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List of Figures

1.1 Hilarity at the Federal Reserve

2.1 Growth of MPS-affiliated think tanks

2.2 MPS founding meeting, national representation

2.3 MPS 1991 membership, national representation

2.4 Mentions of Friedrich Hayek in various English-language sources

4.1 Corporate profits/U.S. GDP

4.2 Index of world equity prices, Great Depression and current crisis

4.3 Index volume of world trade, Great Depression and current crisis

4.4 Google Trends search term: “toxic assets”

4.5 Fed projection misses the mark

4.6 American bank mergers, 1995–2009

4.7 The “Flash Crash” of May 6, 2010

5.1 Proportions of U.S. mortgages originated by various financial entities, 1953–2007

6.1 European ETS prices, 2011

6.2 European public and private debt, 2000 and 2010

6.3 U.S. public and private debt, 1920–2011

6.4 Total Over-the-Counter Outstanding Derivatives

6.5 Google Trends for search term “financial innovation”

Never Let A Serious Crisis Go to Waste

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