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Religion and science are against each other. If religion is sought or searched scientifically, it can go nowhere; and science cannot be studied religiously either. Religion has spirits, gods and eternity, which are just taboo in science. Religion transcends the concept of time and space, but science cannot be thought apart from time and space. If science being one, two, three or four dimensional, religion is five, more than four, dimensional.

But there is a common ground for both, that is logic. Logic is the foundation of all human activities both mentally and physically, in other words, of humanity. As far as theories, principles and their human recognitions are concerned with; the whole universe exists and runs on logic. It is the same in religion; the Creator, angels and human spirits are bound in logic so as to be understood by human reason. To have any relationship with men, even God the Creator must be the God of logic. There could be no God the Creator away from logic. He could come to man or be found by man only through the way of logic. As God is the god of logic, man is also a being of the same logic. When man goes astray from it, he should be embraced by the hands of illogic, the adversary of logic. The important message from God, the Gospel, must be understood and applied logically for its miraculous realistic effectiveness. When the genuine Gospel being understood and applied illogically, it does not have enough power to revive the dead spirit back to life eternal. The genuine Gospel together with man’s concern of any kind cannot cause the Speaker to initiate His work of salvation in the mind of the man.

Logic is not what man can acquire or attain to. Man can’t acquire or attain to anything without logic. Logic is man’s intrinsic characteristic. It is what man is. Logic and the Biblical Gospel are same in their simplicity, naturality and universality.

It may seem impossible to regard the Christian Gospel as simple, natural and universal, considering its price; the physical life of the Creator Himself in Jesus. But, the hard part was done by God through Jesus. As for man’s part, it must be simple, clear and pure. It must be so, because God wants His children, never adults. The genuine Gospel is never for men of religious experience or sophisticated minds. Satan never stops working to cultivate and make sophisticated human minds in this world, but God never do so because He can’t expect anything out of death, the dust. The Gospel is only for the childlike persons who are ready to take off all death-smelling clothes so as to plunge into the arms of their Father with no hesitation and no reservation.

Just as religion could go illogical, there is illogical primitive science. Science is a group of information that could be changed any moment in the future. As human knowledge being relative, all scientific knowledge is relative. Science is never definite static format knowledge. It’s an on-going process, it never stops. Mostly updated human knowledge could be found wrong, primitive and illogical tomorrow.

People thought light should run straight, the shortest distance between two points in the universe. But when Einstein asserted light was a stream of eons which were also matters, it could be proven that light could not run straight because, having weight, it should be affected by the gravity. The light from a star in the night sky is not straight from the star, it has just arrived on man’s eyes after traveling here and there, left and right, up and down among the stars through the universe. As the knowledge of men in the medieval ages could be seen as primitive and ignorant by the men of the current age, the scientific knowledge of modern men could be seen the same by the future generations.

Science is not a static finished standard for man’s logical thinking. It is a process or one of the methodologies for man’s incessant struggle to reach the ultimate truth unknown.

The word ‘religion’ has two different kinds of concepts; positive and negative. Positive religion is a field of science as it is based on logic except that it handles spirits as real beings. In positive religion, there are two different types of beings; physical and spiritual. Animals are physical beings: gods and angels are spiritual beings: and men are both physical and spiritual beings. Man can be equal both with animals and with gods. The equality of man with gods or God the Creator is on the basis of man’s spirituality. Animals can’t be equal with gods, but men are. Man’s physicality or man’s three dimensional being is the difference between men and gods or angels, and also the limit of humanness, which is the source of thrill that can never be shared with angels. It is also adored and respected by all spirits. Just as God the Creator the Father loves to possess or to be possessed by man, Satan or all the other spirits also desire to possess or to be possessed by any human minds.

Unfortunately, all the different kinds of religious organizations in human world are commonly based on the negativity of religion. On the way of man’s sincere searching for the hidden truth, which is man’s natural religious desire, the positivism has been lost anyhow and the seeker has been fallen into the ditch of complete negativism. It is the same situation that Adam had lost the peace of mind, his natural positive attitude toward God the Father in the Garden of Eden. It had been manipulated by the intruder, the Serpent. Adam was the victim of its scheme. What was left in his mind was death of his spirit and fear in the face of God, the negative sources of religion.

There is no logic in negativism. Having started positively, a sincere seeker is destined to fall into the victim of feeling after losing logic. He should have kept powerful enough not to lose logic under the threat of feeling of fear. Death is factual, but fear is a feeling. A searcher needs to acknowledge death and stay logical, but, must not surrender under the feeling; the fear of death. He will have to surrender under the simple and clear logic of the Gospel, but never under religion.

It is compulsory that man should stay positive all the way no matter what, especially toward the Father. God the Creator is the god of positivism, none of negativism. If not so, He might not have called Adam when he had committed the sin and hid behind a tree together with Eve. His unique character of positivism didn’t change by man’s fault, rather, wanted to overcome the negativity in the mind of man, the sinner. His positivism wanted to conquer the man’s mind which had been enslaved by the negativity.

God has stayed positive forever from the beginning no matter what except one moment when Jesus was dying on the Cross. One moment of His suffering had covered all sufferings of negativity in the whole universe; in or out of human minds or God’s. In reality, there still is negativity in human world, but all those sources of negativity will be driven away permanently from this universe someday. He stayed positive when Adam and Eve feared to face Him after eating the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. He never lost His logic under the catastrophic discouragement. Revenging the Serpent by bruising its head, which was nothing but the deliverance of men from the power of the Serpent, was possible because of His steadiness of logic and positivism.

It could be said that man lost his positivism and was succumbed into total negativism by sinning in the Garden of Eden in the beginning of human history. Repentance, born-again and salvation should mean the recovery of positivism in the mind of man. Man’s dark age-old negativity must be conquered by God’s bright positivism, His grace. The light should shine through the darkness and the darkness could not overcome it. The light of His grace should shine through the darkness of human minds which had been founded in total negativity in the beginning of human history, reinforced by the Serpentine kindness and hardened by repetition through generations. His light of grace, power and love shall rattle the foundation to be broken asunder so as to shine into the depth of human minds.


For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13)

Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Rom. 10:17)

Truth for Born-Again

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