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Let us also cultivate, in our time and circumstances, Christian leaders and spokespersons who not only teach and advocate the wisdom and graciousness of Jesus in the public arena but actually model that wisdom and graciousness in their own public work and conduct.

97 Matthew 10:16 (KJV).

98 Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, 244–245.

99 1 Samuel 13:13.

100 2 Samuel 24:10.

101 Billy Graham, Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, 2007), xxi–xxiii.

102 Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968–69 (S.C. 1968–69, c. 38).

103 R. v. Morgentaler, 1 S.C.R. [1988] 30.

104 Stephen Bindman, “Abortion Motions Rejected. Govt. Given Little Help on New Law,” The Ottawa Citizen, July 29, 1988, A1.

105 Bill C-43: An Act Respecting Abortion, 2d sess., 34th parl., 1989.

106 Matthew 22:17; see Matthew 22:15–22.

107 Luke 9:51–55.

108 Matthew 10:5, emphasis added.

109 Acts 1:8, emphasis added.

110 Luke 9:55–56 (KJV).

111 John 8:1–11.

112 It is to address this need that the Manning Centre for Building Democracy (manningcentre.ca) has developed a lecture and seminar program entitled “Navigating the Faith-Political Interface.”

113 2 Chronicles 1:10–12. Sadly, it should be noted that while Solomon prayed for wisdom and received it, he did not always act upon it. Eventually, he was led away from wholehearted worship of God by the influence of his many foreign wives. In addition, his heavy taxation of his people in order to finance the building of his magnificent palaces eventually led to rebellion by the northern tribes, civil war, and the breakup of the kingdom under his son Rehoboam.

114 James 1:5.

115 James 1:22, emphasis added.

116 What does it mean to “draw ever closer to Jesus”? If one is not a believer, a good starting point is to read the record of his life and teachings in the Gospels and then decide whether to follow him or not. If one is already a believer, it means cultivating a closer and deeper relationship through prayer, study, and fellowship with other believers.

Faith, Leadership and Public Life

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