Читать книгу Elegant Solutions - Philip Ball - Страница 5




Introduction What is an Experiment? What is Beauty?

Section 1 Asking Questions of Nature

Chapter 1 How Does Your Garden Grow?

Van Helmont’s Willow Tree and the Beauty of Quantification

Chapter 2 An Element Compounded

Cavendish’s Water and the Beauty of Detail

Chapter 3 New Light

The Curies’ Radium and the Beauty of Patience

Chapter 4 Radiation Explained

Rutherford’s Alpha Particles and the Beauty of Elegance

Chapter 5 The Elements Came in One by One

Seaborgium’s Chemistry: Small is Beautiful

Divertissement 1 The Chemical Theatre

Section 2 Posing New Questions

Chapter 6 Molecules Take Shape

Pasteur’s Crystals and the Beauty of Simplicity

Divertissement 2 Myths and Romances

Chapter 7 Life and How To Make It

Urey and Miller’s Prebiotic Chemistry and the Beauty of Imagination

Chapter 8 Not so Noble

Bartlett’s Xenon Chemistry and the Beauty of Simplemindedness

Section 3 The Art of Making Things

Chapter 9 Nature Rebuilt

Woodward, Vitamin B12 and the Beauty of Economy

Chapter 10 Plato’s Molecules

Paquette’s Dodecahedrane and the Beauty of Design

Coda Chemical Aesthetics


Subject Index

Elegant Solutions

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