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The Matter of Vision


The Matter of Vision has three meanings for both terms – Matter in the scientific sense, as in the world is made of matter, Matter meaning Issue, and Matter indicating a Materialist explanation for phenomena – that is the belief that everything is capable of explanation in time through Science. Likewise, Vision has an adjectival connotation, as in a man of Vision, it also is technical, the capacity of the eye for Vision, and a reference to Cinema as a Visual art.

1An idea from the Danish science-writer Tor Norretranders in his User Illusion, Penguin, New York, 1998.

2By Film Theory I mean to suggest the ideas, mainly from France, that hit England in the early 70s in the film journal Screen (in which I was peripherally involved as an enthusiast), via Cahiers du Cinema, in turn taken from a whole generation of mainly French thinkers broadly in the tradition of ‘Continental Philosophy’, involving semiotics, psycho-analysis and theories of ideology.

The Matter of Vision

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