Читать книгу Fire On Cory & Haley's Street - Pete Adams - Страница 2


Perhaps two giant birds were engaged in battle. Haley and Cory had heard the sounds before, but they were more distant, softer.

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Honk! Honk!

Yes, they were coming closer perhaps ready to swoop right over the house but neither child could see anything in the dark early evening sky.


Then, just as they were certain the giant birds might be landing right in front of them... very bright flashing lights caught their eye... POP! POP! POP!... like little miniature red, blue and white explosions.

Haley and Cory’s eyes grew wide as they saw the biggest fire truck they could imagine coming right down their street. They had seen fire trucks on television but never this close, let alone on their street!

Fire On Cory & Haley's Street

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