield strategies.

As Veronica searches her archive she finds an email sent to the President; and sure enough the Canadian spy told them there is a bigger picture behind the scandal and the Secret Service was set up by Russia and China. Veronica checks her computer for past intelligence reports.


A Letter Emailed To The Prime Minister Of Canada And The President Of The USA

From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:perry@digitalmindcoach.net]

Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 4:31 PM

To: president@whitehouse.gov

Cc: Prime Minister/Premier ministre (pm@pm.gc.ca)

Subject: Secret Service Hooker Scandal

Dear Mr. President Barak Obama

I am a street wise person. I believe the Secret Service people and military involved were all set up to embarrass the President; at the same time cause the administration to fire experienced valuable human resources that protect the President; in order to save face politically.

In the bigger picture what better way to make a President subject to an assassination attempt through removing some his most experienced security team and advisors.

I take the side of the Secret Service on this issue and stand up to defend the Secret Service and military people involved in the sex scandal.

I do not believe the Secret Service or military propositioned the hookers for one basic reason.

A hooker makes you pay up front when she renders sexual favors for money.

There is no such thing as a credit plan or pay you later or installment plan.

The lady involved is obviously an experienced sex trade worker.

This also proves the case I am making because in the beginning a hooker, may do pay me later sexual favor propositions; however she soon realizes she will not be paid for the services rendered.

After being taken advantage of several times in an abusive profession the hooker automatically learns to collect before sexual services are rendered.

So why did so many woman fail to pass this test of collecting money before sexual favors were rendered; and why no other woman stepped forward in the scandal?

This sexual favor scandal is similar to giving a person addicted to crack cocaine the drugs and then try to collect your money after the person consumes the drugs.

The police involved in busting street prostitution or crack cocaine drug addiction know all too well I am correct in my theories.

If you are a drug lord in South America with a fleet of hookers would you not use these hookers as a covert weapon to take the focus off of the moves in the war on drugs set in play during the security summit?

Just tell these groups of young exotic beautiful woman not to charge the targets in a group and go home with the officers to party and sleep with them; and then have only one or two create the scandal so the larger operations go unnoticed.

Perry Ritthaler, CEO, Owner

Digital Mind Coach




Veronica thinks for a moment; this is like the Benghazi Embassy incident. There were over 50 people killed during the video exposed that Saudi Arabia banned.


In fact they even banned You Tube in their country and executed a ban on You Tube preview for thirty days to prevent uprising killings ignited in Saudi Arabia. And if Saudi Arabia is smart enough to see this connection will others in the world.

Hm; I wonder what the Canadian spy reported to the Presidents team on this topic. As Veronica searches she finds even more intelligence the Canadian spy sent the Presidents team of advisors.

Did they smear the Secretary of State to cover up operations to claim Al-Qaida created the attacks in order fuel more momentum on the war on terror operations to place credibility behind the Presidents drone strike manipulation; in order to naturally get him to push his drone strike agenda covertly orchestrated again by China in the undercurrent?

Did China set up the Embassy attack in the Muslim world; I mean if the USA can do this in countries overseas is it so far-fetched a reach the conclusion China played a hidden key role in the chain reaction Benghazi attack agenda.



‘Kill List’ rule book may be coming soon to the White House Situation Room


[Also read: 'Secret kill list' shows president is final word on terrorist killing missions]

The Theory Of War...Leadership Empowering Democracy

Thank you for taking you important time to read another short article written on the theory of war.

The protest crisis in Egypt is the topic for discussion today. Protecting the rights and freedoms of the people of Egypt is very important to the political party leader the country of Egypt.

Their negotiation skills are in the forefront of international issue like solving the crisis in Palestine and Israel. Their desire to help and empower people in the region is evident within their actions taken in Palestine and Israel.

Protests can grow into nasty situations naturally creating a debate on national television to help the people of Egypt understand the issues facing Egypt and describe reasons behind what is happening in their government the people elected.

The one side of the debate is a protest side, and they should be given the opportunity to create one side of the debate team, while others in the political leadership of Egypt occupy the other side of the debate team. People on the street need to see the political leadership objectives respect and stand to protect the human rights and opportunities of the people they lead to an empowered life in Egypt.

