Читать книгу Boneyard Ridge - Пола Грейвс - Страница 2

He wanted to argue with her, the urge to spill the whole ugly tale so powerful it felt like poison in his gut.


His leg was bad. It couldn’t do the same things he’d once asked of it. But he was stronger now than he had been in the middle of that burning hell.

He’d never known that level of utter helplessness before in his life. He prayed to God he’d never know it again.

He willed Susannah to step back from him, to take away her soft warmth, her sweet scent, her gentle, disarming gaze.

Of course, being Susannah, she stepped closer, her hands lifting to his cheeks, ensnaring him. “I have no idea what to say to you,” she said, her voice a whisper. “I don’t know what you need.”

You, he thought with growing dismay. I just need you.

Boneyard Ridge

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