Читать книгу Beating the Impostor Syndrome - Portia Mount - Страница 7


In Brief

The Impostor Syndrome is a well-researched, well-documented phenomenon that occurs when successful and intelligent professionals feel they do not deserve their accomplishments and that they have faked their way to success. This syndrome can cause negative stress, fear, anxiety, loss of confidence, and can eventually lead to derailment. However, by overcoming inaccurate beliefs about yourself and your abilities, you can overcome the Impostor Syndrome and enjoy a more fulfilling career.

First, you should focus on the facts of your success, and document what skills and techniques you possess helped you achieve those successes. Next, you should identify and challenge your limiting beliefs. These beliefs may hold you back from really owning your accomplishments, because they give you an inaccurate picture of what success actually looks like. Then, you should get clear on the strengths you possess, instead of just focusing on your weaknesses, and take the time to maximize and showcase those strengths. Finally, you should talk to others to help obtain a clearer picture of your skills and your accomplishments. Additional perspectives can help you see the flaws in your own perspective, and give you the information you need in order to accurately view yourself as competent.

By completing these four steps, you can overcome the debilitating nature of the Impostor Syndrome, and truly embrace your accomplishments and abilities.

Beating the Impostor Syndrome

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