Читать книгу Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice - Prospera Tedam - Страница 16

Activity 1.2


 Now that you have looked at the illustration, what are some of the words and phrases that come to mind when you hear the word ‘oppression’?

List these and consider what they mean to you.

It would be helpful to undertake this activity with a friend or colleague and compare responses afterwards.

 Which phrases and words do you have in common and where were the differences?

 To what extent did your personal experiences factor into your discussion?

Lister (2008) argues that we need to understand our own experiences of oppression in order to fully appreciate the impact of oppression on others. This mirrors the view by Carniol (2005) who states that it is important to analyse our own social location prior to analysing the social location of others. He emphasises the importance of using our critical consciousness to deepen our awareness of our privilege. It is important that, as social workers, we understand and acknowledge our privilege as a first step towards becoming anti-oppressive practitioners.

Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice

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