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6 The Will of the Soul


“The eye by which I see God is the same eye as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God’s eye are one and the same—one in seeing, one in knowing, and one in loving.”

—Meister Eckhart

Part of why it was so difficult for me to resume living in a physical body on the earth plane is because I had so completely identified myself as a soul that anything less than that lofty “perch” in the heaven-worlds of spirit not only seemed foreign, but a mere caricature, an insult, to the divinity I now knew was mine.

I had seen the soul. I was a soul. I had been in the perfection of God’s presence as a cocreator with the Creator. I had experienced the mind of God and creation as the stirring of thought in that Great Mind. As this thought stirred, I saw that an energy pulse was produced and in such a manner that its oscillating motion set up and maintained what we recognize as time and space. I was shown that the makeup of this thought was consciousness and all that resulted from its stirring bore “the mark” of its consciousness, that literally the fabric of the universe was consciousness. I knew then what the biblical injunction “We are made in the image and likeness of God” meant: we as souls are “marked” by our creation in the sense of what we consist of and are capable of doing. Creation allows the One to become the many.

It was revealed to me that each of us as a soul has free will and unlimited potential for growth and expansion. Seemingly separate and distinct, I saw the souls God created as showers of sparks, nuclei of holy fire, that spread out and expanded in waves, thought-waves, similar in movement to what happens to the wake caused by a speedboat zooming across a placid lake. The farther afield each wave projected (in a plasmalike “ocean” of etheric substance or spirit), the more the individual sparks separated from their wave, spinning off in positive and negative poles of energy charge, mimicking what caused the central pulse beat to oscillate. I observed that the nucleus of holy fire, once divided and freed from its wave, is able to take on any manner or type of existence or shape or form. Yet no matter what experiences it takes on, the nucleus spark carries within it the urge to attract unto itself that which will unify its charge (the rejoining of its positive and negative poles back into the full nuclei it once was) and fulfill its ultimate purpose (reunion with the original source). The many ever seek to rejoin with the One

We Live Forever

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