Читать книгу Crybaby Falls - Пола Грейвс - Страница 2


“We don’t have to be open about our … collaboration,” he said when she said nothing more. His lips curved in a wicked smile. “We can be secret partners.”

The low, almost seductive tone of his voice snaked through her like a lightning strike. She felt the thunderous aftermath low in her belly, a shudder of raw, unexpected need.

Agreeing with him would be the worst possible decision she could make. She knew it bone deep. But when she opened her mouth to speak, the word that spilled from her lips was “Okay.”

He gave her another narrow-eyed look, as if he suspected she was joking. “Okay?”

This was her chance to back out, she thought. Laugh and agree that she’d been joking.

But she couldn’t, she realized. No matter what kind of fluttery things he did to her insides just by being Cain Dennison, he was right about one thing. He did know more about Renee Lindsey’s final days than anyone else in town, save the killer himself. If she was serious about getting to the bottom of Renee’s murder, she needed his help.

“Okay,” she repeated more firmly. “You’re right. I need your help. And, frankly, you could use mine, as well.”

“I need you, do I?” His smile made her heart flip-flop.

Crybaby Falls

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