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The Littlest Fly Flies High


Many, years ago when the world was new, a beautiful river flowed through the country. Great numbers of fish lived in the river's sparkling water and many animals went there to drink. The river was important to all of them. It was not long before a giant moose heard about the river. He was very large and drank lots of water. As the moose continued to drink, the river began to dry up.

The animals started to worry. The beavers were afraid their homes would be destroyed. The muskrats were afraid they would run out of water to drink. The fish were worried most of all. The other animals could live on land, but the fish could not.

The animals decided to have a meeting to find a way to fill the river with water. They tried their hardest to reach a solution, but they did not have any luck. There was nothing they could do. They had given up hope when the smallest fly spoke up. "I can fill the river with water," he said. All the animals laughed at him.

"How could a tiny fly carry enough water to fill an entire river?" asked the beavers. "You are too small to do anything. Why don't you just go home?'' said the muskrats. "I think we should at least give him a chance," cried the fish who were becoming more frightened by the minute.

The fly was determined to save the river. He took off and flew way up into the sky. He whizzed and whirled through the huge white clouds as he searched for the Great Rain Spirit. The fly spotted the rain spirit off in the distance and landed near the Spirit's ear. "Please help us," the fly said. "The water in the river is running low. Will you please send down some rain to fill the river?

"It was very brave of you to fly all the way up here," said the Rain Spirit. "From this point forward, I will supply enough rain so that none of you will ever have to worry about water again. Tell the animals that laughed at you that even someone that is very small can overcome the largest of obstacles if they believe in themselves." The fly returned to the ground and told the animals what had happened. At that moment the rains began to fall and as promised, the animals always had enough water to drink.

The First Americans: Legends, Folklore & Myths Across the U.S.A.

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