This political debate may take one week to organize or it may take two weeks to organize. The objective is to offer a small candle of hope designed to shift and take the momentum in the protest and channel that energy into a productive discussion focused on new ways and current to help discover the mutual benefits of both sides the debate that will empower Egypt.

This is a leadership opportunity for the people and the Muslim Brotherhood behind the leader of Egypt empowering his people to flex their ability to work with the masses in the eyes of the world and find optimal solutions that bring all parties united behind a common cause.

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this article.

The Ghost Riders In The Sky

Perhaps it is not the men or women that have changed as the legend perception and leadership skills of the men or women described in the many accomplishments achieved described within my battlefield journals created by the man that has not changed.

I am today still the same humble man I was in the beginning of my operations, not physically attached to any spy agency or terrorism organization or political government office or religious faith.

However my time on the battlefield working and fighting with many brilliant people to change terrorism and anti-terrorism security and homeland defense has evolved inside of the environment.

When I started my operations years ago almost every day soldiers or freedom fighters or civilians would killed or be crippled. Civilian populations, soldiers and freedom fighters lived under the threat of being martyred in the name of terrorism or the fight against terrorism. The collateral damage to the civilian population would often see many people being killed or physically and psychologically crippled, while inflation driving the lifestyle of the civilian population lower through the lack of employment created, and reduced social infrastructure programs affiliated with the capital costs to maintain the fight and war on terror.

Many brave men and woman have fought should to shoulder with me on the seamless and physical battlefield helping to create the changes in homeland defense and national and global security. Some have paid with their life while others have been crippled physically or psychologically while some have escaped unscathed.

The quantum energy shifted through psychology and foreign policy combined has changed in the environment, while oil prices remain high and weapons sales continue to evolve, however the body bag count has been drastically lowered in the war zone naturally changing energy connection to the universe that creates body bag counts in natural disasters.

Today through my work and the work of many brave men and woman terrorism is covertly and seamlessly fought from within the terrorism organization as opposed to outside the terrorism organization. The security still is focused on the prevention of future or existing terrorist attacks. However a second road has been paved in the prevention of the creation of future terrorism organizations that act out as violent or aggressive with the objective to kill or harm as many people as possible. The quantum energy created in the global environment to help manage this terrorist growth mechanism has shifted within the foreign policy in the political arena and spy agencies and homeland defense operations policies and military and terrorist organizations policies.

The objectives behind the covert and seamless operations fighting terrorism gained in strength by the management creation of anti-terrorism security programs combined with terrorism programs that shape the quantum energy behind, and around that seamlessly battlefield guided by the political and security agencies and military and terrorism organizations simultaneously. By taking a seamless approach to the responsibility to create empowerment quantum energy operations verses self-destructive quantum energy operations the long and short range operations managing quantum energy naturally creating the directive of ongoing operations in security or terrorism have changed, and all mentioned have become united as one operation. A corporate designed to seamlessly takeover and manage all united under the mutual strength and power of collective leadership has emerged to help maintain the quantum energy shaping political and foreign policy and terrorism organization decisions naturally shaping peace faster than war on the economic and terrorism battlefield.

Long range programs designed to spread democracy have been left intact, while reducing operation costs and soldier or civilian collateral damage body bag counts have been reduced while daily operations exploring ways to limit the growth of suicide bombers and drone attacks are the new focus of the day being explored.

Thank you to all people involved that work every day to make this new version of homeland defense in security and lifestyle possible.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this email.

The Theory Of War…The Puppets or Gods That Walk The Planet

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read another article written on the theory of war.

Will you follow Satan with a red hot poker shoved up your ass or welcome the angel with the white wings gently draped around your shoulders.

For example if you follow Satan into the devils playground in Syria you will see firsthand the self-destruction of the people and a region on the planet. Satan is greeted and then created with vast amounts of negative quantum energy, and this energy is fueled by greed and war to create wealth designed to increase the power of people who do not even live in the country wielding the covert operations shaped by their desire to shape death and self-destruction for control of a people and a region in the world.

