Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Diagrams
List of Maps
List of Images
Abbreviations and Glossary
Excursions in Microhistory
An Aide-Mémoire: Reading Maps Like German soldiers
1. The Ogre of Rominten
2. The Conquest of Wilderness
3. Grossdeutschland
4. Bandenbekämpfung in the ‘Home Forces Area’
5. The Białowieźa Partisans
6. Population Engineering
7. Judenjagd
8. German Soldiers and Bandenbekämpfung
9. 1943
10. Göring’s Hunter Killers
11. Bandenjagd
12. 1944: Retreat
Conclusion: Memories of a Never Happened History
Appendix 1: German Ranks
Appendix 2: Luftwaffe Soldiers
About the Author