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The Fire in Your Belly


So. You’re curious about the business of being creative, and you’ve decided to do something about it. Maybe you’ve already started.

Have you got the fire in your belly? By that I mean the combination of fear and excitement that you’ll need to drive this project of yours forward to the point where money starts going into your bank account by dint of your own ideas and efforts. Have you got what it takes? Have you got the tenacity and self-discipline you need, both to start and to keep going? Because you’re going to need a healthy measure of all of these things if you are to succeed. Creativity, skills and talent alone will not guarantee the success that you crave. Nor will the kind and supportive words of friends and relatives – in fact you need to beware of those very things.

Are you – despite your excitement, fear and anticipation – putting off the actions you need to take to commit to this path? Do you seem to be a long time in the preparatory stages? Yes? Don’t worry, this is a healthy sign. This is resistance at play – and the degree of resistance you put in the way of getting on with making the dream a reality is a sure sign that it is indeed, exactly what you need to do.

Read, research, above all talk to people, prepare, become informed – do what you can to allay your worries and trepidations. But finally it comes down to this – decisions, followed by action. Stoke the fire.

Make Your Creativity Pay

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