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Realization slammed into Drew as Maggie gagged. He took a hasty step back to rectify the situation. And, with his pants and underwear tangled at his ankles, stumbled and landed flat on his back on the plush red carpet of the elevator floor.

Maggie scrambled to her feet, intent clear in her good eye.

He had no recourse. He raised his foot to stop her from coming to him. The action, with his pants still around his ankles, caused him to roll into a curve like a sex-starved armadillo.

“Camera,” he ground out while struggling to pull his boxers up over his tent-pole erection.

“What can I do to help?” She cast a nervous glance up at the offending black box.

Was that a tear glistening?

Crying was never a good sign. He racked his brain for a way to salvage a situation that had disaster written all over it.

“Stay right there. There’s no reason for us both to be caught with our pants down.”

She frowned. “My pants aren’t down. I’m wearing a dress.”

“It was a metaphor, Maggie.” He got to his feet and glared over his shoulder at the camera while jerking up his pants.

“But I feel so awful!” Head hanging, she mumbled, “I can’t do anything right.”

Disaster was beginning to morph into capital letters.

He had to do something. Now.

“Show me your tits,” he said in a choked voice. She’d told him she liked him to talk dirty, but now that he’d gotten to know her, it was more difficult.

Color blossomed in her cheeks—well, her cheek, since the other one was pretty colorful already. Just when he decided to tell her to forget it, she slipped the bodice down, exposing her breasts.

Damn, he loved her breasts. He’d always been a leg man, but there was just something about her breasts that had him salivating and hard as a rock. Not large by any standards, they were just right. They fit perfectly into the palm of his hand. And his mouth. Bad thought, when he was trying to stuff his eager cock back into his pants.

“Okay, cover up before I say, ‘Fuck the camera,’ and come over there.” At the widening of her eye, he said, “You have no idea how much I want you. Right now. Right here.” He chuckled and shook his head, more than a little relieved when he finally convinced his zipper to close. “But I also need to keep my job.” He smirked. “Assuming my full-frontal display just now didn’t already jeopardize it.”

Turning back to the panel, he unlocked the elevator and pushed the button to resume their ascent. “If no one else gets on the elevator, stay back there until we get to your floor. And no matter what, do not turn and look at the camera. Just walk straight out of here.”

“What if someone else gets on before our floor?” Her voice sounded small and uncertain. It was all he could do to stay facing forward.

“Then we try to blend with the crowd and get off wherever they do. If we have to, we can use the stairs the rest of the way.”

Drew dared not look back at Maggie until they were a safe distance down the hall. “Give me your key.” He put out his hand and finally looked at her.

Then he almost swallowed his tongue.

Sometime during their ride, or maybe as they walked down the hall, Maggie had done something with the top of her dress. It was gone. In its place was the sparkling scarf she’d worn around her neck. She’d fashioned it into some kind of strapless halter-looking thing tied between her breasts.

“You’re killing me, you know.” His gaze took in every inch of the sheer top, its metallic threads playing peekaboo with her nipples.

“You don’t like it?” She grinned and did a slow turn.

The back was virtually nonexistent, so sheer was the scarf. As she turned back to face him, he realized she could most likely wear the thing in public, given the way the sheer fabric bunched in strategic places. And the bow helped hide the crucial areas from the casual observer.

Of course, he was no casual observer and saw it only as a giant bow wrapping up a delectable present he was itching to unwrap.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind them, he threw the bolt home and pulled her into his arms. The passionate kiss that followed precluded conversation.

Finally he broke the kiss and looked down at her. “What happened to the top of your dress?”

“It’s still here. I tucked it into the skirt.”

“Very clever.” Grinding his erection against her, he said on a growl, “Lose it.”

She didn’t have to be told twice. After waiting a lifetime to be this wild, this free, she wasn’t going to waste a second of it.

Hooking her fingers in the sides of the silk, she shimmied it over her hips and let it fall to pool at her feet, allowing Drew time to admire the view she made in nothing but her scarf and purple thong panties with her high-heeled blue sandals. If the expression on his face—and the bulge in the front of his trousers—was any indication, he admired it very much.

Her nipples puckered beneath his scrutiny, rasping against the metallic threads running through the softer silk. Dampness in her thong made her want to squirm.

He stepped forward and hooked his fingers beneath the string on each side of her panties, pulling her close while he kissed her.

Deepening the kiss, he hauled her up by the string, the action pulling the thong high into her flesh.

To her surprise, it was not unpleasant.

The kiss continued, teeth clicking as he walked, holding her off her feet high against his chest. Somewhere along the way, her shoes fell off with a soft thud on the bamboo floor.

The cool edge of her coconut-shell bed touched the back of her calves a second before she felt the softness of her sheets against her bottom.

Breaking the kiss, Drew rose to tower over her. He glanced down and licked his lips and then spread her legs as far as they would go, his gaze riveted to the damp flesh exposed by the miniscule panties.

He reached down to push the thong to one side, running the tip of his finger over her weeping folds. “So pretty,” he whispered.