If you follow Faith into the devils playground in Syria you will see firsthand less self-destruction of the people and a region on the planet. Faith is greeted and then created with vast amounts of positive quantum energy, and this energy is fueled by love and peace to create opportunity designed to increase the prosperity and power of the people shaped by the self-preservation of human life and less self-destruction of a region for control of a people and a region in the world.

Unfortunately if you are making money on the country and live outside the country the only option is a satanic operation, and if you live inside the country of Syria and want to make vast wealth the operations are usually faith based.

Quantum energy is shaped by the gods that walk this planet. Every person is a god on the planet that can use their influence and powers to create human life in reproduction, help the sick and hungry building a positive energy faith paradise on earth.

Quantum energy is shaped by the gods that walk this planet. Every person is a god on the planet that can use their influence and powers to destroy human life in war or terrorism, never help the sick and hungry building a Satan’s playground on earth.

Our holy books are spiritual guides written to enhance how we behave naturally increasing our powers of faith energy or if skewed for war or terrorism are shaped to expand the negative energy wielding the hands of Satan.

If I am wrong why do so many people use the current religion ideologies to work with the hands of Satan or the same ideology to work with the hands of faith?

Quantum energy in science can be shaped by psychology that is created to shape unfair foreign policy or religious extremism fundamentalism. Yes I believe in God yet I can see his work in the actions taken when I wield the actions of my hands and orders created in my mind. I am no different than any other God on the planet walking the earth.

My question is do you walk with the hands of Satan creating your wealth and power or the do you walk with the hands of Faith to create your wealth and power? Who can prove heaven or hell exist? Is heaven created in your world based on your actions and the actions created by the leaders shaping your and many people’s actions you have decided to join as a group, and can these actions taken united as one be created in your world based on other people’s actions? When all of the actions unite as one do you have the ability to do Gods work on the planet, and are you also given the ability to do Satan’s work on the planet? So perhaps it is the leader you follow that wields the quantum energy that shapes your world in heaven or hell.

Are you a puppet controlled by other puppets that are controlled by other puppets controlled by a master puppeteer? Is the master puppeteer your God or are you God in your small kingdom loving and caring for your family and small region of the world?

When smart people at the top make millions of dollars on the execution of people and the self-destruction of a region is that Satan walking the earth?

When smart people at the top make a few dollars on the prevention of the execution of people and the self-destruction of a region is that Faith walking the earth?

When you follow a leader you become the hands that create your world.

When you choose to stand idle and be a puppet unaware of this science controlled by others in the world that appear larger than life shaped the luxury lifestyle they created, displays of vast wealth created through the self-destruction of a region and body bags of the people is the leadership Satanic?

Do you take your energy and back this satanic leader and his agenda or do take your energy and back the operations of another leader wielding the powers of Faith.

The wrath of God is felt when you follow World Order creating this covert Satanic operation designed to kill the many through self-destruction of a region designed to make vast wealth in oil prices and weapons sales that further increases the power hold on you the follower. When this formula is multiplied a country can be invaded and dictator removed and all involved can be not charged for human rights war crimes if in the end they spread democracy and freedom of the people. Is democracy a satanic operation fueled by the laws shaped by the Supreme Court in the USA? Six packs allowing corporations to be recognized with same powers as civilians. Can elections be shaped by the corporations wielding the powers of Satan to create huge fortunes while enslaving the people within the kingdom of God?

If you live in Syria or Iraq today are you being killed in Satan’s garden of life verses finding paradise within your garden of life controlled by others that do not even live in either country?

When you steal do you work with the hands of Satan?

What happens if you steal using foreign policy shaped by the lobby of certain politicians created by corporations to shape negative quantum energy foreign policy creating a seamless cartel to fill their pockets through hiding the creation human rights war crimes wars and terrorism in the world? Are you all guilty by association devils only following a pecking order and puppeteer chain of command? What happens if you steal using religious extremism policy shaped by the actions of certain clerics created by corporations to shape religious policy creating a seamless cartel to fill their pockets creating human rights war crimes wars and terrorism in the world? Are you all guilty by association devils only following a pecking order and puppeteer chain of command? What happens when the master Satan puppeteer manages to make billions of dollars through getting so large him or her or the global group can encourage both these operations to feed of each other’s self-destruction designed to self-perpetuate the creation of wealth and power in his or her global Empire? Will our lifestyle shrink building a form of poverty through bowing to corporate slavery in our life, full of negative energy naturally shrinking our sole and rotting the character and morals building our self-existence? Are we then so limited in our mind we can be controlled and farmed like livestock animals in the kingdom of Satan wielding a crippled fundamental of democracy globally?

