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Aleutic Time?


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for each of these has its own set of hands and figures.”

“I know full well,” said I, “what true time is, also what is understood by mean time, but what on earth is meant by aleutic time?”

“I will soon explain,” spoke my obliging guide. “Since the whole globe has been encircled by one large net of telegraph lines, and wire messages,2 whether east or westward bound, do the whole round of our planet in a single moment, it has been found necessary to adopt a kind of time that would apply to any spot of the earth; for by some such contrivance alone was it possible to avoid a confusion that would have been fatal in many cases, more especially in those of commercial transactions, when the knowledge of the right time is an object of no mean consideration. By mutual agreement the several nations therefore selected the largest of the Aleutic islands, by way of a neutral point or centre. When the sun rises on the east coast of that island, then begins the world-day. Nor has the selection of the neutral point been in any way an arbitrary one; for east and west of the meridian which passes over that island are to be found those very latitudes where the confusion of time was formerly at its height; and for this reason, that according to their discovery having been accomplished either from Europe in easterly direction round Africa, or westward round America, one whole day had been lost or gained. Now the consequence of this was, that in the islands of these latitudes the inhabitants of the eastern coasts and those dwelling in the west differed four-and-twenty hours in their calculations of time, owing to the circumstance that they belonged to, or were descended from, the one or the other ancient colony. The adoption of an Aleutic time has put a stop to any such confusion.”

Having thus endeavoured to satisfy my curiosity, my companion went on to say: “Do come along with us; we shall have plenty of opportunity to show you other matters of interest in the city of Londinia.”

“Londinia? Is that the same as London?”

“Not quite; ancient London formed but a small portion of the present city of Londinia. The latter occupies a considerable part of the south-east of England, and has a population of something like twelve millions.”

As we continued our tour, I chanced to hit upon the trivial remark that we had “very mild weather indeed, considering the time of the year.”

“You are mistaken,” Bacon said; “on the contrary, it is bitterly cold; only you forget that we are in town. Just feel the heat of the current of air which rises from the sieve-like plate on which you are walking, and you will doubtless agree with me that the

Anno Domini 2071

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