Читать книгу Exploring the Solar System - Peter Bond - Страница 34



 What did the word “planet” originally mean? (b) Why were they given this name?

 How many planets were recognized before the invention of the telescope? (b) How many planets are recognized today in the Solar System? (c) What is the current definition of a planet?

 List six characteristics of the present Solar System that any theory of its formation must explain.

 Explain the importance of: (a) Johannes Kepler, (b) Galileo Galilei, and (c) Isaac Newton in improving our understanding of the Solar System.

 Explain the main processes by which: (a) rocky planets and (b) gaseous planets are believed to form.

 What are the main similarities and differences between gas giants and ice giants?

 Describe the main features of planetary migration, as hypothesized for the early Solar System. What relevance may this have had to the current Kuiper Belt?

 Explain three possible origins for planetary satellites. Give likely examples of each type.

 Describe the main features of the heliosphere.

 What is the likely fate of the Solar System beyond 1 billion years into the future?

Exploring the Solar System

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