If you choose to go to war perhaps you must make sure who is creating the death and self-destruction of your people and why and how. Can you find the satanic snake in your garden and cut the head of the creature in your life?

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read another article written on the theory of war.

A Manitoulin Island Indian picks up a hooker off the streets of Sudbury.

'How much you charge for hour, sister?' he asks.

'$100,' she replies.

He says 'You do Indian style?'

'No' she says.

'I pay you $200 do it Indian style'

'No', she says, not knowing what Indian style is.

'I pay you $300'

'No', she says.

'I pay you $400'

'No', she says.

So finally he says,

'OK, I pay you $1,000 to do it Indian style.’

She thinks,

'Well, I've been in the game for over 10 years now. I've had every kind of request from weirdoes from every

part of the world. How bad could Indian Style be?'

So she agrees and has sex with him. They do it in

every kind of way and in every possible position.

Finally, after several hours, they finish.

Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says,

'Hey, I was expecting something perverted and

disgusting. But that was good. So what exactly is 'Indian style?'

The Indian replies, you send bill to government.

Bill is not aware Veronica is deeply entrenched in her security work. He feels really Horney and wants to fuck his sexy spy partner in ways she has never been fucked. Bill yells; I just took my penicillin sweetie; Veronica; have you taken your penicillin today?

Are you finished reading your intelligence report?

Veronica is laughing when she answers Bill; yes Bill I forwarded the research to your email in the Pentagon; I also sent an update to Phil and Charlie.

How is Charlie feeling?

How did you know Charlie is sick?

Beautiful I am high up in the Pentagon; we know everything that goes on; think about it; OnStar in Phil’s corvette.

Well I am not sure how Charlie is doing; why don’t you tell me Mr. I Work For The Pentagon.

Bill smiles and then says he is doing better; we think he will be better in a week or two however you should drop by the hospital to confirm the information.

How did you find this out?

We have clearance to read the hospital computer files whenever a government representative enterers the hospital.

So you knew about the venereal disease issues.

Yes even the cold sore on your mouth and Phil’s cock.

You know I almost feeling invaded; the way the government knows exactly what I do.

Bill smiles and says’ I realize we cannot have sex without a condom for the next few days however a shower together would feel great. We could take turns washing each other’s backs with lots of slippery soapy lather and a soft cloth.

Veronica feels tense after reading the reports and talking to Bill. Then she says this is one big fuck fest; you fuck me I fuck you; and we ending up fucking people all over the world; and when we get sick we are fucked by the intelligence in the surveillance reports.

So let me guess when the spy in Canada hits his computer keys; fuck it; I got it you just want to know what we think while the puppet master pulls everyone’s strings.

You know Bill; has anyone ever done a spider web diagram to see the puppet masters network. Without a diagram how do you know who the real puppet master is?

Well Veronica that is a great idea however in counter intelligence it does not always work that way.


Well people develop new technology that for a short time can give them an upper hand or they develop a larger picture strategy that reshapes who pulls the puppet masters strings.

So as soon as you think you are pulling someone’s puppet strings they may create an operation in the environment that empowers others on the battlefield to pull your puppet strings.

So the person or group with best strategy and technology may be the puppet master. Until other people develop superior systems, strategies and technologies that intertwine to pull the original puppet masters strings again.

Your right Veronica; this is a living breathing mechanism that moves with self-generated synergy depending upon the quantum energy flowing through the environment; plus the developments of strategies technologies and their ability to spread them globally seamlessly.

The best operations are usually invisible to the naked eye and yet when completed shift the environment for the puppet master. So if you want to know who the puppet master is; the formula is a living breathing program that shifts like the flow of water taking the path of least resistance.