Should she say thank you? What exactly was the protocol in a situation like this? For that matter, how many drinks had she sucked down tonight? She squinted her good eye and found that Drew looked more than a little fuzzy around the edges. Also, her lips were numb.

Her mind cleared some of its fog and shifted back to her partner when he slipped one finger into her and wiggled it before slowly gliding it in and out.

Her hips arched off the bed. Just when she thought she might scream her frustration, he withdrew, causing her to whimper at the loss.

His hand stopped her from removing the thong.

She wasn’t sure she totally trusted his smile, but she was more than eager to see what he had in mind.

She didn’t have to wait long.

He pushed the thong to the other side and dragged his tongue along the edge of her labia, taking little forays beneath the sodden silk. When she groaned, he shifted his attention to the other side, so close yet so far from the spot that wept for him.

She moaned, lolling back on the bed, enjoying the sensations racing through her blood, along with the generous amount of alcohol she’d consumed.

Time blurred, along with her vision.

When his mouth left her, it was like waking from a delicious dream.

Straightening her panties, he placed a hot kiss on her silk-covered mound and then pushed his way up onto the bed with her.

When did he take off his clothes?

He petted her through the scarf and then took a silk-covered nipple into his mouth and suckled, the action causing renewed dampness to surge between her legs.

Was it possible to have an orgasm just from someone sucking your breasts? Then there was the way he had of swirling his tongue around the aureole, causing the wet silk to take on a life of its own, pulling at her, shooting arrows of arousal to her core.

She fumbled with the knot the scarf bow had become.

“Shhh. Wait.” His hot hand covered her cool, trembling ones. “Let me. I’ll be right back.”

He stood, his erection boldly announcing his carnal intention…thank goodness!

Reclined across the bed, her legs spread in wantonness, eyes closed, Maggie enjoyed the feel of the breeze from the air-conditioning across the damp silk.

In a flash, he was back, murmuring against her flushed skin as he kissed his way from her feet upward.

Woohoo! It felt good. Why was it so difficult to open her eyes? No matter. She didn’t need to see to feel the wondrous things Drew was doing to her.

And she just knew it was going to do nothing but get better.

She smiled what she hoped was a sexy smile when she felt the sodden silk being untied and tugged from her body. Naked. She wanted to be naked.

“Don’t worry. I want you naked, too,” Drew said against her belly button.

Uh-oh. Must’ve voiced her thoughts again. Note to self: don’t let thoughts fall out of mouth.

It seemed to take forever, but he finally managed to peel her thong down her legs and off her feet.

She felt like laughing with the exhilaration of being so free. The air blew across her heated skin, caressing every inch of exposed skin—and it was all exposed. Better yet, she thrilled to the idea.

Who knew walking on the wild side could be so liberating, so fun, so—

“Oouch!” Wide awake now, she jackknifed to a sitting position from the excruciating pain originating at both nipples and shooting through her extremities. “What the hell are you doing?”

Drew lay half on top of her, blocking her retreat. “Don’t yell at me. They’re your nipple clamps! I thought you were into that kind of thing.”

“Nipple clamps? Why the hell would I have nipple clamps?” She glanced down at the pink torture devices hanging from her nipples like obscene trapeze artists and wished the alcohol had numbed more than her brain. Wait. They were beginning to look familiar. “Those aren’t nipple clamps! They’re lingerie grippers.”

Drew’s smile was grim. He reached out and slid a little black switch on the base close to the dangling butterflies she’d thought were so cute. Butterflies of death.

At first the vibration felt like jolts of electricity zapping her nipples. But before she could scream, the sensation changed. Wow. Maybe they really were nipple clamps.

But they still hurt.

Biting back a scream, she deftly removed the clamps and pushed Drew to his back, straddling him, his hot erection thumping her backside.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but suddenly she felt very X-rated. Scooting back, she allowed his penis to drag up the center of her until she was close enough to lick the darkened tip.

Then she deftly attached a clamp to each sac and turned on the vibration in one move.

With a roar, Drew jerked to a sitting position, almost toppling her from the bed.

In hindsight, maybe not such a great idea.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” Her giggle took a little away from the sincerity of her apology. “Here, let me take them off.”

He slapped her hands away. “No! Let me.”

After making several faces, he managed to disengage the vibrating clamps and dropped them to the mattress. They lay, making an innocuous buzzing sound against the sheet.

His erection was noticeably…less erect.

Oops. She prayed she hadn’t done any damage. Unless she relied on Mel, Drew was her only sexual release for the next three nights and four days.

His heated gaze met hers. She stole a peek. Yes! A comeback was in the works.

“You know, there are other uses for those things.” He fondled a nipple and then placed a gentle kiss on the tip of each one. “More pleasurable uses.” He licked her now erect nipples and then reached for the vibrators of death.

“Drew, I don’t think—” She scooted toward the opposite end of the big bed.

“Shhh! I won’t hurt you.” His hand closed around her ankle, dragging her back to him.

The movement caused her legs to spread, and the way he eyed her crotch made her both uneasy and turned on at the same time.

Maybe alcohol turned her into a nympho.

Give Me More

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