Читать книгу The Big R-Book - Philippe J. S. De Brouwer - Страница 20
Listing 3.2: Another example of a command line instructions: factor, calc, and pi. This example only has CLI code and does not start R.
Оглавление$ factor 1492 1492: 2 2 373 $ calc 2*2*373 1492 $ pi 60 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494
Note that in these environments, we do not “comment out” the output. We promise to avoid mixing input and output, but in some cases, the output will just be there. So in general it is only possible to copy line per line the commands to see the output on the screen. Copying the whole block and pasting it in the command prompt leads to error messages, rather than the code being executed. This is unlike the R code, which can be copied as a whole, pasted in the R-command prompt and it should all work fine.
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