Bill; that is deep; however; that is why I respect your ability to help me learn; as I move forward in my career inside the spy agency. I bet General Bracken loves looking deep inside your mind.

So how do you know you’re really in charge of the path you’re taking globally through the Pentagon?

I mean are their people using your energy operations and technologies like microscopic Pico plankton that rides on the back of a giant whale feeding on Ameba nourishment. The difference is this plankton not only feeds on the whale they may be covertly directing the whale where to feed in the bigger picture.

And how do you know this microscopic Pico plankton is not manipulated by multiple external sources and if he is not; is he the real puppet master in this part of the world; and if that were the case does China or Russia have puppet masters?

In the end; who controls all these puppet masters as you go to the top of the Rothschild’s spider web design; and how has the internet changed this type of global operation? You can pass intelligence on a web site in a blog or on Face Book or twitter or in a bitorent program or in an e-book or movie file.

At what point in time do you move from being the hunter and know you’re not the one being covertly hunted?

Veronica looks at Bill and says take this spy in Canada; how do know he has not developed a system to enhance his intelligence. We make super power strength mechanisms in the world, we use to build the superior soldier on the battlefield.

What is this guy in Canada; has developed that brain technology?

What makes me think; is why did he create a video that makes him appear insane; in fact; why did he write a 363 page e-book that proves he is insane?

He developed the Quantum Energy Star Wars technologies; so have we really reached the bottom of his intelligence capability barrel; or the point in which he wants us to reach, thinking that is the bottom of his intelligence barrel.

Think about it Bill; how many times has he been wrong; when we think we are fooling him; are we really fooling him or ourselves; wait till you see how I put his last intelligence report together.

Veronica smiles because she knows she is making Bill think even deeper than he did when he explained his puppet master theories to Veronica.

Veronica looks concerned when she tells Bill; the Roman Empire raped and pillaged their way to the top of what was thought of the world years ago. They made slaves of everyone they conquered and stole all of the resources of the invaded countries; but they fell out of power because they did not manufacture anything after they invaded the country.

Look at how Great Britain no longer manufactures and everything they consume products manufactured in China or Asia. All of their pension programs money was invested in the oil industry because they knew this market would spike after the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

So the elite rich people at the top transferred the wealth creation cycle of the world before the 911 tragedy and then reinvest when the market collapses and then claim they are the ones that are too big to fail; they have become the elite rich; however look how corporate slavery is similar to the Roman Empire slavery or the slavery programs that were created on the black population years ago and today.

I know these people at the top are making the decisions crafting the path paid for by the taxpayer that elected them; so did they just sell out the country for money in an engineered program to switch democracy and totalitarianism.

Give you an example; look at how Russia is spending 50 billion on the Olympics and making the Black Sea a better tourism location to visit than Florida or California. So is Russia taking the tourism industry while China takes away the manufacturing? Look how much gold they are purchasing in 2013 to back their currency markets. This builds hidden strength inside of their investment markets.

We may have the most military bases around the world; however this empire is built in quicksand without tourism or manufacturing; or a country debt ratio balance that exceeds the taxation capability repayment process of the nation. And when this falls out of balance the infrastructure is no longer funded properly and the social programs that made this place a beautiful world vanishes. The economic invasion occurs and the military falls because we can no longer afford all the 900 military bases and their costs internationally.

Once we use up the resources we raped and pillaged and manufacturing and tourism are controlled by Russia and China or Asia; how do we financially survive in the great USA or Great Britain or Canada? We become the slaves and the few rich at the top are killed by revolution when the people realize who made them a culture of human slavery. Revolution comes to my mind and the cycle starts again; however we are the slaves and off shore they are the Kings and Queens.

Are these people making political and security homeland defense or military decisions fucken idiots; or just good con artists that fill their pockets and left office after they played their part on the self-destruction of the nation covertly engineered and financed by China and Russia?

Look at how this is effecting immigration into China and Russia. They are becoming the American dream that has been turned into the USA nightmare and not a dream.

