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3 Allergy from a Physics Point of View

The Physics Code: An Ubiquitous Principle

One of the most important, yet difficult to understand discoveries of the Quantum Revolution is the law of wave-particle duality. It is

the concept that each substance consists of matter as well as particles.

Matter is directly available to us via our senses. It is measurable, tangible, and familiar to us. The intangible aspect, characterized by physical oscillations, cannot be recognized by our senses or, to date, any measuring device that we know of. This important—and, for the operation of our cosmos, indispensable—aspect is often overlooked and/or its existence questioned or negated.

The introductory chapters already briefly mentioned the significance this information carries for our world view, particularly for modern medicine. Using certain techniques, it is indeed possible to make this intangible portion visible. It can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Here, too, the rule applies:

We do not need to understand each phenomenon of our world in detail in order to use it!

To understand the many techniques of so-called holistic medicine—in this particular instance, the bioresonance methodology—the intentional simplification of the idea of ubiquitous physics “codification” has proven to be a useful practical base of information to work from.

For us ubiquitous physics codification signifies the fact that besides having a chemical-material aspect, each substance and animate or inanimate system, from subatomic particles to the greatest cosmic galaxies, also possesses an independent informational aspect intimately linked with the former.

From a physics point of view each atom, molecule, cell, organ, organism, etc. is a system based on physics with particular properties and very specific frequency information. The latter is very obviously a spectrum of ultra-weak electromagnetic frequency information. It is composed of the frequency spectra of each individual part of the system, including the last subatomic particle.

Biophysicist R. Sheldrake is convinced that these are essentially physical field phenomena and speaks of a “hierarchy of physical fields” that integrate into one universal field (Sheldrake 1990). One of the leading experts in energetic medicine, R. O. Becker, appropriately characterizes the situation as “fields within fields within fields” (Becker 1990).

Irrespective of the experts' debate on the physics definition, it appears entirely justified to call this system-specific information a “biophysical codification.” After all, it is unique, highly complicated frequency information applicable only to one particular system. Meanwhile, there are methods that make it possible to identify any system (any arbitrary substance, living being, etc.) by means of exactly this codification.

Let us remember:

Besides having a chemical-material aspect, each physical system in our cosmos also possesses a physics codification, very specific to its system. This codification appears as a spectrum of ultra-weak electromagnetic frequency information.

Knowledge and acceptance of this thought modality is the most important prerequisite to comprehend any further elaborations on this subject throughout this book.

Allergy: A Phenomenon of Biophysical Information

“Allergic reactions are caused by the allergen interacting with IgE antibodies, bound to mast cell receptors and basophilic leukocytes, and the subsequent release of mediators” (Ring 1982). This is how the renowned German allergologist J. Ring summarizes the knowledge of allopathic allergology regarding Type I allergy: a historically proven theorem, accepted by all experts, regarding a mechanism that undoubtedly only takes place on the level of substantive biochemical immunology. How and where could there be space for physical mechanisms?

Initially, it seems rather unbelievable, or at least surprising, for us to assert that allergy is nevertheless a largely biophysical informational phenomenon. There is, however, clear-cut proof for this assumption:

1 If the material level conditioned allergies exclusively, it would be unthinkable to use the informational level for allergy testing. Among these test methods are: tests applied by electro-acupuncture; VAS (Vascular Autonomic Signal), the method developed by the French physician Paul Nogier within the framework of auriculomedicine; the different techniques applied by kinesiology; and, of course, our preference, the allergen resonance test.

2 Exclusive use of allopathic methods for allergy testing would be no explanation for the therapy successes yet to be discussed.

3 C. Smith and his team's sensational experiments at the University of Salford, England, are the most important and irrefutable proof to date. He examined individual people's reactions while in contact with their allergens. The group was exclusively made up of hyperergic patients, that is, people extremely sensitive to numerous substances (Smith 1989).

Initial research was based on the findings of J. B. Miller. He discovered in the 1970s that skin reactions of hypersensitive patients tested by means of the prick test did not diminish with gradual dilution of the allergen as was expected. Rather, among the many dilutions causing positive skin reactions, there would be one that suddenly caused no reaction at all. This result was reproducible. This particular dilution of the allergen, called “neutralizing dilution,” was the one that eliminated the symptoms when injected into the patient. Jean Monro and her team used this discovery in the early 1980s. They were surprised to find the same neutralizing effect when the patients held a glass ampoule containing the neutralizing dilution specific to them in their hand, even if the contents of the ampoule had been frozen (Monro 1984).

Monro and Smith eventually discovered that besides being hypersensitive to various chemical substances, foods, environmental toxins, etc., many people also react to particular electrical frequencies displaying the same allergic reactions. This is called electrical hypersensitivity.

Smith experimented with hypersensitive patients who reacted very strongly after only a few seconds of contact with the allergen. Symptoms experienced were strong headaches coupled with visual impairment, sudden paralysis in the legs, inability to move, confusion, inability to speak, or acute pain in arms, legs, joints, etc. These symptoms occurred after contact with the allergens known through chemical testing as well as under the influence of certain electrical frequencies.

Figure 3.1 shows the basis of Smith's research, initially using homeopathically potentized dilutions of the allergens:

Gradually increasing the potency shows that not only the allergens themselves, but also their homeopathically potentized dilutions, cause reactions well into the intangible area of high potencies. Here, too, the phenomenon observed by Miller reoccured: When gradually increasing the potency, among potency levels causing the expected negative effects (allergies), there were also potency levels that clearly showed neutralizing effects. Neutralizing potencies are reproducible in an individual patient. However, they are unique to each patient.

