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Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page


Preface and Acknowledgments

Introduction Notes

1 Living-Room Wars Murrow in London The Early Stages of the Vietnam War: John F. Kennedy and “Managing Information Lyndon Johnson’s War, Television’s War Tet Notes

2 Competing for Information Control Falklands War 1982 Gulf War 1990–1991 Information Channels as Wartime Diplomatic Tools Embedded War The 2011 Arab Uprisings Syria Notes

3 War Information Expands “Never Again” Information Challenges in Bosnia Myanmar Journalism of Attachment Information from War-Zone Occupants Crowd-Sourced Information Women’s Stories and Women’s Storytelling Fleeing War: Refugees and Information What Has Changed? Notes

10  4 Social Media Go to War Merging Old and New: Photography at War Terrorists’ Information Warfare On the Battlefield: Hamas versus Israel Public Diplomacy Goes to War Notes

11  5 Russia and New Dimensions of Information at War “Draw America into the War!” The Kremlin’s Cold War Information Tools and US Response Restructuring Russia’s Information Arsenal Information as 21st-Century War The Internet Research Agency “Active Measures” and the 2016 US Presidential Election The US Cyber Command Attack Targets Ukraine The Baltic States Sweden Finland Turkey Libya Notes

12  6 From Media Manipulation to Media Literacy Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates versus Qatar Information and Prolonging Conflict: Afghanistan Caring about War IoT and AI Fighting Back against Disinformation Understanding the audience and how it gets information Media literacy The news media’s role Pandemics and other medical matters Notes

13  7 Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going The Churn Social Media Culture and Information at War Next Steps for Information in the Battle Space China Why China matters China’s “Three Warfares” Information at War Notes

14  Selected Bibliography

15  Index

16  End User License Agreement



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Information at War

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