Veronica feels stressed out after her conversation with Bill and smiles at Bill; a shower under warm water with her back being gently washed and caressed sounds great.

Veronica hears no reply and decides to walk into the living room. Bill is holding a picture in his hands and has laid another on the coffee table.

Bill is watching a psychology video on You Tube and Veronica wonders if he even heard what she said earlier.

Bill smiles and tells Veronica watch this and it will give you a better understanding of people killing people with drone strike technologies; or some of the psychology required to create a candidate to do human torture on potential terrorism detainees.


Bill and Veronica have seen enough to understand even more about the worlds spy psychology. Bill changes the mood and plays a music video on You Tube.


Veronica opens her bath rope exposing her pretty red outfit. She is almost nude with skimpy bits of red clothing covering her beautiful body. Bill; are you still interested in a hot shower?

Bill looks up; he tells Veronica; do white fluffy clouds fill the skies on rainy days?

Veronica smiles and types in a video selection into the You Tube internet site and then walked closer to Bill and wrapped her arms around Bills shoulders.


Veronica starts to sway to the music. After grinding her exposed vagina into Bills leg; her eyes were wide as saucers when she passionately kisses Bill; then took him by the hand and walks toward the shower.

Bill started to soap up Veronica’s sexy hot body. Her pussy dripped a combination of sweet honey covered in a soapy lather. Slowly Bill washed every inch of Veronica.

Bill’s cock is rock hard as he moves his hands over every inch of Veronica. He wants to mount Veronica on the hard tile floor while the shower sprays warm water over their shiny sexy wet bodies.

As Bill slides deep inside of Veronica she moans; a deep groaning sound fills the room. Bill is grunting like a wild animal as he pumps Veronica; the sexiest woman Bill has ever encountered.

Veronica looks back at Bill riding her and says I wish I could bury my face in a wet pussy just like mine. I want you Bill; fuck me.

Veronica’s knees are rubbing on the tiles and the combination of pain and erotic pounding of her open slippery pussy takes her into an ecstasy deep inside of her mind.

Bill can see Veronica is going to climax on his huge cock when he slides out of her and buries his long wet tongue into her ass. Veronica is moaning and moaning; she is unable to come; yet feeling an exotic tongue up her ass drives her to new heights of ecstasy.

Bill rolls onto his back and slides under between Veronica’s long firm legs placing her in charge of achieving her orgasm. Bill slides his tongue in and out of Veronica as she slides her ass and pussy over his mouth. She wants Bill to inhale her climax and tries to smother his face with her vagina. She can hear Bill gasping for breath when she squirts in his face. Veronica loves to go golden in the shower and make Bill taste her sweet urine flavor.

Bill tries to fight and move his face but Veronica is sitting with her full weight on his face. She keeps grinding into Bills mouth and the flavor turns from salty sour to sweet honey when she climaxes pushing her juice down Bills throat. When Veronica finishes her sexy body has melted into Bills mouth.

Bill loves this part because she has come deep, long and hard; and now he can have his favorite part; her tight little ass. Bill slid out from under Veronica and in no time is deep inside of Veronica’s tight ass. She yells go slow your fucken huge; and this turns Bill on even more. He loves to hurt Veronica sexually because he knows she is such a twisted bitch she will ass come all over his cock if he pushes her beyond her limits.

Bills knees are burning as he moves to squat position; holds Veronica from behind creating a better angle to penetrate her even deeper. Bill can barely control himself and is ready to explode when he hears Veronica scream; yes don’t stop.

This takes Bill beyond the point of no return; and he quickly slides out of Veronica sweet ass and forces her to suck and swallow every drop of come squirting out of his rock hard cock.

A familiar voice in Veronica’s head tells her; do what he tells you slut.

Bill has her pinned to the ground and makes her suck and suck until every drop has been drained. When he has finished he tells Veronica; French kiss my ass and he slides over her mouth grinding his ass onto her slippery hard tongue. Veronica hates this and wants to fight Bill; when she hers her old black seal commander yell; eat that ass soldier.

Bill lets Veronica up and together they slowly kiss and wash each other’s body with soapy lather.

Spy Land Women Play Me Season Two

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