Fig. 3.1 Research by C. Smith with hyperergic patients using homeopathic potencies of their allergens (schematic).

Figure 3.2 illustrates experiences resulting from testing electrical hyper-sensitivity. The tests were conducted with a simple sinus oscillator that enabled the generation of any desired coherent frequencies. The patient was located at a distance of several meters from the oscillator. The frequencies were sent via a short antenna without touching the patient. Gradually increasing the frequency resulted in the same behavior as seen in the experiment using homeopathic potencies of an allergenic substance: specific (and in individual cases reproducible) frequencies causing the range of typical allergic reactions in the patient. However, they were interspersed with neutralizing frequencies that eliminate allergic reactions within a few seconds.

Monro and co-workers originally discovered that a neutralizing dilution of an allergen containing information is also effective when the patient simply holds an ampoule of the same dilution in his/her hand. As surprising as this may sound, this phenomenon was also valid for experiments using exclusively electrical frequencies.

Smith and his team experimented with water or water-based solutions (e.g., saline solution). Attached to the oscillator via a coil was a glass ampoule containing this solution which was “charged” for 4 minutes with the corresponding neutralizing frequency. Subsequently, in contact with the patient, this solution proved just as effective as the frequency generated by the oscillator in the patient's room. This sensational research held important results for medicine. All experiments quoted here have been conducted by Salford University according to strict scientific criteria. They have been documented by video, etc. and the results published in scientific literature. Given these new parameters, the response of the scientific community was surprisingly uneventful. Findings that do not fit into the familiar paradigm are initially doubted and often ignored, let alone discussed.

Fig. 3.2 Research by C. Smith with hyperergic patients using electrical frequencies (schematic).

What basic knowledge do the results of C. Smith's experiments convey to us?

1 Proof of the effectiveness of homeopathic high potencies also in the intangible area (beyond D23 = Loschmidt's number).

2 Proof of effectiveness of electrical frequencies in a living organism.

3 Proof that water has a memory function for electrical frequencies.

4 Proof of a component of allergy defined by physics, as all aforementioned phenomena are only explicable by physical mechanisms.

This presents two apparently opposing statements on the allergy phenomenon:

On the one hand, the irrefutable findings of classical scientific allergology with its clear and provable biochemical immunological definition.

On the other hand, the aforementioned results obtained by Smith that are only explicable within the framework of physical information!

This apparent contradiction is resolved when we apply the previously instituted thought modality of two distinctly separated functional levels (Fig. 1.1). Let us remember that basically everything that functions in our organism on the material level is regulated by the codified information in the informational level.

The superior informational level (regulatory level) controls the impulse that begins and regulates processes on the material level.

If we apply this fundamental law to the arena of allergies, it seems that within the frequency pattern of a particular living being there is some type of biophysical “imprint”: a fixed information that registers the specific frequency spectrum of a substance as an allergen. Its presence and activation are the prerequisites for allergic reactions to take place in the body.

This biophysical imprint may be caused by repeated contact with a substance irritating the organism in one way or another. Not everybody is susceptible to developing allergy imprints. This ability seems partially due to a certain genetic predisposition.

Once formed, the allergy imprint remains in place. It is inactive unless it comes into contact with the allergen. Activated by the specific information that characterizes its imprint, it triggers the allergic reaction via impulses using the known mechanisms, i. e. antibody formation, mast cell sensitization, release of histamine, etc.

Typical for this kind of “allergy imprint” is not only the specificity—it is unique to a particular range of frequency information—but also the ability to manipulate it. Moreover, it can be treated with biophysical means. That is to say, by applying suitable information or techniques it can be attenuated and/or completely eliminated.

None other than the allergen's biophysical frequency pattern (= physics codification) is the “suitable information” for the “allergy imprint.” Employing this specific signal and suitable implementation, it is possible to “register” this imprint, that is, to determine its presence, for example by means of the allergen resonance test and/or influence it therapeutically.

The ideas outlined here cannot (yet) be verified with data and do not claim correctness according to the current scientific point of view. They have, however, proven useful as a thought modality as they elucidate all phenomena occurring while treating a patient.

For biochemical immunological processes to take place on the material level, contact with an allergen is necessary to activate the allergy imprint.

Using the known mechanism, these biochemical immunological processes now initiate an allergic reaction. The patient shows symptoms such as irritated skin and mucous membrane, itching and edema, etc.

When the patient is episodically exposed to the allergen (“acute allergy” model, see Classification of Allergies, p. 49), the allergic reaction will subside. It will subsequently reappear upon renewed contact with the allergen.

Being continuously or frequently exposed to the allergen will result in chronic allergic stress that may eventually influence the entire organism. The allergic reaction turns into an allergic disease that can become increasingly independent, with the connection to the allergen becoming less and less obvious (e. g. neurodermatitis, chronic bronchial asthma). We will describe these interrelations in more detail in Chronic Forms of Allergies, page 50.

Fig. 3.3 Simplified thought modality to explain physical allergy mechanisms (see text).

The schematic illustration in Figure 3.3 is meant to once again demonstrate the hierarchy of the “levels.” It shows that in all cases the informational level needs to emit an impulse for corresponding reactions to take place on the material level.

Biophysical Therapy of Allergies

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