Читать книгу The Wolf Within: The Astonishing Evolution of the Wolf into Man’s Best Friend - Professor Sykes Bryan, Professor Bryan Sykes, Bryan Sykes - Страница 21



Friend or Foe?

In light of these and many other very positive first-hand accounts of mutual interaction between wolves and men, how can we explain the fear and loathing that have been so prevalent in our recent history? Indigenous peoples like the Inuit and many Native American tribes certainly do not share it. They have retained an intimate relationship with Nature and often feel that the spirits of man and wolf are one and the same. For most of us who have lost touch with the wild world, the wolf became our enemy as soon as our ancestors abandoned hunting and took to raising animals for food. This has been a long process that began in the Middle East some 10,000 years ago. A conflict of interest between man and wolf began the moment that humans plucked animals from the wild and forced them into domesticated servitude. To hungry wolves, following their natural instincts and unrestrained by their instinctual taboo on attacking humans, domesticated animals were easy prey.

The Wolf Within: The Astonishing Evolution of the Wolf into Man’s Best Friend

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