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Landscape C: The Carboniferous Culm of Devon


The northern landscape of Area 2 is underlain by Carboniferous bedrock (locally known as the Culm) which occupies a complex downfold in this part of the eroded Variscan mountain belt. The coastal bedrock here contains many beautiful examples of folding, for example at Boscastle (c3), famous for the flash flood that did so much damage in August 2004. Spectacular folding is also clearly visible at Millook Haven (c2; Fig. 75), and at Crackington Haven (c1; Fig. 76). In both cases, the convergence directions represented by the folds are near vertical, suggesting that the Variscan folding may have involved a later tilting of an earlier fold set.

FIG 74. Tintagel Head (Fig. 66, b9). (Copyright Dae Sasitorn & Adrian Warren/www.lastrefuge.co.uk)

FIG 75. Chevron folding of Carboniferous sandstones and mudstones, Millook Haven (Fig. 66, c2). (Copyright Landform Slides – Ken Gardner)

FIG 76. Overturned fold in Crackington Formation, Culm Measures, Crackington Haven (Fig. 66, c1). (Copyright Landform Slides – Ken Gardner)

Southern England

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